Criminal Case Wiki

As you all know,this week is a delay,but a nice chance for a special plan for users,this requires elite mode and being in Pacific bay.

 As you might've noticed,some Rhine canyon suspects have missing information and you've been busy with the latest case,this happened because Mark plays an important part in this wiki,he attempted to retire from the wiki(I don't try to blame him)in February,but the wiki started to fall apart,which made some suspects pages completely missing information about their role in the case(except for the victim and the killer).
 The plan is to play Rhine Canyon in elite mode and fill the suspects role in the cases they appear in,this is a suggested plan,if you want to do it,this is a good chance as next week is the first case in the World Edition and you'll be busy playing the case and editing in case page,if you don't,it's ok but think of all the people who want summarized cases explaining the suspect's role in the case he/she appears in.