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High Commissioner Jean-Philippe Delacroix: <Name>, I gather Carrie had rather an emotional day yesterday, after being reunited with her long-lost brother.
High Commissioner Delacroix: And since it's Hugo's day off, I've decided to join you on this investigation!
High Commissioner Delacroix: We've received an anonymous tip-off that an animal smuggling ring is operating in the neighborhood of Montmartre.
High Commissioner Delacroix: And we know that somebody working at the Popotin Rouge cabaret is involved!
High Commissioner Delacroix: As something of an animal lover, I won't stand for smugglers operating in my city, <Name>.
High Commissioner Delacroix: So I suggest we pay a visit to the Popotin Rouge to investigate!

At the Popotin Rouge...
High Commissioner Delacroix: Hello? Is anybody here?
High Commissioner Delacroix: It doesn't-
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, did you hear that? It sounded like it came from backstage!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Quick, let's go behind the curtain to see what's going on!

Chapter 1

Investigate Snake Tank.
High Commissioner Jean-Philippe Delacroix: WAAAAH! There's a snake, <Name>! A horrible snake!
High Commissioner Delacroix: And it's crushed this poor lady to death!
Rémi: Poor lady? She could've killed Barry the boa, falling on him like that!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Who are you?! And why on Earth is there a snake in this tank of water?
Rémi: I'm Rémi Roy, resident animal handler. Barry the boa stars in one of our most popular acts - swimming with snakes!
Rémi: And that is - or was - Sabine Diamant, our head dancer!
High Commissioner Delacroix: That's the legendary Sabine Diamant? But how did she end up in that snake tank?
Rémi: Looks like someone removed the security net that covers the tank... and I'd wager whoever did it also pushed Sabine in from the platform above!
High Commissioner Delacroix: So this is murder! Monsieur Roy, please remove that snake from my sight, and we'll need to ask you some questions!
(Rémi leaves.)
High Commissioner Delacroix: And <Name>, let's see if you can recover the tag inside that top hat before we speak to Monsieur Roy. Our investigation into animal smuggling will have to wait!

Examine Top Hat.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, the name on this hat reads, "J. Lelarge."
High Commissioner Delacroix: According to our records, J. Lelarge is the owner of the Popotin Rouge!
High Commissioner Delacroix: We had better inform Monsieur Lelarge of his head dancer's death, <Name>!

Inform Jacques Lelarge of the victim's death.
Lelarge: Welcome, welcome! Take your seats quickly, the show is about to start!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I'm afraid there won't be a show tonight, Monsieur Lelarge. Your head dancer has been murdered!
Lelarge: My little strawberry is... dead?
High Commissioner Delacroix: Yes, it appears she was pushed into the snake tank from the platform above. Do you know what she might have been doing up there?
Lelarge: She must've been practicing her opening act!
Lelarge: Picture this: the curtain opens and Sabine appears, sat atop a chair swing! She swings back and forth across the audience, before being lowered onto the stage!
Lelarge: It sent the crowd wild like you couldn't even imagine! Sabine was a star, the one people paid to see!
Lelarge: And now she's dead! I am never going to financially recover from this!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Take some time to compose yourself, Monsieur. We might be back with more questions later!

Autopsy Victim's Body.
Nadia: I hear you had a close encounter with a boa constrictor, <Name>.
Nadia: What a shame you didn't send it to me. I would have turned it into a fine pair of snakeskin heels!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Please, Nadia. I feel quite unwell just thinking about that... that beast!
Nadia: Fear is all in the mind, High Commissioner! In fact, there's a whole BDSM community based on fear play. I could initiate you sometime, if you like.
Nadia: But for now, let's talk about your victim. <Name> correctly surmised that she was crushed to death by the serpent...
Nadia: ... but only after a short struggle with her attacker, who pushed her into the snake tank!
Nadia: The struggle left bruises on your victim's wrists, and also traces of cough syrup! Luckily for us, it was too sticky to be washed away by the water!
Nadia: And since your victim's lungs were in perfect condition, I'd say it's your killer who has a cough, <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I'm sure you'll have no trouble getting the killer to cough up a confession, <Name>!

Question Rémi Roy about the murder.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Is the horrible creature gone?
Rémi: If you're referring to Barry, then he's locked up safe and sound.
Rémi: The poor fellow must've had a real scare, what with Sabine falling on him like that!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Monsieur, a woman is dead, and all you're worried about is your snake?!
Rémi: I'm paid to ensure the animals' wellbeing, <Rank> <Name>. Not the dancers'!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Funny you should mention animal welfare, since we've had reports of smuggling taking place here at the Popotin Rouge!
Rémi: Animal smuggling? There's none of that here, <Rank> <Name>. I wouldn't have it!
High Commissioner Delacroix: If only you were as outraged by murder, Monsieur!
Rémi: Look, I didn't know Sabine well, that's all. She preferred spending time in her room to hanging out with the rest of us!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Thank you for your time, Monsieur Roy. <Rank> <Name> and I will be sure to search that room!

Investigate Victim's Room.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, if we're going to discover who killed Sabine then we need to learn more about her. And where better to look than her room?
High Commissioner Delacroix: Putting together that photo could give us some insight into her personal life, you're right!
High Commissioner Delacroix: And I'm not sure what that box might contain, but we should crack the lock before looking through that drawer!

Examine Broken Photo Frame.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, this photo definitely shows our victim.
High Commissioner Delacroix: But who do you suppose that woman next to her is? They look rather close, no?
High Commissioner Delacroix: Let's see if we can find a match for this lady in the PPS database, <Name>!

Examine Mysterious Girl.
High Commissioner Delacroix: It appears the lady in the photo with our victim goes by the name of Ava de Paradis, <Name>.
High Commissioner Delacroix: She's another dancer at the Popotin Rouge. And according to the cabaret's website, she stars in the swimming with snakes act!
High Commissioner Delacroix: This makes her a prime suspect, <Name>. Let's speak to this Ava de Paradis about working with the victim!

Interrogate Ava De Paradis about her relationship to the victim.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Mademoiselle de Paradis, we're sorry to inform you that your fellow dancer, Sabine Diamant, has been murdered.
High Commissioner Delacroix: We found her crushed by a boa constrictor after being pushed into a snake tank!
Ava: You mean the tank that I use for my act?! Oh God, poor Sabine!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Did you notice anything or anyone suspicious near the tank?
Ava: No, the only person who ever goes anywhere near it other than me and Sabine is Rémi, but he wouldn't hurt a fly!
High Commissioner Delacroix: And what was your relationship to the victim?
Ava: Sabine was the first person I met when I joined the Popotin Rouge.
Ava: It was my first job and I was terrified that the other girls wouldn't be friendly.
Ava: But Sabine couldn't have been nicer! She took me under her wing and we've been besties ever since!
Ava (crying): Stars like Sabine don't fall from the sky, <Rank> <Name>. The Popotin Rouge won't be the same without her!

Examine Locked Box.
High Commissioner Delacroix: This box contains a bottle of champagne, <Name>.
High Commissioner Delacroix: And look, it came with a note. "Sabine, your performance was breathtaking! I'd love to have drinks with you sometime."
High Commissioner Delacroix: And it's signed by none other than Eleonora Macaron, daughter of mobster Antoine Macaron. Not to mention that she's also Carrie's brother's girlfriend, as you recently discovered!
High Commissioner Delacroix: If Mademoiselle Macaron was in contact with our victim, we'd better speak with her, <Name>!

Ask Eleonora Macaron how she knew the victim.
Eleonora: Hello, <Rank> <Name>. We, euh, haven't seen each other since you discovered that Cody and I are a, um, item.
High Commissioner Delacroix: I'm afraid we're not here for tales of young romance, Mademoiselle Macaron!
High Commissioner Delacroix: We're rather here because the Popotin Rouge's head dancer has been murdered!
Eleonora: Sabine Diamant is dead? How awful!
Eleonora: I didn't know Sabine personally, but I saw her perform for the first time just last night.
Eleonora: She was extraordinary, <Rank> <Name>. I was so impressed that I even sent her some champagne, with a note asking to hang out!
Eleonora: Who'd have imagined that I saw her dance for the last time... It gives me chills just thinking about it!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Thank you for your time, Mademoiselle Macaron. We may wish to speak with you again later!

Examine Drawer.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Mon Dieu, this glove you found in the drawer has blood on it, <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Now that I think about it, our victim was missing a glove when we found her! The killer must've pulled it off in the struggle!
High Commissioner Delacroix: If our killer brought this glove up here then we'd better have Enzo examine it, quick!

Analyze Bloody Glove.
Enzo: <Name>, did you know that the Popotin Rouge is where I had my sexual awakening?
Enzo: Seeing all those beautiful ladies in their costume... it was quite the eye-opener!
High Commissioner Delacroix: You'd better tell us about that glove before you get lost in your thoughts, Enzo!
Enzo: Ah, oui! The blood on the glove was your victim's, confirming your hypothesis that she lost it in the struggle.
Enzo: Your killer must have panicked and hid the glove in the victim's drawer after the murder, hoping you wouldn't find it!
Enzo: But it's too bad for them that you did, because I found a clue on the glove - traces of absinthe!
Enzo: Nadia confirmed that there was no alcohol in your victim's system, which means that it's your killer who enjoys absinthe, <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: So, our killer drinks absinthe, do they? They might be a fan of the green fairy, but they won't be getting a fairytale ending, <Name>!

A short while later...
High Commissioner Delacroix: I must admit, it feels good to be out in the field again, <Name>. There's nothing like the thrill of pursuing a dastardly criminal!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Now, let's see what we know so far: we came to the Popotin Rouge cabaret to investigate reports of animal smuggling, only to stumble upon a murder!
High Commissioner Delacroix: We found the Popotin Rouge's head dancer, Sabine Diamant, crushed to death by a boa constrictor, having been pushed into the snake's tank.
High Commissioner Delacroix: The cabaret's animal handler, Rémi Roy, was more concerned about his snake than the murder.
High Commissioner Delacroix: And the owner of the Popotin Rouge, Jacques Lelarge, didn't express much sympathy either. He was mostly worried about the financial cost of losing his star dancer!
High Commissioner Delacroix: The only person who seemed genuinely upset was the victim's fellow dancer, Ava de Paradis!
High Commissioner Delacroix: What should-
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, did you hear that?
High Commissioner Delacroix: It's the snake! He's got me!

Chapter 2

High Commissioner Jean-Philippe Delacroix: <Name>, we came to the Popotin Rouge to investigate reports of animal smuggling, but got waylaid by a murder!
High Commissioner Delacroix: We found the cabaret's head dancer, Sabine Diamant, crushed to death by a boa constrictor, having been pushed into the snake's tank.
High Commissioner Delacroix: But who-
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, did you hear that?
High Commissioner Delacroix: WAAAAH! It's the snake! He's got me!
Rémi: Hold still! If you struggle, he'll crush you!

After a tense couple of minutes...
Rémi (holding a snake): Alright, Barry, I've got you!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Oh, thank goodness! I saw my life flash before my eyes, <Rank> <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Monsieur Roy, if you can't keep that beast under control then we shall have to confiscate it!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Now please, get it out of my sight!
(Rémi leaves.)
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, I need some air after my ordeal. What do you say we head outside?
High Commissioner Delacroix: And since there's only one way in to the Popotin Rouge, we should look around out there for clues!

Investigate Popotin Rouge Entrance.
High Commissioner Delacroix: My heart rate has finally gone down after my encounter with that horrible snake, <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: So, what did you find? A ticket for the Popotin Rouge?
High Commissioner Delacroix: The stub hasn't been torn off, so whoever bought this ticket hasn't used it! Let's see if you can recover the name on it.
High Commissioner Delacroix: And while you're at it, we should put this magazine article back together too!

Examine Torn Article.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, this is a review of the Popotin Rouge's new show, Spectaculaire Spectaculaire!
High Commissioner Delacroix: But why did someone tear it into pieces? If there's someone with an ax to grind against the show, they might've had something against our victim.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Let's get the review to Émile to see if he can tell us more!

Analyze Popotin Rouge Review.
Émile: <Name>, sorry if I don't seem myself today. I'm feeling a little down.
High Commissioner Delacroix: What does a young man like yourself have to feel down about, Émile? The world is your oyster!
Émile: Do you remember that girl I was supposed to go on a date with? She stood me up and now she's not replying to my messages!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Ah, I believe you young people call this "being ghosted," my dear Émile. Perhaps it's time to move on?
Émile: You're probably right. Anyway, I'm sure you'd rather hear about that review you sent me!
Émile: The review itself was glowing - apparently the new Spectaculaire Spectaculaire show is the Popotin Rouge's best yet.
Émile: But one individual thought otherwise! I zoomed in on the crowd and saw a furious-looking Eleonora Macaron! She was staring daggers at Sabine Diamant!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Eleonora Macaron looked angry with our victim, did she? That doesn't fit with what she told us earlier!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I think it's time we had another talk with Mademoiselle Macaron, don't you, <Name>?

Ask Eleonora Macaron why she was angry with the victim.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Mademoiselle Macaron, you spoke highly of Sabine's performance when we questioned you earlier. So why do you look so angry in this photo?
Eleonora: Where did you find that, <Rank> <Name>? I tore up every copy that I could get my hands on!
Eleonora: Look, I wasn't lying about being impressed by Sabine's dancing. It was her so-called "acting" that was the problem!
Eleonora: One of Sabine's acts involved dressing up like my father and making fun of him! She portrayed him as a bumbling idiot rather than a businessman!
Eleonora: I might not agree with what my father does, but family is family. I couldn't let her get away with disrespecting him like that in front of all those people, <Name>!
Eleonora: I tried to go backstage to set Sabine straight, but the woman had more security than le Président himself and I couldn't get in!
Eleonora: So I went to the bar and had a few shots of absinthe to calm down, even though I'm not supposed to drink on my cough meds.
Eleonora: And that's when I had an idea: I'd send Sabine a gift, asking to hang out with her, and that's when I'd set her straight!
Eleonora: But she didn't even acknowledge my gift. And the next thing I knew, you told me she was dead!
High Commissioner Delacroix: How frustrating for you. We just hope that you didn't take a leaf out of your father's book and resort to murder!
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Rank> <Name>, what do you say we take another look around the victim's room? Then let's go!

Investigate Dressing Table.
High Commissioner Delacroix: What on Earth, <Name>? That's our victim inside this Popotin Rouge bauble - and someone has written "DIE!" on it!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Collecting some of those hairs might tell us who did this, <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: And if you want to look through the victim's fan mail, then be my guest!

Examine Bauble of Victim.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Now you have a sample of those hairs from the defaced bauble, we should put them under the microscope!

Examine Hairs.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, this hair on the bauble is actually fur from a Shetland pony!
High Commissioner Delacroix: If I remember correctly, the Popotin Rouge has a pony act.
High Commissioner Delacroix: And we've already met the man in charge of their animal handling - Rémi Roy! He must be the one who scratched "DIE!" into this bauble!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Monsieur Roy claimed to barely know the victim earlier. Let's ask him why he lied!

Confront Rémi Roy about his threat to the victim.
Rémi: <Rank> <Name>, if this is about Barry getting loose again-
High Commissioner Delacroix: This is about you, Monsieur Roy, and the fact you sent this threat to the victim!
Rémi: Alright, I'm done pretending not to care! I hated Sabine, and I wanted her to know it!
High Commissioner Delacroix: What did she do to you?
Rémi: It's not what she did to me, it's what she did to my animals!
Rémi: Sabine would insist on rehearsing her pony act over and over, with no concern for the animals' wellbeing.
Rémi: Then just last week, she worked one of the ponies until it collapsed with exhaustion! That's when I snapped and sent her that bauble!
High Commissioner Delacroix: We have an alternative theory: that maybe Sabine found out you were involved in animal smuggling and threatened to go to the police!
Rémi: Nonsense! Now, if you're done accusing me, I have a doctor's appointment for my cough!

Examine Mail Tray.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, there's something strange among this fan mail!
High Commissioner Delacroix: It says, "Snake, Strong, Powerful, Narrowing, Binding, Choking, So hard to breathe, Death."
High Commissioner Delacroix: This is a clear reference to the murder, but I can't make head or tail of it!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I think Gauthier might be able to make sense of this note. Let's send it to him!

Analyze Strange Message.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Gauthier, my boy, did you manage to learn anything from that note <Name> found among the victim's fan mail?
Chief Delacroix: Well, I can tell you one thing: this note is actually a poem!
Chief Delacroix: More specifically, it's a Cinquain poem! It fits all the criteria: it's five lines, starting with a one-word subject - "snake."
Chief Delacroix: It then moves on to two adjectives - "strong, powerful" - before three verbs and then-
High Commissioner Delacroix: Um, Gauthier, fascinating as this is, is it linked to the murder?
Chief Delacroix: Yes! The poem ends on "So hard to breathe," and "Death" which are clear references to the murder. So I can confirm that it comes from your killer!
Chief Delacroix: <Rank> <Name>, you're looking for a killer who writes poetry!
High Commissioner Delacroix: So, we're on the lookout for a poetry-writing killer, <Name>! We'll soon serve them poetic justice!

Examine Faded Ticket.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, this unused ticket belongs to someone named Grégoire Ewan.
High Commissioner Delacroix: And look, he's scribbled hearts around the victim's name!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I say we have a word with this Monsieur Ewan, <Name>!

Ask Grégoire Ewan whether he knew the victim.
Grégoire: "Your nose is like the center of a rose"... no... that's not right...
High Commissioner Delacroix: Um, Monsieur Ewan?
Grégoire: I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, Officers! I was just working on my new play!
Grégoire: I'm a playwright and a bohemian revolutionary, you see. And I've come to Paris to work on my writing!
Grégoire: Or to find love, either would do! Don't you think love is a many splendored thing, <Rank> <Name>?
High Commissioner Delacroix: Euh, I suppose I do! Is that why you drew all these hearts around Sabine Diamant's name?
Grégoire: Oh, you found my ticket for the Popotin Rouge! I've been dreaming of seeing the beautiful Sabine perform for years, <Rank> <Name>.
Grégoire: In fact, you might say she's my muse, even if I've never met her in person! And tonight, I'll finally get to see her dance!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I'm afraid that won't happen. Sabine has been murdered!
Grégoire: My muse is... dead? Who will inspire my work now?

A short while later...
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, our investigation into the animal smuggling rumored to be taking place at the Popotin Rouge has been sidelined...
High Commissioner Delacroix: ... because now we have Sabine Diamant's murder to solve!
High Commissioner Delacroix: But who pushed her into the snake tank, <Name>?
High Commissioner Delacroix: Aspiring playwright Grégoire Ewan's interest in the victim seemed borderline obsessive.
High Commissioner Delacroix: While Eleonora Macaron was furious that the victim made fun of her mobster father in her act!
High Commissioner Delacroix: And then there's animal handler Rémi Roy, who threatened the victim after she overworked his animals.
Léa: <Rank> <Name>, you have to go back to the Popotin Rouge!
Léa: Jacques Lelarge is defying our officers by trying to put on the show!

Chapter 3

High Commissioner Jean-Philippe Delacroix: <Name>, our investigation into the animal smuggling rumored to be taking place at the Popotin Rouge has been sidelined...
High Commissioner Delacroix: ... because now we have Sabine Diamant's murder to solve!
High Commissioner Delacroix: But who pushed her into the snake tank, <Name>?
Léa: <Rank> <Name>, you have to go back to the Popotin Rouge!
Léa: Jacques Lelarge is defying our officers by trying to put on the show!
High Commissioner Delacroix: What?! We can't have people trampling all over our crime scene! We need to go stop him, <Name>!

Lelarge: Roll up, roll up! After an... unfortunate delay... the show is about to start!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Stop right there, Monsieur Lelarge! What do you think you are doing?
Lelarge: What does it look like, <Rank> <Name>! The show must go on!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Not likely! Your cabaret is a crime scene - the show doesn't start until we say so!
Lelarge: Fine, fine! I'll go tell the visitors that the police have decided to ruin all their fun!
(Lelarge leaves.)
High Commissioner Delacroix: Right, now that's dealt with, I say we take another look outside for clues, <Name>!

Investigate Street Bench.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Well spotted, <Name>! This CCTV might've picked up our killer entering the Popotin Rouge!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Can you get the camera unlocked?
High Commissioner Delacroix: As for that trash can, I'm more than happy to roll up my sleeves and dig in.
High Commissioner Delacroix: And we should put that torn poster back together while we're at it!
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, we're getting ever closer to catching Sabine Diamant's killer. One last push, and we'll have them behind bars!

Examine CCTV Camera.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Time to see if this CCTV camera caught anything of interest, <Name>.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Let's press play!

Start of footage...
Ava (on the phone): I'll wait for you in my changing room after the show.
Ava: I promise I'll give you the time of your life!
Ava: Just be careful not to let Sabine see you on your way in!

End of footage...
High Commissioner Delacroix: Is it just me, or did Ava's call seem slightly... suggestive, <Name>?
High Commissioner Delacroix: Whatever it was about, she clearly didn't want Sabine to know.
High Commissioner Delacroix: So much for them being best friends, <Name>. Let's ask Ava what she was hiding from Sabine!

Confront Ava de Paradis about her mysterious phone call.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Mademoiselle de Paradis, can you explain this footage of you on the phone? What did you not want Sabine to see?
Ava: Just promise you won't judge me if I tell you, <Rank> <Name>!
Ava: Look, being a dancer at the Popotin Rouge doesn't pay well. I can barely make ends meet at the end of the month!
Ava: So sometimes, I numb my feelings with absinthe so I can offer customers a little... extra, if you know what I mean.
Ava: But Sabine got wind of what I was doing! She told me that I was demeaning both myself and the Popotin Rouge!
Ava: She threatened to tell Jacques if I didn't stop. I would've lost my job if he found out, and then what would I have done?
High Commissioner Delacroix: So you decided to kill Sabine in order to protect your secret, is that it?
Ava: Of course not! I was just extra careful about hiding it from her, <Rank> <Name>! I swear!

Examine Trash Can.
High Commissioner Delacroix: What was this typewriter doing in the trash, <Name>?
High Commissioner Delacroix: Look, there's something written on this page. It says, "I can write no more. Sabine's cruelty has silenced me!"
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, only one of our suspects is a writer - playwright Grégoire Ewan!
High Commissioner Delacroix: But he claimed not to have met Sabine! Let's ask Monsieur Ewan what this is all about!

Ask Grégoire Ewan how his typewriter ended up in the trash.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Monsieur Ewan, how did your typewriter end up in this trash can?
Grégoire: I'm afraid I misled you earlier when I said I hadn't met Sabine!
Grégoire: I'd spent years imagining what it'd be like to finally meet my muse. I thought she'd be strong yet sensual, just like her stage persona!
Grégoire: But she wasn't, <Rank> <Name>! She was cold and rude, just like that Eleonora girl I met in my poetry class!
Grégoire: I've had writer's block ever since our encounter! That's why I threw out my typewriter!
High Commissioner Delacroix: It sounds to me like you had rather too high expectations of a woman you'd never met, Monsieur Ewan!
Grégoire: I thought Paris was the home of love and culture, <Rank> <Name>. But so far, all it's given me is a cough and a taste for absinthe!

Examine Torn Poster.
High Commissioner Delacroix: This is a poster of our victim, <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: But look, someone's written, "Money can't buy class!" on it!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Who could've done this? Let's get the poster to Émile to see if he can find out!

Analyze Defaced Poster.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Still feeling down about being stood up, Émile?
Émile: A little, but this poster you sent me was a good distraction.
Émile: There was a single set of fingerprints on the poster of your victim.
Émile: And those fingerprints belong to Jacques Lelarge, the cabaret owner! He's the one who defaced the poster!
High Commissioner Delacroix: What?! Jacques Lelarge wrote "Money can't buy class!" on the poster of his star performer?
High Commissioner Delacroix: We need another word with Monsieur Lelarge, <Name>! And chin up, Émile - things will get better!

Interrogate Jacques Lelarge about defacing the poster.
Lelarge (holding a glass of absinthe): Care to join me for some absinthe, <Rank> <Name>?
Lelarge: I figure if I can't put on my show, I might as well have a few drinks before I go write poetry with Rémi!
High Commissioner Delacroix: No, thank you. But we would like you to explain this poster you defaced!
Lelarge: How... how did you know that was me?
Lelarge: Sabine had started getting too big for her boots, <Rank> <Name>. She knew she was the star people paid to see...
Lelarge: ... and Sabine used it against me! Every few months, she'd demand a huge pay raise!
Lelarge: I didn't enjoy being blackmailed any more than this cough I can't shift. But I knew that if I didn't accept, she'd leave and I'd lose customers!
Lelarge: And now she's gone and got herself killed, I'm going to lose them anyway!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Your compassion is astounding, Monsieur. And if we learn that you're lying, you'll have bigger problems than keeping your cabaret afloat!

A short while later...
High Commissioner Delacroix: I love it when an investigation starts coming together, <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Our suspects have started showing us their true colors. We've learned that playwright Grégoire Ewan blamed the victim for giving him writer's block.
High Commissioner Delacroix: While her fellow dancer, Ava de Paradis, feared she'd lose her job if Sabine outed her for sleeping with the customers!
High Commissioner Delacroix: And then there's cabaret owner Jacques Lelarge. He claimed that the victim was bleeding him dry with her constant demands for more money!
High Commissioner Delacroix: A few more clues, and we should have this killer in the bag, <Name>! Let's return to the scene of the crime!

Investigate Tank Ladder.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, this is a book on how to write Cinquain poems!
High Commissioner Delacroix: We know our killer is an amateur poet - this book must belong to them! We'd better vacuum up some of those flakes!
High Commissioner Delacroix: As for that empty bottle of cough syrup, it could belong to our killer too!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Can you collect a sample of that saliva on the bottle?
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, we're closing in on Sabine's killer. One more push, and we'll have them!

Examine Poetry Book.
High Commissioner Delacroix: We'd better get these flakes from the killer's poetry book to Enzo, quick!

Analyze Silver Flakes.
Enzo: <Name>, would you like to hear this poem I wrote for Carrie?
Enzo: "Carrie, if there's a girl I were to marry-"
High Commissioner Delacroix: Euh, we're on rather a tight schedule, my dear Enzo. Can you just tell us about the flakes <Name> collected from that book?
Enzo: Well, the flakes were actually slivers of silver sequins!
Enzo: Sequined clothing is notorious for shedding, <Name>. And given that you found them on the killer's book, I think it's safe to say that they're the one sporting silver sequins!
High Commissioner Delacroix: So, we're looking for a killer wearing silver sequins! Let's see them try and dazzle their way out of handcuffs!

Examine Cough Syrup.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, let's get this saliva from the cough syrup to Enzo!

Analyze Saliva.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Enzo, what can you tell us about that saliva on the cough syrup. Was it our killer's?
Enzo: It was indeed! There were telltale traces of absinthe mixed in with the saliva!
Enzo: The DNA in the sample was badly damaged, so I couldn't extract a full profile.
Enzo: But there is one thing I can tell you - your killer is male, <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: We're looking for a male killer, are we? That narrows down the suspect list!

After completing all the tasks...
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, we've finally got all the evidence we need to arrest Sabine Diamant's killer! Let's go get 'em!

Take care of the killer now!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Monsieur Lelarge, you're under arrest for the murder of Sabine Diamant!
Lelarge (laughing): Ha! You must be joking. Why would I kill my star dancer?
High Commissioner Delacroix: You tell us. But what we do know is that you took her by surprise while she was rehearsing her opening act.
High Commissioner Delacroix: There was a struggle, wasn't there? She tried to grab onto you as you pushed her into the snake's tank and you pulled off one of her gloves in the process!
High Commissioner Delacroix: You knew Sabine falling into the tank would startle the snake into attacking, didn't you?
Lelarge: I was counting on its killer instincts to kick in!
High Commissioner Delacroix: So you admit it - you killed Sabine! But why? All because she kept asking for a raise?
Lelarge: That was only the start of it, <Rank> <Name>!
Lelarge: I gave Sabine raise after raise, hoping it'd be enough to keep her happy.
Lelarge: But then I got wind of some plan she'd cooked up with the other girls.
Lelarge: Sabine was planning on taking the money she'd squirreled away from her raises...
Lelarge: ... to start her own cabaret with all of my dancers!
Lelarge: Can you imagine, <Rank> <Name>? If Sabine left and took all the other girls with her?
Lelarge: I've spent the past 40 years working to make the Popotin Rouge the heart and soul of Montmartre!
Lelarge: I couldn't bear to watch it all disappear before my eyes, <Rank> <Name>!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Tell it to a judge, Monsieur Lelarge. You're under arrest!

Judge Lebrun: Monsieur Lelarge, you stand accused of murdering Sabine Diamant. How do you plead?
Lelarge: Guilty, but Sabine left me with no choice!
Lelarge: She was going to ruin everything I'd worked for, Your Honor!
Judge Lebrun: That's no reason to kill a woman!
Judge Lebrun: Your lack of compassion for your victim is clear, Monsieur.
Judge Lebrun: So I'm sentencing you to 40 years in prison!
Lelarge: 40 years?! But... who will look after my beloved Popotin Rouge?

High Commissioner Delacroix: Well, <Name>, I thoroughly enjoyed my excursion into the field!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I like to think that the streets of Paris are a little safer, now that we've put Jacques Lelarge away for Sabine's murder!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Now we can turn our focus back to the matter at hand.
High Commissioner Delacroix: We need to investigate the animal smuggling taking place at the Popotin Rouge!

Walk on the Wild Side (1/5)

High Commissioner Jean-Philippe Delacroix: <Name>, that little excursion has given me a taste for being out in the field!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I say we get straight back to work investigating the reported animal smuggling at the Popotin Rouge!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I'm still convinced that there's something off about that animal handler, Rémi Roy. So I suggest we start by questioning him again!
Léa: <Rank> <Name>, Eleonora Macaron is here. She wants to talk to you and Carrie!
High Commissioner Delacroix: So, what'll it be first, <Name>? Do you want to question Rémi Roy with me, or talk to Mademoiselle Macaron with Carrie?

Question Rémi Roy about animal smuggling.
Rémi: Not you again, <Rank> <Name>. You've found Sabine's killer. What do you want now?
High Commissioner Delacroix: We want you to tell us about the animal smuggling that we know is taking place here!
Rémi: Look, haven't I proved to you that I'm not a bad guy?
Rémi: I didn't hurt Sabine and I wouldn't do anything to hurt an animal either.
Rémi: If you don't believe me, take another look around here to see for yourself!
High Commissioner Delacroix: We most certainly will, Monsieur Roy! <Rank> <Name>, let's see what we can find back here!

Investigate Snake Tank.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Nice work, <Name>, you found a locked safe!
High Commissioner Delacroix: If you think the safe might be hiding information on the animal smuggling, we should unlock it!

Examine Locked Safe.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, this safe is full of ledgers!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Could these ledgers be linked to the animal smuggling going on here at the Popotin Rouge?
High Commissioner Delacroix: I've got an allergy to paperwork myself, but I'm sure Émile could make sense of them!

Analyze Ledgers.
High Commissioner Delacroix: So, did those ledgers bring us any closer to uncovering who's behind the animal smuggling at the Popotin Rouge, Émile?
Émile: They certainly did, High Commissioner!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Come on, Émile. You know being called High Commissioner makes me feel old - call me JP!
Émile: Sorry, JP! But to answer your question, I'm fairly certain these ledgers are a lead on the animal smuggling.
Émile: The ledgers detail a number of strange transactions. For example, the Popotin Rouge allegedly bought a box of paperclips for €3,000!
Émile: It looks like somebody was keeping track of their purchases, but trying to cover up the true nature of what they were buying!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Ha! Criminals these days are far sloppier than when I was an officer, <Name>!
Émile: Well, this one was so sloppy that they left all their fingerprints over the ledgers - and they belong to Jacques Lelarge!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Jacques Lelarge was the one who kept these ledgers? Then we'd better go grill him about whether they're linked to the animal smuggling, <Name>!

Interrogate Jacques Lelarge about the ledgers.
Lelarge: Come to gloat, have you, <Rank> <Name>?
High Commissioner Delacroix: Hardly! We want an explanation about these ledgers you were keeping - €3,000 for a box of paperclips seems a little extravagant, does it not?
Lelarge: I... I don't know what you mean!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Admit it! These transactions are tied to the animals you've been smuggling via the Popotin Rouge, aren't they?
Lelarge: Animal smuggling? Sabine and I would never do such a thing!
Lelarge: I mean... euh...
High Commissioner Delacroix: I think we know exactly what you meant, Monsieur!
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, sounds like our next step is to investigate Sabine's room! And let's grab ourselves a little snack on the way!

Investigate Victim's Room.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, this is a crate to transport animals!
High Commissioner Delacroix: So, it turns out that Jacques Lelarge was behind the animal smuggling after all, and Sabine was helping him!
High Commissioner Delacroix: But we know from our anonymous tip-off that a whole animal smuggling ring is at work in Montmartre. That suggests that it's bigger than just one man and his accomplice!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Recovering that label on the crate might give us a lead as to where to look next, <Name>!

Examine Empty Crate.
High Commissioner Delacroix: Nice catch, <Name> - the sender put their details on this crate!
High Commissioner Delacroix: There's no name, but there's an address. "81 rue Cortot"... That's in Montmartre, not far from here!
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, I'd wager that whoever lives at that address is involved in the animal smuggling ring!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I'll have officers scour the Popotin Rouge for any traces of the animal that was in that crate, <Name>.
High Commissioner Delacroix: And in the meantime, I'll work on getting a warrant to search that address!

See what Eleonora Macaron wants.
Carrie: You asked to see us, Eleonora?
Eleonora: Yes, I feel I owe you an explanation as to why I lied about knowing Cody!
Eleonora: After you questioned my father about Cody, he started having him followed.
Eleonora: It was only when his suspicions died down that Cody felt safe enough to meet with you!
Carrie: Poor Cody! I don't understand how he got himself tangled up in all this!
Eleonora: I promise you'll have answers eventually, Carrie.
Eleonora: But in the meantime, I want to surprise Cody by having us all hang out together!
Eleonora: We need to take precautions so that my father doesn't catch wind of what we're doing...
Eleonora: ... so I was thinking we could find a disguise for Cody and watch the Popotin Rouge show together!
Carrie: I'd love that, Eleonora! And I think I know just the place to find a disguise. Follow me to the victim's room, <Name>! And let's take some cash for our tickets!

Investigate Dressing Table.
Carrie: Bingo, <Name>! If my hunch is correct, we'll find what we need to disguise Cody in that vanity case!

Examine Vanity Case.
Carrie: This is exactly what I was looking for in the vanity case, <Name> - liquid latex!
Carrie: Performers often use it to change their appearance on stage!
Carrie: With this, we can disguise Cody so that he can watch the show with us!
Carrie: Nadia is creative, maybe she can fashion a disguise with this liquid latex!

Analyze Liquid Latex.
Nadia: Carrie, I'm not entirely sure why you sent this bottle to me.
Nadia: The kind of latex I like doesn't come in liquid form!
Carrie: Is that right? I must admit that it's not my kinda thing, but whatever floats your boat!
Carrie: Anyhow, did you manage to make a disguise for my brother?
Nadia: I certainly did! There's no way Antoine Macaron will recognize your brother wearing this mask!
Carrie: Perfect! <Name>, let's go surprise my brother with this disguise!

Surprise Cody James.
Cody (with Eleonora): What are we doing here, Eleonora?
Eleonora: You'll find out soon enough!
Carrie: Hey there, brother!
Cody: Carrie! It's good to see you! But what's going on?
Eleonora: Tell him, Carrie!
Carrie: Eleonora and I wanted to surprise you! We're all going to watch the Popotin Rouge show together!
Carrie: And look, we've made you a disguise so you can keep a low profile!
Carrie: I've got so many questions that I want to ask you, Cody. But for tonight, let's just enjoy ourselves like normal siblings, eh?
Cody: I couldn't agree more. Let me put on this disguise, then we can grab some champagne and settle in to watch the show! Oh, I got this in the gift shop, <Rank> <Name> - I think you could put it to good use!

The curtain opens...
Ava: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Popotin Rouge's Spectaculaire Spectaculaire!
Ava: The show that will blow your minds... and more!
Ava: Hit it, girls!

Later on...
Carrie: <Name>, wasn't it awesome to spend time with Cody and Eleonora?
Carrie: It felt so natural to hang out with my brother... almost like no time had passed since he disappeared all those years ago!
High Commissioner Delacroix: I'm delighted that you're spending time with your brother, Carrie.
High Commissioner Delacroix: But you need to be careful. Cody's been part of Macaron's gang for years... Are you sure he can be trusted?
Carrie: I believe Cody when he says he wants out. And I'm going to do everything I can to help him!
Carrie: But you're right. I'll be sure to keep my guard up!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Glad to hear it. And <Name>, our officers have just returned from the Popotin Rouge. They've confirmed that all the animals currently on the premises were acquired legally.
High Commissioner Delacroix: But testing on that crate shows that it was used to transport a baby cheetah, which is most definitely illegal!
High Commissioner Delacroix: There's no sign of the cheetah in question, but it goes without saying that we need put a stop on this smuggling!
High Commissioner Delacroix: The search warrant to investigate the apartment that the crate came from should come through in the morning.
High Commissioner Delacroix: I want you at that apartment first thing tomorrow, <Name>!
