Criminal Case Wiki
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Previously, on Criminal Case...
Carmen Martinez (holding a glass of champagne): <Name>, I can't believe we're finally done with SOMBRA! After all this time, it's over!
Jack (holding a bottle of champagne): El Rey's in prison and his plans have failed! We won!
Ingrid: A part of me is sad Chief Ripley's not here with us, celebrating... but on the other hand, it was her mistakes that allowed SOMBRA to flourish.
Dupont: The CIA should've never made a deal with SOMBRA to use them as a convenient enemy! But Ripley tried to right her wrongs by creating the Bureau.
Dupont: And of course, she stood down and left now that SOMBRA's done...
Lars: I'll never get tired of hearing the words "SOMBRA's done"! We can finally move on with our lives!
Elliot: <Name>, everyone! Wait! Put down your drinks!
Elliot: The President of the United States... He's been kidnapped!

Carmen: What do you mean, the President's been kidnapped?!
Elliot: I mean, someone snatched him off his plane in New York!
Carmen: <Name>, this must be El Rey's doing! Putting him in jail didn't stop his attack on the President!
Jack: He must've had a back-up plan! That's why he was so cheerful at his trial!
Carmen: I knew stopping SOMBRA couldn't be this easy!
Ingrid: <Name>, this is a disaster! The press got hold of the news, and people are panicking! If we don't find the President soon, and alive, we'll have chaos on our hands!
Ingrid: The FBI have already swept Air Force One, but I got permission for us to take another look! Let's go now!
Carmen: We'll find a lead even if we have to turn the plane upside down! Let's go, <Name>! This is going to be the most important case of our careers!

Chapter 1

Investigate Air Force One.
Carmen Martinez: This bolo tie clasp looks familiar... you're right, <Name>, President Hewett was wearing this when we met him in Camp Rushmore!
Carmen: The clasp must've fallen off during his struggle with whoever took him. Let's dust it for prints!
Carmen: And this clock is nice, but I don't know what you think it's going to-
Carmen: Wait, you're right, this lens definitely isn't part of the clock's mechanism! This must be a hidden camera!
Carmen: And I would've realized that immediately if I'd turned the clock around, like you did. Sorry, <Name>, the stress must be getting to me.
Carmen: If we're lucky, the camera's recorded the President's kidnapping! Let's unlock it at once!

Examine Locked Camera.
Carmen: <Name>, the footage on this hidden camera might tell us who kidnapped President Hewett... and whether he left the plane alive! Let's press play!

Start of recording...
James: My dear, I'm tired of arguing with you!
Olivia: And there are days when I'm tired with YOU! Look at yourself! I'd make a better president than you any day of the week!
James: Now, you're being too harsh! I'm still the president, and I deserve your respect!
Olivia: And I deserve so much more than just being your wife!

End of recording...
Carmen: The camera didn't capture the kidnapping, but it DID record the President arguing with his wife!
Carmen: You met the First Lady at Camp Rushmore, didn't you? What was she like?
Carmen: You found proof she was having an affair?!
Carmen: So she was cheating on her husband... and she clearly doesn't think much of him as a president!
Carmen: <Name>, it's time to have a chat with the First Lady!

Ask Olivia Hewett about the argument with her husband.
Olivia: <Rank> <Name>, I hope you're doing all you can to find my husband!
Carmen: We are, Ma'am... and it's good to hear you're concerned, given how angry you were at him! We have evidence of your fight!
Olivia: And what, do you imagine I kidnapped poor Jim because of it? Don't be ridiculous.
Olivia: I'm the First Lady of the United States! Whatever I think of my husband as a man, I know he's a person of great strategic importance to my country!
Carmen: Not to be blunt, but you telling him he wasn't fit to be President wasn't exactly respectful!
Olivia: Enough! Jim's kidnapping is an act of war against the US! And you'll find the culprits faster if you don't jump at shadows and accuse me, of all people!
Carmen: <Rank> <Name> will accuse whoever they need in order to get to the truth, Mrs Hewett!

Examine Eagle Clasp.
Carmen: <Name>, the fingerprints off the President's tie clasp could tell us who kidnapped him! Let's check the database!

Examine Fingerprints.
Carmen: The fingerprints on the President's tie clasp belong to... Baxter Fraser?!
Carmen: As in, the Baxter Fraser who was a genetically enhanced SOMBRA recruit?
Carmen: We last saw Baxter on SOMBRA's secret island. Back then, he seemed to have turned against SOMBRA...
Carmen: But finding him where the President was kidnapped can't be a coincidence! He must still be working for El Rey!
Carmen: We need to talk to Baxter immediately!

Question Baxter about his presence on Air Force One.
Carmen: Baxter, you'd better come clean! Where's the President? We found your fingerprints on his belongings!
Baxter: <Rank> <Name>, it's not what you think, I swear! I'm the President's bodyguard!
Carmen: Don't lie to us! How would you ever get the job? Or pass the background checks?
Baxter: I saved his life! He was giving a speech, and there was a guy, with a gun- anyway, I have super strength, and I got to him before anyone else did.
Baxter: The President decided to hire me - he said his favorite Secret Service guy had died recently. And I wanted to do good with my powers!
Carmen: If this is your idea of protecting the President-
Baxter: I didn't kidnap him! I'm not working for SOMBRA anymore! You have to believe me!
Carmen: <Rank> <Name> only has to believe evidence, and it's not looking good for you, Baxter! We're taking you into custody!

Back at headquarters...
Carmen: <Name>, every passing minute is bringing us closer to disaster! The President's been gone for hours! What if SOMBRA's already killed him?
Carmen: After all, nobody's asked for a ransom, and assassinating him was exactly what El Rey planned to do!
Carmen: The US is already in political turmoil... which SOMBRA plans to take advantage of! And the US's fate will affect the whole world!
Carmen: I wish we could get the plan details out of El Rey, but he's just going to gloat us. We can't waste any ti-
Ingrid: <Name>, come quick! An unmarked van has just dumped a body at Times Square!
Carmen: What?! <Name>, we need to get to Times Square, NOW!

Investigate Times Square.
Carmen: Oh thank God, the body isn't the President's! I feared the worst when we were called out here!
Carmen: But... you're right! We know this woman! This is Natasha Romanova! She worked for SOMBRA back in Russia!
Carmen: She headed COSMORUS, and you put her behind bars when she launched SOMBRA's satellite in Kazakhstan!
Carmen: Oh God, what about Marina? I know they didn't get along, but Natasha was still her mom! This is going to be tough...
Carmen: You're right, <Name>, we need to focus on the body. Looks like Natasha's throat was slit with that letter opener... That's our murder weapon!
Carmen: Wait... I recognize the coat of arms on this thing! It's the symbol of the US Presidency!
Carmen: The only way Natasha could've come in contact with this letter is if she took part in the kidnapping!
Carmen: Which means whoever killed her must've been involved in the kidnapping too!
Carmen: And the killer still has the President captive!
Carmen: We gotta get the letter opener to Lars. Hopefully, it'll shed some light on what happened here!
Carmen: All of Times Square is overturned, the place must've been packed earlier, when the body was dropped. What we need is a witness!
Carmen: And if searching through that lunch can give us that witness, so be it. Let's do this!
Carmen: <Name>, we don't know who killed Natasha, but we know one thing: the President's in more danger than ever!

Examine Lunch Remains.
Carmen: Jackpot! Whoever lost their phone in this pile of food must've been here when Natasha's body was dumped! Let's unlock the phone, quick!

Examine Phone.
Carmen: <Name>, I know the man on the phone screen! I used to work with him when I was a journalist! It's Rick Murray, a fellow investigative reporter!
Carmen: Rick and I go way back. He actually helped me out with my Pulitzer-winning piece. It'll be nice to see him again.
Carmen: Except, you're right, we need to ask Rick what he saw when Natasha's body was dumped here! Let's go, <Name>!

Ask Rick Murray what he saw at Times Square.
Rick: Carmen Martinez, as I live and breathe! Good to see you again, old girl! Crazy times, huh? The President kidnapped! What a news day!
Carmen: ...Hi, Rick. <Rank> <Name> would like to question you about what you saw here earlier!
Rick: Man, it's been intense. I was interviewing people on the street, getting reactions to the President's kidnapping...
Rick: And then, bam! Unmarked van rushes by, drops corpse, bloodied weapon! Police swarm in, people panic!
Carmen: Did you see who dropped the body?
Rick: Girl, if I had, it'd already be front-page news! Instead we've just got "Russians involved in the President's kidnapping."
Rick: I gotta say, being abducted is Hewett's best move in years! You should see the hit count on our news page!
Carmen: Your hit count? Is that what you're worried about, Rick? It's the US President we're talking about!
Rick: You say "President," I say "walking embarrassment"! I won't miss Hewett's incompetence. And the kidnapping drama is great for business!

Autopsy Victim's Body.
Grace: <Name>, I can't believe the President's been kidnapped! And now Marina's mom is dead!
Grace: Poor Marina's holed up in her office. I tried to bring her some tea, but she said she wasn't ready to talk.
Grace: The news channels are saying that, if the former COSMORUS head took part in the kidnapping, the Russians must be behind it all!
Carmen: The Russians? More like SOMBRA! El Rey had planned this all along!
Grace: Be that as it may... Blood on the back of Natasha's head shows the killer hit her over the head...
Grace: ...And then slashed her throat with the letter opener and transported her body to Times Square.
Grace: There are bruises on her body, which Jonah says are consistent with the damage from military hand-to-hand combat techniques...
Carmen: Which means that our killer, the person who's got the President, has military training! Thanks, Grace!
Grace: Wait, <Name>, that's not all! In Natasha's jacket pocket, I found a business card. Probably from someone Natasha met - one Leila Malak...
Carmen: Leila Malak? <Name>, she's the UN High Commissioner we met back in Alaska!
Carmen: How could Natasha, a SOMBRA-affiliated fugitive from jail, have possibly met Leila?
Carmen: Leila had better have a good explanation, <Name>!

Ask Leila Malak bout the victim.
Carmen: Ms Malak, we found your business card on Natasha Romanova, one of the President's kidnappers! How did you know her?
Leila: <Rank> <Name>, until I saw the news, I had no idea that this Russian diplomat wanted to abduct President Hewett!
Carmen: This Russian... what? Natasha Romanova's no diplomat! She's affiliated with SOMBRA!
Leila: What? But her credentials seemed impeccable!
Leila: Ms Romanova approached me to arrange a meeting between her and President Hewett to discuss tensions between the US and Russia...
Leila: So I negotiated for her to meet President Hewett on Air Force One!
Carmen: And in so doing, you put the President in danger! We know Natasha had an accomplice who later killed her... and maybe that was you, Ms Malak!
Leila: I never meant for any of this to happen, <Rank> <Name>! I only wanted to promote peaceful dialogue between the US and Russia!
Carmen: I hope for your sake that it's true, or you'll end up promoting peaceful talk between yourself and your prison wardens, Ms Malak!

Analyze Letter Opener.
Lars: <Name>, it's mind-boggling that Marina's mom helped kidnap the US President!
Carmen: I know. I wish I had time to go talk to her, but I'm sure Jonah's with her.
Lars: <Name>, given everything, I don't feel like joking. I'd best just tell you what I found on the murder weapon.
Lars: The blood on the letter opener obviously belongs to Natasha... but more to the point, I also found traces of dust on the handle.
Lars: The dust had the molecular structure of nonbenzodiazepines... meanings, sedatives used to treat short-term insomnia.
Lars: In other words, your killer takes sleeping pills!
Carmen: <Name>, given that this killer also kidnapped the President, no wonder their conscience isn't letting them sleep!

At headquarters...
Ingrid: <Name>, have you found the President?
Carmen: Unfortunately not, but we did find a body... and the victim is Natasha Romanova, whom we arrested for helping SOMBRA back in Russia!
Carmen: Given that Natasha was killed with the President's own letter opener, she was clearly part of the kidnapping.
Ingrid: But why was her body dumped at Times Square, with the murder weapon next to it? It's like SOMBRA wants everyone to know Natasha was involved!
Ingrid: And now that people know that, the rumor's spread that the Russian government is behind the abduction!
Carmen: This must be what El Rey aimed for! Pin the blame on the Russians, anger the US, and trick the country into launching the global crisis SOMBRA wants!
Carmen: One thing is certain: whoever killed Natasha still has the President! We have to find this killer, and quick!
Marina: And I hope you do find them, <Name>. My mother was like a stranger to me... but her death is still a shock.
Jonah: It's okay to grieve, flufflebun.
Marina: I know it's okay, Jonah, I'm the psychologist here. And, <Name>... please let me know if I can do anything to help you find the President!
(Agent Riordan and an unnamed FBI agent walk in. Riordan holds up his ID, while the unnamed agent points his gun at Marina.)
Riordan: You can do something right this moment! FBI! Put your hands in the air!
(Riordan puts down his ID and brings out handcuffs.)
Unnamed FBI Agent: Marina Romanova, you're under arrest!

Chapter 2

Ingrid Bjorn: <Name>, have you found the President?!
Carmen: No, but we know who kidnapped him: Natasha Romanova, our old SOMBRA enemy!
Carmen: Unfortunately, Natasha is a literal dead end.
Carmen: From what we've found, it's clear that she was killed by her accomplice, a fellow SOMBRA agent, who then dumped her body at Times Square.
Carmen: SOMBRA made it look like the Russians were behind the kidnapping... And now the US is on the brink of war with Russia!
Carmen: We need to find the President... assuming he's still alive! And to find him, we have to find Natasha's killer!
Marina: <Name>, I hate it that my mother was involved in all this! I wish there was something I could do to help you!
(Agent Riordan and an unnamed FBI agent walk in. Riordan holds up his ID, while the unnamed agent points his gun at Marina.)
Riordan: You can do something right this moment! FBI! Put your hands in the air! Marina Romanova, you're under arrest!
Marina: What? Why?
(Riordan puts down his ID and brings out handcuffs.)
Unnamed FBI Agent: You're Natasha Romanova's daughter, which makes you her accomplice in the President's kidnapping!
Ingrid: That's preposterous! Marina is loyal to the Bureau! She helped us arrest her mother last time!
(Riordan starts handcuffing Marina, who is slightly crying, while the unnamed agent puts down his gun.)
Unnamed FBI Agent: We've got our orders, Ma'am!
Jonah (pointing his gun): How dare you touch her?! Marina was with me the whole day! She can't have kidnapped anyone!
Unnamed FBI Agent (pointing his gun): Lower your gun, or you'll be arrested next, Mr Karam!
Jonah: I don't care! Arrest me, but you're not taking Marina!
(Marina is now handcuffed.)
Marina: Jonah, no! You can't help me if you're also in prison!
Carmen: Listen to her, Jonah!
Jonah (pointing his gun to the air): Marina, I... I'll get you out of there! I love you!
Marina (with tears on her face): I know.
Unnamed FBI Agent: Come along, Ms Romanova!

Shortly afterward...
Jonah: Why did you stop me from breaking those agents' faces, Carmen?! I could've busted Marina out!
Carmen: And then what? Go on the run?
Carmen: This situation won't be resolved by fists. We need to talk to someone in a position of authority.
Jack: What about the Vice President? We met her back in San Francisco, and she seemed reasonable! She might see us now!
Carmen: Good idea! But I want to keep an eye on Jonah. I'm afraid he'll do something stupid, like storm a federal prison by himself!
Jack: I'll come with you, <Name>! Let's hope the Vice President will listen to us and free Marina!

Talk to Sarah Bennett about Marina.
Jack: Madam Vice President, our colleague has nothing to do with the President's kidnapping!
Sarah: I understand that you'd like to think so, <Rank> <Name>. But Ms Romanova is too suspicious, given her mother's involvement.
Sarah: I still can't believe these Russians got past our defenses!
Jack: Ma'am, Russia isn't behind this! President Hewett was kidnapped by an international criminal organization called SOMBRA!
Sarah: Please don't insult my intelligence! I know that SOMBRA doesn't exist!
Sarah: I started my career in the CIA. Back during military training, we were told about an enemy so secret, all files on them were classified!
Sarah: But as I climbed the ranks, I learned the truth! SOMBRA was a made-up threat, an excuse for us to operate in various foreign countries!
Sarah: <Rank> <Name>, if you meant to vouch for your colleague by invoking this old lie, please don't bother!
Riordan: Ma'am, sorry to interrupt, but we've just found the van Romanova used to transport the President after kidnapping him...
Riordan: And our GPS coordinates let us know where she took him: to the cloisters!
Sarah: There could've been a better place for this debriefing, but thank you, Agent Riordan!
Jack: Ma'am, we'll take our leave!
Jack (whispering): <Name>, we need to get to the cloisters! The President could still be there!

Investigate Cloisters.
Jack: Look at all that blood, <Name>! Could this be where Natasha was killed? Or... do you think it's the President's?
Jack: Whoever the victim, the killer must've worn these gloves! Let's take a sample of blood from them, quick!
Jack: And the hair on that prayer book could give us a lead on what happened here! Let's collect it!
Jack: <Name>, Natasha took the President to this place, but what happened after remains a mystery! The future of this country depends on us solving it!

Examine Bloody Gloves.
Jack: <Name>, let's send the blood from the gloves to Lars! We need to know who was murdered here!

Analyze Blood.
Lars: <Name>, I can't believe the FBI arrested Marina!
Jack: I know, bro! I thought Jonah was going to murder someone! But speaking of murder, whose blood was it on the gloves?
Lars: Good news, <Name>: the blood wasn't the President's!
Jack: Phew! So maybe SOMBRA hasn't killed him yet!
Lars: "Yet" being the worrying part of that sentence, but yes. The blood matched Natasha's!
Jack: So she's the one who was killed at the cloisters!
Jack: She must've brought the President here... and then her accomplice murdered her and moved the body and the President elsewhere. But how do we find them?!
Lars: This might help: your blood sample was contaminated by traces of aldehydes, esters and phenolic compounds indicative of... whiskey!
Lars: These traces sure didn't come from the blood itself, so they must've been on the killer's gloves.
Jack: Which means our killer drinks whiskey! <Name>, we'll soon give them a reason to drown their sorrows!

Jack: <Name>, I hate it that SOMBRA keeps one step ahead of us! We know where Natasha took the President... but he's no longer there.
Jack: And we must find him before he comes to harm! With everyone blaming Russia for the kidnapping, we might get declarations of war if he turns up dead!
Jonah: Who cares about politics?! You need to prove Marina innocent!
Jack: Cool it, Jonah! We're on it!
Jack: Let's think... we know the President's kidnapper killed Natasha at the cloisters and then dumped her body at Times Square.
Jack: Somewhere along the line, they must've made mistakes! Let's comb Times Square again!

Investigate Terrace.
Jack: Whatever this newspaper article says, it's clearly about the President! A dusting will reveal the text!
Jack: And the photo on this tablet must've been taken about the time Natasha's body was dropped here, judging by the people panicking!
Jack: You're right, the woman on the foreground looks like she's trying hard to pass by unnoticed... Her face is too blurry to make out.
Jack: I say we look up the woman in the database! Let's go, <Name>, there's not a moment to lose!

Examine Newspaper.
Jack: I didn't expect this newspaper to be in Arabic! It must be an international edition or something.
Jack: We've got to know what the article says about the President! Let's get the article to Dupont!

Analyze Arabic Text.
Dupont: Mes amis, the New York cloisters are fascinating, despite all the blood! So much history in one place!
Jack: Dupont, what the heck! You went sightseeing on our crime scene?
Dupont: En fait, I visited the cloisters looking for a secret passage or a hidden room where the President might be kept... But I found nothing. He's not there.
Dupont: I pray he isn't dead! Only by rescuing him can we prove our colleague innocent of his kidnapping... and prevent war between the US and Russia.
Jack: On that note, what did that newspaper article say about the President?
Dupont: A sad story! The article talked about a recent US air strike on the town of Arazir.
Dupont: Apparently, the President ordered the strike despite his generals' advice... and many civilians died, including the family of UN High Commissioner Leila Malak!
Jack: What? The President is responsible for the deaths of Leila Malak's family?! That's one heck of a reason to want revenge!
Jack: And we can't forget that Ms Malak is the one who arranged the meeting between Natasha and the President... She definitely owes us answers!

Ask Leila Malak about the death of her family.
Jack: Ms Malak, our condolences for what happened to your family due to the President's orders. But you should've mentioned this to us earlier.
Leila: So you found out about the air strike, <Rank> <Name>. I hoped you wouldn't. It's irrelevant to your investigation.
Jack: With all due respect, this gives you a motive to want the President gone!
Leila: Whatever you assume, my grief is my own, <Rank> <Name>. I won't account to you for my nightmares or the sleeping pills I'm taking to cope.
Leila: UN records will show you how I reacted to the air strike. I brought it up to be discussed at the General Assembly, as per procedure.
Leila: Of course, the bureaucratic process inherent to our organization make it difficult to resolve such crises quickly.
Jack: Difficult enough that you'd take revenge into your own hands?
Leila: No, <Rank> <Name>, I don't believe in private vengeance. I work for peace.
Jack: And we work to learn the truth behind the President's kidnapping, so you'd better not be lying to us, Ms Malak!

Examine Tablet.
Jack: What? No! The woman in this photo can't be Angela!
Jack: How... how did she even get out of jail? She's supposed to rot in there for betraying us!
Jack: Hasn't she already done enough to mess with us and break Lars's heart? Did she help kidnap the President, too?
Ingrid: <Name>... Angela, she's...
Jack: Yes, we know! She broke out of jail!
Ingrid: No, you don't understand! Angela's here!

Confront Angela.
Jack (pointing his gun): Put your hands up, Angela!
Angela (holding a glass of whiskey): It's good to see you too, <Name>. Won't you have a glass of whiskey with me for old times' sake?
Jack (pointing his gun to the air): You have some gall, bringing up the old times! What're you doing here? How did you break out of jail?
Angela (putting the glass down): SOMBRA broke me out, of course. They said they had plans for me...
Angela: But all I cared about was seeing my girls again. Are they here?
Jack (putting his gun down): No, they aren't, and if you came here hoping to butt back into their and Lars's lives, think again!
Jack: Just tell us, what part did you play in the President's kidnapping and Natasha's murder?
Angela: No part at all. SOMBRA just told me to be on standby.
Angela: I knew the risks when I came here, <Name>. I knew you'd arrest me. Frankly, if I can't see my family, I don't care what happens to me.
Jack (pointing his gun): Stop this... this... emotional manipulation! It won't work! We're still locking you up! And we'll be keeping a close eye on you!

Lars: Jack, <Name>, is it true? Is Angela back?
Jack: Yes, she walked right in, didn't even try to hide. I can't believe this.
Jack: Bro, are you gonna be okay?
Lars: I'm not about to do anything stupid out of despair, if that's what you're asking.
Lars: Angela's betrayal broke my heart... but I've walked a long road since then. I'm not the same person, and I know she was never the person I believed her to be.
Lars: Honestly, though, I'd rather not see her. If you don't mind, <Name>, I'm just going to go out, clear my head for a little while.
Jack: Of course, bro! You've got to take care of yourself!
(Lars leaves.)
Jack: <Name>, if Angela messes with Lars's head again, I... I don't know what I'll do!

Examine Prayer Book.
Jack: <Name>, let's put the hair from the book under the microscope!

Examine Hair.
Jack: The hair from the book you found in the cloisters belongs to Baxter?!
Jack: This means he had to be involved in the kidnapping! I knew it! So much for leaving SOMBRA behind and using his powers for good!
Jack: Good thing Baxter's already in our holding cells, <Name>. Let him try to weasel out now!

Confront Baxter about having been at the cloisters.
Jack: Baxter, the game is up! We found your DNA at the cloisters! We know you helped Natasha kidnap the President!
Baxter: You... you have proof I was there?
Baxter: That's... bad... but I don't... can't...
Jack: What's wrong with you?
Baxter: Nothing's wrong! I... maybe overdosed on sleeping pills... hard to judge the dosage, with my super-fast metabolism...
Baxter: Just don't ask me anything... I beg you! I can't talk, <Rank> <Name>!
Jack: You have no choice! What happened at the cloisters? Is the President still alive?
Baxter: This isn't military training anymore! You can't give me orders!
Baxter: My head... it's killing me! Just leave me alone!
Jack: <Name>, I can't believe it! We finally have a solid lead, and we can't get anything out of him! I wish Marina was here!
Jack: We'll just have to dig up the truth some other way. Baxter, if you're faking this fit, you'll live to regret it!

Jack: <Name>, I want to believe that the President's still alive... but El Rey's plan was to kill him, so the more time passes, the slimmer the hope!
Jack: I know some people are saying the country's better off without him, after all the controversial decisions he's made...
Jack: ...but only finding him will stop the conflict between the US and Russia from escalating!
Jack: And only by finding him can we prove Marina innocent!
Jack: We know Marina's mom took the President to the cloisters after she kidnapped him.
Jack: At the cloisters, her accomplice killed her, and then took the President somewhere else.
Jack: If we knew who her killer is, we'd know where the President is right now!
Jack: Someone who knows more than he's telling is Baxter. He was at the cloisters, so he must be involved! But without Marina here, we can't make him talk!
Jack: And don't get me started on Angela, who just turned up at the Bureau!
(Someone shouts "RUUUUUUUN!" from the break room.)
Jack: I don't get her, <Name>. It's like she WANTED to get arres-
Jack: Wait, did you hear that? Did someone just shout at us to run?
(An explosion occurs.)

Chapter 3

Jack Archer: <Name>, I want to believe that the President's still alive... but El Rey's plan was to kill him, so the more time passes, the slimmer the hope!
Jack: The US blames Russia for the kidnapping, and only finding the President will stop the conflict from escalating!
Jack: And finding him is our only way to prove Marina's innocence.
Jack: We know Marina's mom kidnapped the President and was later killed by her accomplice.
Jack: If we knew who her killer is, we'd know where the President is right now!
Jack: Baxter must be involved in the abduction, but he's either faking a fit or actually having one, and without Marina we can't make him talk!
Jack: And don't get me started on Angela, who just turned up at the Bureau!
(Someone shouts "RUUUUUUUN!" from the break room.)
Jack: I don't get her, <Name>. It's like she WANTED to get arres-
Jack: Wait, did you hear that? Did someone just shout at us to run?
(An explosion occurs.)
Jack: <Name>, what was that?! It came from the breakroom!
Jack: We need to go find out what it was! But be on your guard!

In the breakroom...
(Jonah is very heavily burned and injured and has his clothes torn from the explosion.)
Jonah (holding a bomb piece): <Name>, there was a bomb! But I've disarmed it!
Jack: You- we have to get you to the hospital!
Jonah (putting down the piece): Nah, I'm totally fine!
(Jonah collapses.)
Jack: Jonah?!
Carmen: <Name>, I heard the blast and- what's going on?
Jack: We'll explain at the hospital, come on! Help <Name> and me get Jonah there!

Later, at the hospital...
(Jonah is lying on a bed in his hospital gown, hooked up to a blood packet, and with many bandages on his face and neck.)
Jack: Jonah, what happened?!
Jonah: <Name>, somebody set us up! The bomb was in the breakroom's trashcan!
Jonah: I tried to disarm it, but only managed to lessen the explosion. That thing could've blown up the entire Bureau!
Jack: It sure blew YOU up! You almost died!
Jonah: It's... literally my job, keeping you all safe from bombs and stuff.
Jack: Y'know, Jonah, all this time, I kinda... mistrusted you, but you really care about the Bureau, don't you?
Jack: I guess I mean to say... thank you.
Carmen: Figured that it'd take a literal bomb for you two to make peace at last.
Carmen: But what I really want to know is who tried to blow us all up!
Jack: Well, <Name>'s right, we happened to see a SOMBRA agent in the breakroom earlier on!
Jack: This must be why Angela came to the Bureau despite knowing we'd arrest her!
Carmen: <Name>, I'll stay here and make sure Jonah's okay... But Angela owes us answers!
Jack: And if someone can make Angela talk, it's you, <Name>! Let's go!

Demand answers from Angela about the bomb.
Angela: <Name>, what a... disappointing surprise. SOMBRA won't be pleased you're still alive.
Jack: So it WAS you! After everything you'd done, I still didn't think that you'd go that far! Your bomb could've killed everyone in this office!
Angela: I know, that's why I planted it. <Name>, we're at war. Sacrifices have to be made.
Angela: You certainly didn't hesitate to sacrifice ME back in Africa!
Jack: Sacrifice you?! We arrested you for murder!
Angela: You turned your back on me! You're the reason why I can't see my girls, why Lars is lost to me, why I can only sleep if I pop pills!
Angela: SOMBRA taught us during combat training that you need to adapt to your circumstances fast. I adapted. You're my enemy now.
Lars: Jack, is everyone okay?! I just heard-
Angela: It's alright, Lars, I made sure you and the girls were safe. I'll always make sure you're safe. You don't have to worry.
Lars: I don't have to-?! Angela, do you even hear yourself? You're the only one who'll worry when <Name> thwarts SOMBRA's schemes!

Lars: <Name>, the thought of all of you, of Jack dying at Angela's hands-
Jack: Breathe, bro! It's okay. Thanks to Jonah, we're all fine. Angela's locked up, she can't harm us now.
Lars: So we thought the first time we locked her up! And she's still sure that SOMBRA's plans will succeed...
Jack: <Name>'s right - if SOMBRA wants to kill us, it means we're doing something right! We can still stop them, still rescue the President!
Jack: We're living on borrowed time, but we'll make the most of it! <Name>, let's leave no stone unturned at the scene of the kidnapping!

Investigate Plane Entrance.
Jack: Judging by the sticker, this is the President's laptop! We need to unlock it!
Jack: And what are these letters doing here? The writing on the envelopes is so old it's faded, but a dusting will clear it up!
Jack: And we'd better put that torn paper back together!
Jack: <Name>, it's a tight spot. Marina's in jail, Jonah's in the hospital, the President's missing... but I know we can still win!

Examine Torn Paper.
Jack: <Name>, this document says that the Vice President denied a request for extra protection for the President despite warnings of an attack!
Jack: The warning came from the Canadians, which makes sense given that we learned of El Rey's plan back in Montreal...
Jack: But the Vice President didn't listen! Maybe she wasn't sorry to see the President kidnapped! She'd better come clean!

Confront Sarah Bennett about refusing the President protection.
Jack: Ma'am, when we last talked, you failed to mention you refused to increase the President's security despite warnings of a probable attack!
Sarah: So you've found out about my greatest mistake...
Sarah: <Rank> <Name>, it's true. I denied to request to put security on higher alert. I made the wrong call!
Sarah: And now President Hewett's gone! I'll be washing down my sleeping pills with whiskey tonight if I hope to get any rest!
Jack: So you admit this situation is partly your fault! And you still won't release our colleague!
Sarah: I can't release a suspected Russian agent! I have to atone for my mistake! If those Russians kill President Hewett, it'll be on my conscience!
Jack: We've already told you, Ma'am, the Russians didn't have anything to do with the kidnapping! And we hope for your sake that neither did you!

Examine Love Letters.
Jack: <Name>, these love letters are addressed to Olivia Welland... That's the First Lady's maiden name!
Jack: And look who sent these to her! Hector Montoya!
Jack: The letters look old... Has the First Lady been in league with El Rey all along? We knew she cheated on the President, but this is something else!
Jack: <Name>, we're bringing Olivia in!

Confront Olivia Hewett about the letters.
Jack: Mrs Hewett, we know about your affair with El Rey! We've got your letters!
Olivia: El Rey? I have no idea who you mean. Those letters were from Hector, my old flame... we dated long before my marriage...
Jack: Your Hector's now in jail for leading a criminal organization! He's behind your husband's kidnapping!
Olivia: He's... what?!
Olivia: <Rank> <Name>, please believe me, I had no idea about any of this! It's... incredible that Hector became such a man...
Jack: Hector's been this man for a long time, so don't expect us to believe you didn't know!
Olivia: Back when I knew him, he just seemed charming, intelligent... He lived in South America, so we didn't see each other often!
Olivia: I was at a military academy and desperate for romance... and he called me his queen! He's the one who taught me to like whiskey.
Olivia: He did sometimes talk strangely about some grandiose ideas, wanting to change the world... but I didn't really listen.
Jack: Well, Ma'am, if you helped Hector make his ideas a reality, you'll find yourself reunited with him in prison!

Examine Laptop.
Jack: Unsurprisingly, the President's laptop is encrypted to the teeth! Let's get it to Elliot, quick!

Analyze Laptop.
Jack: Hey, so have you decrypted the President's laptop?
Elliot (holding hard drive): The President's... what? I've been trying to get into the SOMBRA file from the hard drive we found in the satellite!
Jack: You've been on about that file for days! Have you even noticed Marina's been arrested? And Jonah's saved us from a bomb?
Elliot (putting drive down): Yes, Jack, I noticed! But I can't do anything to help them, so I'm focusing on what I can change, alright?
Elliot: Not that it's easy to concentrate with Baxter wailing in his cell! On the upside, I can now tell you he likes whiskey - he keeps asking for some!
Jack: Thanks for the heads-up, but back to the President's laptop... did you manage to check it out?
Elliot: Sure, and now I can tell you about his gaming scores. It's his private computer... there's hardly anything on it.
Elliot: But in the President's emails, there was a draft he never sent... in which he ranted angrily about a journalist called Rick Murray!
Elliot: Apparently, the President wished he could stop Murray from writing ever again! He sounded furious!
Jack: From what Carmen told us, Rick didn't seem to like the President either, but he told us nothing to explain this! Let's question him again!

Ask Rick Murray about his feud with the President.
Jack: Rick, care to explain why the President of the United States would be furious with you? What happened between you two?
Rick: He was angry, huh? Good! So my articles were getting to him! Knowing this might soothe me to sleep without pills, for once!
Rick: Hewett was unfit to be President! And I wanted the whole world to know it!
Rick: Hewett's policies wrecked this country. He built a wall between us and Mexico, take the US out of the Unified Nations...
Rick: But now he's getting just desserts! I hope you never find him, <Rank> <Name>!
Jack: What's wrong with you? Hewett may not be the best president, but his kidnapping puts the country on the brink of disaster!
Rick: His administration was a disaster already! Anyone would be a better leader than Hewett, get it? Anyone!
Jack: I sincerely hope you didn't help kidnap the President out of this belief, or you'll be protesting his policies in prison!

Later on, in Jonah's hospital ward...
Jack: Hey, tough guy, we figured out we'd check on you. How're you feeling?
Jonah: I'm fine, <Name>! It's Marina I'm worried about! The Feds will keep her until we can prove who really kidnapped the President!
Jack: We're getting there! For one, we know the First Lady used to date El Rey!
Jonah: She... what?
Jack: I know. It's like the world gone mad!
Ingrid: It really has! <Name>, the US has just declared war on Russia!
Jack: What?! No!
Ingrid: The US blames Russia for the President's kidnapping, and diplomatic talks have broken down! The US army's mobilizing!
Ingrid: <Name>, missiles are about to start flying! You need to find the President before World War III erupts!
Jack: Are you kidding?! <Name>, this is a nightmare!
Jack: Maybe we can still stop this! We need to search the cloisters again! No time to lose - the fate of the world is riding on this!

Investigate Tombstone.
Jack: <Name>, I still can't believe the US has declared war on Russia! We have to stop this!
Jack: You're right, our best shot at that is finding the President... and to do that, we need to learn who killed Natasha! Maybe searching that chest will give us a clue!
Jack: Grace mentioned Natasha was hit over the head with something. That bloody candlestick could be it! There's fibers stuck on it... let's grab them!
Jack: <Name>, we're racing against time! We're the only ones who can still prevent World War III!

Examine Chest.
Jack: <Name>, you're right, I recognize the necklace you found in that chest! Natasha always wore it!
Jack: For this necklace to end up here... Natasha must've lost it during the fight with her killer! We need to get it to Lars immediately!

Analyze Natasha's Necklace.
Lars (video-chatting with the triplets): I miss you too, girls. I'll see you very soon, I promise.
May: Be safe, Daddy!
Lars (putting the tablet down): Sorry, <Name>. I just had to see my girls. They were so scared when they heard about the war...
Jack: Of course, dude. I hope they'll be alright.
Lars: I know you're pressed for time, <Name>, so I'll get straight to the point. I found DNA on Natasha's necklace... which wasn't hers!
Jack: So that DNA must be her killer's!
Lars: Yes, and I can tell you her killer is a woman!
Jack: <Name>, that woman didn't just kill Natasha - she's also holding the President captive! And she's about to face her reckoning!

Examine Candlestick.
Jack: Let's get the blood-soaked fibers from the candlestick to Lars, <Name>! There's not a moment to lose!

Analyze Bloody Fibers.
Lars: <Name>, I thought Angela trying to kill us would be the worst thing happening to us today, but now World War III is about to start!
Lars: A part of me is glad that the girls aren't here for all this... but with the war, they aren't safe anywhere.
Jack: Just... one foot in front of the other, bro. We'll get through this.
Jack: And for that, we need you! What've you got on the fibers from that candlestick?
Lars: The blood on the fibers was Natasha's.
Jack: So the killer did use the candlestick to hit her over the head!
Lars: And some of the killer's clothing fibers got stuck on the impromptu weapon! I cleaned them of blood... and I can tell you the fibers are white!
Jack: Which means our killer wears white! <Name>, now we're one step closer to stopping World War III!

After completing all the tasks...
Jack: <Name>, we've raced against time to find the President and prevent World War III... and now we're at the finish line!
Jack: It's time to arrest the SOMBRA agent who killed Natasha and has the President captive!

Take care of the killer now!
Jack (pointing his gun): Sarah Bennett, you're under arrest for kidnapping the President and killing your accomplice, Natasha Romanova!
Sarah: What? <Rank> <Name>, have you gone mad?
Jack: What's mad is a US Vice President working for SOMBRA! Who knew their reach extended this far!
Sarah: How dare you accuse me! Agents, take them away!
(Agent Riordan and the unnamed agent go in front of Sarah, with the latter pointing a gun at Jack and the player.)
Unnamed FBI Agent: Yes, ma'am!
Jack (pointing his gun to the air): Now, wait a second-
(Sarah escapes while Agent Riordan points his gun to the cops as well.)
Unnamed FBI Agent: <Rank> <Name>, leave now or surrender your weapon!
Jack: Let us through! The Vice President's getting away! By the Bureau's authority-
Riordan (lowering his gun): Your authority holds no weight here. Stand down or submit to your arrest!
Jack: <Name>, what do we do?
Jack: ...Alright, alright. We're standing down. Let us go.

Back at headquarters...
Jack: <Name>, what should we do?! The Vice President's escaped, and we don't know where she or the President are!
Jack: Now she knows we're onto her, it's only a matter of time until she kills the President! And then there'll be no stopping World War III!
Baxter: <Rank> <Name>, I need to talk to you!
Jack: Baxter?! How did you get out of your cell?
Baxter: I broke the door, it doesn't matter! <Name>, I know where the President is!
Jack: So you admit you were involved in the kidnapping!
Baxter: Not willingly! The Vice President... she used my SOMBRA programming against me! She made me help her kidnap him!
Jack: Why didn't you tell us earlier?! We could've saved the President already, prevented the US from declaring war!
Baxter: My thoughts... they were all scrambled... I hadn't had SOMBRA control my brain in a long time! But I remember now!
Baxter: <Name>, the President is in the catacombs! That's where the Vice President's heading!
Jack: The New York catacombs are a maze! We'll never find them in there!
Dupont: <Name>, let me be your guide! I know these catacombs like the back of my hand!
Jack: Dupont, you're about the last person I'd take into the field!
Dupont: It's not like you've got a choice! I'll fall back at any hint of danger! You need me, <Name>!
Jack: I really don't like this...
Jack: But I agree we don't have a choice. Alright, <Name>, let's go rescue the President! We won't let SOMBRA win!

In the catacombs...
Jack: Dupont, are you sure you know where you're going?
Dupont: Yes... There must be a cavern just there to the left... <Name>, right this way!

Several minutes later...
(Sarah is holding a gun against the temple of President Hewett, who is gagged with a tie.)
Sarah: Don't come a step closer, <Rank> <Name>!
Jack: Ms Bennett, the game's over! Killing the President won't help you. We know everything!
Sarah: Whatever you know, no one will believe you!
Jack: We know you're a SOMBRA agent and Natasha Romanova's accomplice in the kidnapping!
Jack: We have proof you subdued Natasha with hand-to-hand combat techniques you learned in the military...
Jack: ...and then slit her throat with the President's letter opener. We have residue from your sleeping pills on it!
Sarah: Unless you've somehow got a witness, this is worth nothing!
Jack: Baxter told us everything! We know how you made him help you!
Sarah: So that's what it is! That halfwit blabbed! His brainwashing was always faulty, but I didn't expect it to slip again so soon!
Jack: Now you have to stop this madness! Let the President go and-
Sarah: Let him go? I don't think so! He's only still alive because El Rey wanted to kill him personally... but I might end him here and now!
Sarah: Just like you! You should've all died in an explosion at your headquarters, but I guess you got lucky... or my agent got soft.
Sarah (firing her gun at Jack): No matter! You'll die now, in the name of SOMBRA!
(The bullet grazes Jack's head, giving him a wound that starts bleeding, as well as cutting off some of his hair.)
Dupont (holding Jack): Jack!! <Name>, we need to stop the bleeding!
Jack (pressing against the wound): No, don't waste time on me, <Name>! Get her! I'll live!
Dupont: <Name>, I'll help you! We'll bring her down!
Sarah (firing her gun at Dupont): No, you won't! And <Rank> <Name>, you're next!
Dupont (shot in the chest): Nooooooo!
(Dupont collapses.)
Jack: Dupont!!
Sarah: You shouldn't have got in my way, old man!
Jack (firing his gun at Sarah): And you shouldn't have done that!
(Sarah points her gun to the air before she gets shot in the head with Jack's bullet. She then collapses.)
James (removing his gag): My goodness...
Jack (holding Dupont in the shoulder and on his wound): Dupont! Are you- <Name>, he needs help!
James (holding the tie): I... thank you, <Rank> <Name>! You saved me, but I don't understand! Why did Sarah do all this?
Jack: You're safe now, Mr President, that's what matters! We'll explain later! We have to get our colleague to the hospital!

Later on, at headquarters...
Carmen: <Name>, I've just heard from Jack! He's heading back here, but Dupont's still in surgery.
Marina: <Name>, the Feds let me go! They said the President was safe!
(Jonah is now back in his uniform, albeit with many bandages still on his face and neck.)
Jonah: Honeyblossom! Are you alright?
Marina: I could ask you the same thing! What happened?!
Jonah: Just a bomb, don't worry about it! It can't keep me away from you!
(Jonah and Marina kiss.)
Ingrid: If I may break the moment... <Name>, I've had a long chat with the President about SOMBRA. Now he knows who his true enemies are.
Ingrid: He and the Russian President are on the phone right now, talking peace.
(Jack now has a bandage wrapped around his head.)
Jack: So at least some good has come of this!
Lars: Jack?! Oh thank God, you're alive! I heard you and Dupont were both shot, and I feared the worst!
(Lars hugs Jack.)
Lars: You have to stop scaring me like this.
Jack: I'm fine, the bullet just grazed me! Dupont has it much worse! I saw him on the way to surgery... It didn't look good.
Lars: Yes, that wound, at his age... I... I'm not really sure he'll make it, <Name>.
Carmen: I can't believe it! We thwarted SOMBRA's plans, but Dupont might not live to celebrate this victory!
Ingrid: Before we start talking victory, we still have some loose ends to tie up! <Name>, let's make sure SOMBRA never recovers from this blow!

Edge of Darkness (8/8)

Ingrid Bjorn: <Name>, you did it! Not only did you find the president - you also prevented World War III!
Jack: But at what cost! Dupont's still in surgery after the Vice President shot him!
Carmen: His wound really didn't look good...
Jack: Thwarting SOMBRA's plans was never going to be easy, but I wasn't prepared for this.
Ingrid: And there's still work to do! We've celebrated SOMBRA's defeat prematurely once... we won't make that mistake again! We must ensure SOMBRA never recovers from this blow!
Ingrid: It's clear we must root out all SOMBRA agents out there!
Jack: Sure, but how? It's not like El Rey will tell us anything!
Ingrid: No, but Baxter might! He's already helped us find the President... maybe he knows something else!
Marina: About that... <Name>, I just went to check on Baxter to offer him my help... and he wasn't in his cell!
Ingrid: What? Then where is he?
Elliot: I, uh. According to my tracker, he's at Times Square.
Ingrid: For God's sake, Elliot! You couldn't have said something earlier?
Marina: It's alright, <Name>. I'll come with you to Times Square to find Baxter! I'm sure we'll be able to get him to talk!
Lars: <Name>, wait! We need to get to the hospital! It's bad news!
Lars: The surgeons extracted the bullet from Dupont's chest, but the tissue damage is too severe and his body isn't coping.
Jack: What... What are you saying?!
Lars: <Name>... Dupont only has a few hours left to live!
Jack: Dupont's dying?!
Jack: No! No, damn it, tell me there's still something we can do!
Lars: Bro, the only way Dupont could survive is if he's hooked to machines for the rest of his life... but he's made it clear he doesn't want that.
Jack (holding back tears): So we're supposed to just let him die?
Lars: <Name>... Dupont's awake now... there's no telling for how long... and he's asking to talk to you.
Marina: You should go see him, <Name>. Times Square can wait.

Visit Dupont in the hospital.
(Dupont is in his hospital gown without his glasses, lying on his hospital bed and in life support.)
Dupont: <Name>, I don't have much time left... but I'm glad to see you before I go!
Jack: Don't talk like that, Dupont! You're going to be fine!
Dupont: No, mes amis, I can feel it. I'm not too long for this world.
Jack (crying): Dupont, I'm so, so sorry. It's all my fault! I should've protected you!
Dupont: No, Jack, the only person to blame is the Vice President, who shot at us both... and nearly killed <Name>, too.
Jack: Yes, but if I'd only-
Dupont: Jack, stop. I chose to go into danger with you! I chose to protect my friends! I wouldn't change it for anything!
Dupont: And not everyone can have such an adventure before they leave this world! We saved the President together!
Jack: Is President Hewett even worth this? He's made so many questionable decisions during this term, and now he lives and you-
Dupont: I'm far less important than the President, <Name>! By rescuing him, we stopped World War III! I'm glad to die for such a cause!
Jack: You're a really good guy, Dupont, you know that? I wish we could do something for you.
Dupont: You're doing it, <Name>! I know I often bore people, but I appreciate you listening to me now. I'd like to tell you about an object which-
Dupont: Oh, no! Where's my notebook!
Dupont: Mon Dieu, I... I must've dropped it in the cloisters!
Jack: Dupont, please calm down! This excitement isn't good for you! Whatever that notebook is, we'll find it for you, alright?
Dupont: Thank you so much, <Name>! Just don't deplete your energy on my account!

Investigate Cloisters.
Jack: <Name>, I still can't believe Dupont's dying... but at least we can do this last thing for him!
Jack: Could this notebook be Dupont's? It looks old. I hope you can unlock it! We need to get back to Dupont as soon as possible!

Examine Notebook.
Jack: These notes are so old, the writing's completely faded away in some places! Maybe we can retrieve it before we give the notebook back to Dupont!

Examine Faded Notes.
Jack: <Name>, the writing under that drawing says, "A Dupont always seeks knowledge"!
Jack: Well, Dupont also seeks this notebook, so let's bring it back to him, quick!

Return the notebook to Dupont.
Dupont: Thank you so much for finding my notebook, <Name>!
Dupont: It belonged to my ancestor, mon arrière-grand-père. I'm rarely parted from it.
Dupont: I never knew the man, but I've delighted in the tales of his adventures. I'm sure you'd enjoy them, <Name>. He worked with someone very like you.
Dupont: Now that my time on earth is drawing to a close, I wanted to entrust the notebook to you.
Jack: Well, I've never been a history buff... but this is one old book I wouldn't mind reading!
Dupont: Very generous of you, my young friend. And, <Name>, I'd also like to transfer you my life's savings. I won't need them now.
Jack: Don't talk like that, Dupont, you might still-
Dupont: No, Jack. I know this is a wound from which I won't recover. But my heart is easy as I prepare to leave this world, and I'm grateful for it.
Dupont: I'll require a little time to get my affairs in order... but I hope you'll come see me again soon, <Name>. And don't forget my gifts!

Investigate Times Square.
(Baxter is not wearing his suit anymore.)
Baxter: So you've found me, <Rank> <Name>... of course you did... I don't even know why I ran.
Marina: It's understandable that you're confused, Baxter, but you escaped custody, so we need to bring you back in. And you'll have to answer a few questions.
Baxter: Questions? I have questions! Like, who's going to use me next? How can I trust myself with this SOMBRA programming inside me?
Baxter: Whatever SOMBRA's done to me, I'll live with it forever! I'll never be free!
Marina: Baxter, I've worked with SOMBRA's brainwashed recruits before. I helped them, and I'm sure I can help you.
Baxter: ...I guess I've got nothing to lose. I'll come.
Marina: <Name>, I'll have to run a few tests, but I'll let you know when Baxter's ready to answer questions!

Analyze Baxter's Brain Scan.
Marina: <Name>, Baxter and I made great headway on undoing SOMBRA's brainwashing once and for all!
Baxter: It feels like there's only one of me in my brain now... like I can hear myself think.
Marina: It'll take time for you to fully heal. I'll vouch in court that you weren't yourself, but you'll need to keep seeing a professional regularly.
Baxter: I get that. And I know I can't undo the damage I helped SOMBRA wreak, <Rank> <Name>... but I hope I can do some good from now on.
Baxter: Maybe I can teach people how to protect themselves, become a martial arts instructor... I want to help, y'know?
Marina: Yes, and speaking of that... countless SOMBRA agents are still out there. Can you help us find them?
Baxter: I'm really sorry, <Rank> <Name>, but until now I thought the agents you busted back in Oceania were it!
Baxter: Only the higher-ups would know how many of us were out there and where everyone was stationed.
Marina: <Name>, I hate to bring it up, but Angela must be pretty high up in the hierarchy to know as much as she does about SOMBRA...
Marina: ...And children, young recruits among them, are something she's consistently cared about. Maybe she can help us?
Lars: Sorry for butting in, but I heard you mention Angela. <Name>, if you're going to talk to her, I'd like to come with you. There are still things I need to say.

Ask Angela about other SOMBRA agents.
Angela: Have you come to gloat about your victory, <Name>?
Lars: We're not in the mood for gloating! Dupont's dying!
Angela: Is he? ...Well, he's old anyway. He wouldn't be able to contribute to the Bureau for much longer.
Lars: Are you serious?! I can't believe you'd ever say something like that!
Lars: I don't recognize you, Angela. Back when we arrested you, you showed some compassion, helped us track down some of SOMBRA's recruits...
Angela: Children are different, Lars. I'd help you rescue more of them, even today, if I knew where to find them.
Lars: So you don't know where the remaining SOMBRA agents are?
Angela: No, why would I? The only ones who could identify all SOMBRA agents are El Rey and the Vice President... who's now dead.
Lars: <Name>, El Rey won't tell us anything, but maybe we need to search through the Vice President's belongings to find something! Let's go!
Angela: Lars, wait! Won't you let me see our girls at last?
Lars: You think, after everything you've done, I'll let our daughters near you?
Lars: Angela, I've done a lot of thinking since we parted. I went through some really bad times, and I missed you every day, for so long...
Lars: I dreamed that we'd meet again, and you'd repent all your SOMBRA ways, and tell me you still loved me.
Angela: I do still love you, Lars.
Lars: And a part of me will always love the woman I thought you were. But I've accepted that it was all a lie.
Angela (crying): So then... this is goodbye.
Lars: Yes, it is. Goodbye, Angela. I guess this couldn't have ended any other way.

Lars: <Name>, I... really don't feel like investigating anything right now, though we need to check the Vice President's belongings on Air Force One.
Lars: I'm sure Carmen can come with you to the plane. Personally, I need to go clear my head a little.

Investigate Air Force One.
Carmen: <Name>, Lars looked upset after talking to Angela... but I think he'll be okay. In a way, he probably needed this closure.
Carmen: But for now we need to focus on rooting out the other SOMBRA agents. Going by the tag on this briefcase, it was the Vice President's. Let's search it!

Examine Briefcase.
Carmen: <Name>, the Vice President seemed to be El Rey's right hand. There must be crucial SOMBRA data on the USB key from her briefcase! Let's get it to Elliot!

Analyze USB Key.
Elliot: <Name>, do you remember the super-encrypted file from SOMBRA's hard drive that we got off the satellite back in Canada?
Carmen: Sure. You've been trying to hack into that thing day and night since then.
Elliot: Yes, and then you walked in with the Vice President's USB key! Among the files on it, there was a seemingly meaningless number sequence...
Elliot: Which turned out to be the decryption key for that SOMBRA file!
Carmen: So what was on it? Tell me it was something good!
Elliot: The best! <Name>, you won't believe it! It's El Rey's personal database - the list of all the SOMBRA agents out there!
Carmen: What? That's exactly what we hoped to find! This means we can dismantle SOMBRA's network!
Elliot: And we won't have to do it alone! We can hand that list to law enforcement authorities around the world... and SOMBRA will crumble!
Carmen: This is it, <Name>! This is the end of the line! SOMBRA will never be able to rear its ugly head again!
Carmen: I'd like to see El Rey gloat now! In fact... I agree, <Name>, let's give him the good news in person!

Inform El Rey about SOMBRA's final defeat.
Carmen: So how does it feel to be king of nothing, El Rey? Because SOMBRA's done!
Hector: Don't get ahead of yourself, <Rank> <Name>! You thwarted our plan in the US, but SOMBRA lives on!
Hector: I admit I'm displeased you killed my lieutenant. She was a faithful agent to SOMBRA. I've known her since her early days as a CIA agent.
Carmen: And I bet that, as she climbed the ranks, she proved very useful for turning US intelligence services away from any rumors of SOMBRA!
Hector: And if not for your meddling, she'd be running the country on my behalf right now! We'd use the US military might to usher in a new era!
Hector: But never mind. We're not done yet! I've still got agents out there, doing my work!
Carmen: Those agents whose names you stored on the satellite? We know all about them! And so do law enforcement authorities around the world!
Hector: WHAT?! How did you do that?
Hector: You... you weak, worthless creatures! How dare you foil my plans! I'm the strong one! I'm the one who wins!
Carmen: Nope, you're the one who fails! Cause <Rank> <Name> destroyed SOMBRA!
Hector: You fools! SOMBRA would've remade the world! You destroyed everything I've worked for!
Carmen: Yep, that we did. And now have fun rotting behind bars... forever!
Carmen: And here, have this souvenir to remember us by. I've got more where this came from, <Name>... D'you want one too?

Back at the office...
Sanjay: <Name>, is it true? You've finished SOMBRA for good?
Elliot: Yep. We've got the list of all SOMBRA agents... and none of them are getting away from the law now! SOMBRA's over!
Carmen: You should've seen El Rey's face! His helpless fury was beautiful!
Marina: I wish this hadn't come at such a cost. I can't believe Dupont is on his deathbed.
Jack: This is hard on us all, <Name>, but Dupont wants us to remember what we did all of this for.
Ingrid: <Name>, you need to go dress up! We were just invited as guests of honor to a special UN assembly!
Jack: Well, that sounds important. I wish Dupont could come here too... Let's all meet up at the UN, <Name>!

At the UN headquarters...
(The team and Sanjay are all wearing formal clothing. Jack now has a bandage only covering his wound.)
Jack: Well, that's a... glittering crowd. So many dignitaries and politicians!
Sanjay: Mom, do I have to be here? My suit itches.
Carmen: Shh, Sanjay! It's starting!
(Leila and James talk from wooden podia. Both podia have two microphones.)
Leila: Ladies and gentlemen! Today has been a harrowing day for the international community and the United States in particular.
Leila: We barely managed to avert disaster. And this is a stark reminder as to how easily peace can be shattered.
Leila: You'll be glad to know that, despite the US's recent decision to leave the UN, we've now agreed to consolidate our relationship instead of breaking it.
James: Uh, yeah. Thanks for taking us back, guys!
James: I should have never trusted that traitor, my Vice President! She was working to undermine the country all along!
James: Apart from the UN exit thing, she told me a wall with Mexico would help US foreign relations. Well, it didn't!
James: Of course, I can't blame only my advisers. I should've extradited better judgment. From now on, I'll listen to better people.
Leila: On this historic day, we'd like to honor the work of the Bureau, and particularly <Rank> <Name>, who saved the world from disaster!
Leila: Thanks to them, we can all leave here with new hopes. The world will stand united. We can do it, and we can do it together!
Leila: <Rank> <Name>, please accept the highest honor we can confer - the UN peace prize!
(Jack holds the prize while Elliot, Marina, Lars, and Grace look excitedly behind him.)
The Team: Wow, <Name>! This is amazing! And you totally deserve it!
Jack: We need to show this to Dupont! Let's go see him at the hospital!

Show the award to Dupont.
Dupont: So... tell me all about this... UN assembly, <Name>!
Jack (holding the award): I wish you could've been there, Dupont! Everyone congratulated the Bureau so much! And we got this award!
Jack (putting the award down): Nobody actually mentioned SOMBRA outright, but maybe it's best if they stay forgotten in the shadows, where they belong.
Dupont: I'm so proud... to have been part of this... journey with you.
Jack: Dupont, are you- would you like some water, anything?
Dupont: No, I... your company... is enough. I can feel... it approaching.
Dupont: I know you'll... go on to achieve great things... don't forget... my notebook...
Jack (holding back tears): We won't forget it, Dupont. Don't worry. Are you-
Dupont: I'm... fine, <Name>. I only feel a little tired now.
Dupont: I'm just going to close my eyes...
(Dupont dies on his bed.)
Jack (crying): Dupont...

A few days later...
(All attendees of the funeral are in black clothing.)
Ingrid: We're here today to pay our respects to Armand Dupont. He was a great asset to the Bureau: knowledgeable, intelligent... and very brave.
Ingrid: He gave his life for us, for our cause. And we'll always be grateful to him.
Sanjay (crying, holding a tissue): <Name>, I don't get why he had to die! He was nice! He didn't do anything wrong!
Carmen (holding and comforting Sanjay): I know, kiddo. But at least Dupont was at peace at the end.
Lars (with the triplets): To think he'll never again rant about some ancient book or obscure folklore...
Elliot: I often made fun of him, but... he was a really smart guy. He was always excited about knowledge.
Jack (holding back tears): I never seemed to have time for him... and he took that bullet protecting us!
Marina (with Jonah): At least you were with him at the end, <Name>. That's all he ever wanted - our kindness and attention.
Grace (holding a small glass of wine): To Dupont, <Name>! His personal heaven would be a giant library... so I hope that's where he is now!
Carmen (raising her glass): To Dupont!
Jack (crying): Adieu, Dupont! We'll miss you more than you'll know!

After everyone has left...
Elizabeth: I've come to pay my respects, Armand... I hope you don't mind that I waited until the team had gone. I didn't want to intrude on their grief.
Elizabeth (taking her glasses off): I'm so sorry it ended this way. I always knew you had the heart of a lion.
Elizabeth: Rest in peace, old friend.

Two weeks later...
(Everyone is now back in normal clothing. Jack and Jonah have healed from their wounds.)
Jack: Well, <Name>, things have definitely quieted down since we took down SOMBRA.
Jack: Honestly, I've been feeling a bit at loose ends lately. It's like... we've saved the world. Where do we go from here?
Ingrid: Perhaps now's a good time to make an announcement I've been hesitating over.
Ingrid: <Name>, the Bureau was created as a special taskforce for SOMBRA... and we've achieved our goal. As such, our work here is done!
Lars: No more SOMBRA, no more Bureau?
Elliot: I'll admit I've had potential new employers knocking on my door lately...
Elliot: But I've got used to working with you guys. I'll be sad to leave.
Jonah: It's been great being part of your team, <Name>!
Carmen: You were so dedicated to the hunt for SOMBRA... and always noticed clues others missed!
Marina: You kept up morale when others faltered...
Grace: And occasionally sent me the strangest corpses!
Lars: Our path hasn't been without difficulties, <Name>. We've lost people to death and betrayal...
Jack (holding Lars's hand): But we've also seen that there's some great beauty in life, from the places we've seen to the relationships we've forged.
Carmen (hugging Sanjay): If our path hadn't led us to India, I wouldn't have a beautiful son now!
Jonah (holding Marina): And thanks to your investigation back in North Africa, I met the love of my life!
Elliot: We've had some crazy adventures, <Name>, like that time we nearly exploded on a volcano island!
Jack: Remember when we almost got trampled by wildebeest back in Africa?
April (with her sisters, hugging a panda stuffed toy): I remember the pandas in China! So many cuddly pandas!
Lars: It seems we've all got fond memories of our travels together, <Name>. It's been a wild ride!
Ingrid: Thank you for sharing these times with us, <Name>... and for everything you've done for us, and for the world.
Jack: I'm not going to lie, <Name>... I'll miss you once we go our separate ways.
Grace: We're all going to miss <Name>. And each other. The Bureau's over... but a new chapter in our lives is about to begin.
Jack: A new chapter! Wait, that reminds me! <Name>, remember Dupont's notebook?
Jack: Have you had time to read it? Dupont's great-grandfather really did work with a detective just like you! And they had so many great adventures!
April, May, and June (in unison): Tell us more, Uncle Jack!
Jack (reading the notebook): Here, this is how the story starts: "A new <Rank> joined the Force today."
(Time seems to start rewinding as Jack tells the story.)
Jack: "I went to meet them at the docks..."

Concordia, late 19th century...
Charles: Greetings, <Name>, and welcome to the city of Concordia! Charles Dupont, at your service! We'll be colleagues in the police force!
Maddie: And I'm Detective Madeline O'Malley. We've been anxiously awaiting your arrival!
Maddie: I've glimpsed the recommendation letters we received about you. Your past work is impressive! You'll make a spectacular addition to our Flying Squad!
(Charles leaves.)
Maddie: Now, let us find our carriage and go forth! Onto new adventures, <Name>!

To be continued in "Mysteries of the Past"!
