Criminal Case Wiki

So the victim's head exploded under the shock, and I beat my record for skull reconstruction by three minutes!
—Roxie Sparks

Roxie Sparks is a main character appearing in Season 2 of Criminal Case, where she serves as the Chief Medical Examiner (Coroner) of the Pacific Bay Police Department.


At 29 years of age, Roxie sports red hair with pink streaks tied to a messy bun, wears a skull necklace, a green-wave t-shirt, blue denim jeans, wears two rubber bracelets, and wears a standard lab coat. Roxie is also known to wear lipstick and nail polish. It is known that parrots are Roxie's favorite animal, and that she often loves to go to parties, given her favorite food is Bloody Mary. She can also be witty and talkative at times.

In her suspect appearance in A Killer Among Us, it is known that Roxie drinks whiskey and is a gambler.

Height 5'11"
Age 29
Weight 240 lbs
Eyes blue
Blood O-

Events of Criminal Case

Dead Carpet

Roxie, along with Frank and Jupiter Crane, watched the Ivywood Film Awards. After Russell and the player arrested Velma Bannister for the murder of Tyler Snakes, the three of them appeared to them in a brainwashed state as the Utopians had played the brainwashing tape during the awards despite the team's success in catching Velma in the act.

Later on, she (and all the other brainwashed people) were cured by Hannah's synthesized tape that reversed the effect of brainwashing.

A Killer Among Us

Roxie found herself in big trouble after being flagged as a suspect during the murder investigation of Danny Moto once Amy and the player found her necklace in the police armory. She was shocked to hear that she was a suspect considering the killer broke into the armory. Roxie explained that due to having a lot of free time in between autopsies, she often went to the armory and took a nap there. Amy informed her that she needed to leave until the investigation was over, but Roxie informed her and the player that they were making a mistake flagging her as a suspect.

Roxie was spoken to again regarding a letter she sent to Louis De Rico, who Danny killed in the last case. She knew that she should have informed the player, but she and Louis fell in love. She met him at the Mennagio Casino a few weeks back, and after they spoke they went home together. Amy thought it would not end well between the two of them, but Roxie said that she did not see Louis's murder at the hands of Danny coming and she was angry at him for killing someone she loved so much.

Roxie was found to be innocent after Frank was arrested, then escaped with his ex-wife. After Hannah suggested that the two of them escaped to The Wastes, Amy and the player spoke with Roxie as she had been there before. She explained that The Wastes had massive sandstorms and the soil was polluted from years of shady experiments so much that the place was sealed off from the public. She had a hard time thinking that Frank was responsible for this, but was not surprised that he and Karen escaped to The Wastes as they thought it would be the last place anyone would look for them. Roxie was spoken to one last time before the player and Amy embarked on their journey through The Wastes for advice. Other than not to go to there, she told them bring lots of water avoid the sandstorms, and not to get lost, or else they would die. She advised that they wear suits to go with their helmets, and that she would keep her fingers crossed that they would succeed.

The Final Countdown

Roxie was mad at the player for bringing Frank dead after the player made it clear that Frank was murdered. Amy promised that she would ensure Frank died for something after Roxie asked the team to bring Frank's killer to justice, and she did after a morale boost from Russell.

Although Frank did a lot of bad things as a cop, he ultimately did a lot of good things per Chief Marquez as the team held a funeral for Frank. Although Yann and Hannah remembered Frank from the bad things he did, Roxie made it clear that Frank atoned himself to save Pacific Bay from Albert Tesla, something Andrea agreed on. Andrea then commenced burying Frank as the officer who misbehaved at times, but was ultimately good at heart.


As the Chief Medical Examiner (Coroner) of the Pacific Bay Police Department, Roxie has the responsibility of carefully examining and analyzing each murdered corpse, and to inform the team of such results after a certain amount of time or a speed-up process using Criminal Case Cash. Her task-wait rates vary depending on the difficulty of the task, but they all cost 1 Criminal Case Cash per 30 minutes. It should be noted that she also conducts physical and digital analyses at times.

Roxie often makes jokes about the victim's death whenever she finishes autopsying their body. These jokes are either a twist on how they died, or something relating to them (see: List of running gags § Roxie's jokes).

Below is the list of analyses Roxie performs throughout the course of the game:

Criminal Case: Pacific Bay-exclusive: Welcome to Pacific Bay

Case #1: Shark Attack!

Case #2: Death on Wheels

Case #3: What Dies Beneath

Case #4: Dead Girl Rolling

Case #5: The Ice Queen

  • Becky's Body (18:00:00)
  • Skin Sample (15:00:00)

Case #6: Bayou Blood

  • Lee's Body (18:00:00)

Case #7: Easy Prey

Case #8: The Root of All Evil

  • Nora's Body (18:00:00)
  • Painted Skull (09:00:00)

Case #9: Death by Moonshine

  • Sammy's Head (18:00:00)
  • Sammy's Body (15:00:00)

Case #10: Smoke and Mirrors

Case #11: Heartless

  • Ling's Body (18:00:00)

Case #12: Payback

Case #13: Eastern Promises

Case #14: Spineless

Case #15: Murder-Go-Round

Case #16: Killing Time

  • Vito's Body (18:00:00)
  • Photo of Protest (15:00:00)

Case #17: Under the Skin

  • Nikolai's Body (18:00:00)
  • Organs (06:00:00)

Case #18: After the Storm

Case #19: Cloudy with a Chance of Murder

Case #20: Open Wounds

  • Joe's Body (18:00:00)

Case #21: Under the Thunderdome

  • Theo's Body (18:00:00)

Case #22: Of Rats and Men

Case #23: The Eye of the Storm

Case #24: Hanging by a Thread

  • Dinah's Body (18:00:00)
  • White Powder (15:00:00)
  • Syringe (09:00:00)
  • Paper Pieces (09:00:00)

Case #25: Leap of Death

  • Anjulie's Body (18:00:00)
  • Wire (03:00:00)

Case #26: Hearts of Ice

Case #27: Into the Woods

Case #28: The Hunger Planes

Case #29: The White Peaks Project

Case #30: The End of the Night

  • Roberto's Body (18:00:00)
  • Frozen Hand (06:00:00)

Case #31: The Young and the Lifeless

Case #32: Once Upon a Crime

Case #33: Wild Wild Death

Case #34: Murdertown

Case #35: Star Crime

  • Rex's Body (18:00:00)

Case #36: Deadly Legacy

Case #37: The Ship of Dreams

Case #38: Dead Carpet

  • Tyler's Body (18:00:00)

Case #39: Road to Nowhere

  • Cal's Body (18:00:00)

Case #40: Temple of Doom

  • Burt's Body (18:00:00)
  • Human Heart (12:00:00)

Case #41: The Seeds of Death

Case #42: Crystal Death

  • Manny's Head (18:00:00)
  • Manny's Body (09:00:00)

Case #43: Dead Space

  • Tom's Body (18:00:00)

Case #44: The Ties That Bind

Case #45: No Place Like Home

Case #46: Smart Money

Case #47: Uncivil Rights

Case #48: Blood in the Blender

  • Ruth's Body (18:00:00)

Case #49: Immortal Sin

Case #50: Programmed to Kill

  • Bob's Body (18:00:00)

Case #51: Killer Takes All

Case #52: Death at the Circus

Case #53: Death by Martini

Case #54: Blood Diamond

  • Merv's Body (18:00:00)
  • Bloody Finger (12:00:00)

Case #55: No Honor Among Thieves

  • Louis' Body (18:00:00)

Case #56: A Killer Among Us

  • Danny's Body (18:00:00)

Case #57: Into the Wastes

Case #58: The Sting of Death

  • Karen's Body (18:00:00)

Case #59: The Final Countdown

  • Frank's Body (18:00:00)


Case appearances



Promotional images

