Criminal Case Wiki

Lovely, I was enjoying a late breakfast when your latest murder victim rolled in! Luckily, nothing can put me off bacon... mmm...
—Nathan Pandit

Nathan Pandit (Hin: नाथन पंडित; 1981–2018), first appearing as a main character—and the Chief Medical Examiner (Coroner) of the Grimsborough Police Department—in Season 1 of Criminal Case, was the victim in Snake in the Grass (Case #1 of The Conspiracy).


At 37 years of age, Nathan had graying medium black hair, and dark gray eyes concealed behind his red glasses. He sported a thick mustache and a little beard on the chin. At the time of his death, Nathan was wearing a white shirt, over a pink T-shirt, with a nametag that read "ZOO N. PANDIT". He was also sporting a pair of beige-colored shorts.

During his time in the police force, Nathan's hair was not graying, and he would wear a light blue lab hat and a light blue V-neck T-shirt underneath a white lab coat, which displayed a logo on the left side that read "Coroner" under it.

Events of Criminal Case

The Devil's Playground

After Tom Blackwater's body was discovered, Grace decided to dress as an Amish woman in order to tend Isaac Hersberger, an 8-year-old Amish witness to the murder, in order to avoid offending the Amish population in the process. In Grace's absence from the Forensics Laboratory, Nathan replaced her for the whole case.

Spring Break Massacre

After arresting Aaliyah Banks's killer, Nathan accompanied the team when they went to meet Michael Fletcher in the Biology Amphitheater to hand Brutus (Michael's piranha) back to him.

Troubled Waters

Nathan's grandfather

Nathan's "grumpy old" grandfather.

After arresting Andrew Ashworth's killer, Nathan became excited to meet Archibald Ashworth since he had heard a lot about Archibald, who seemed very eccentric and reminded Nathan of his "grumpy old" grandfather. The player accepted Nathan's request and they both then went to meet Archibald in his house. 

There Will Be Blood

After arresting Delsin Peota's killer, Cathy King and the Grimsborough PD threw a farewell party for the player after the player accepted a promotion into the Pacific Bay Police Department. Nathan did not hesitate to thank the player for making him realize that his job "wasn't just about dead bodies, but about living people, too."

Murder details

Nathan's body was found at the zoo, where he was tied up and covered in snake bites. According to Martine, Nathan was hit over the head to render him unconscious and had his wrists tied up in case he woke up. She then identified the murder weapon as an Eastern coral snake and revealed that the snake's venom would have caused Nathan to experience slurred speech, double vision, muscular paralysis, and finally, a fatal heart attack. Martine then said that Eastern coral snakes were usually timid creatures, which meant that the killer had to be able to handle snakes in order to force the reptile into attacking Nathan.

Jones and the player found the snake used to kill Nathan at the zoo's gift shop. Per Rupert, the snake was covered in a perfume called "Eau de Wild". Since there was no trace of the perfume on Nathan's body, he concluded that the killer wore Eau de Wild.

Relationship with suspects

Years prior to the case, Nathan had worked with another coroner, Kit Partridge, the latter later becoming a frequenter of the local zoo Nathan worked at. Nathan had also argued with his boss, Jackson Peacock, over his beliefs that Jackson was trafficking the zoo's baby pandas. Also at the zoo was his ex-girlfriend, Harper Stone, who felt that she did not love him anymore and wanted to be friends, despite Nathan's willingness to make it work. Nathan also worked with zoo caretaker Vince Moon, who got angry at Nathan over euthanizing weakened animals and angered teacher Pippa Goldfinch by being unsafe by letting the children touch a snake at her previous school class outing.

Killer and motives

The killer turned out to be Kit.

Upon admitting to the murder, Kit said that his son, Zachary, became a suspect in a drug bust when he and Nathan were still coroners ten years prior. He asked Nathan to doctor the evidence to relieve Zachary of suspicion. However, Nathan had refused to sacrifice his ethical code, leading to Zachary's arrest. Still holding a grudge against Nathan, Kit saw him working at the zoo in the present day. He then studied Nathan's routine daily before the day of the murder, when he stole an Eastern coral snake from the terrarium and coaxed it to kill Nathan. Judge Powell sentenced Kit to 27 years in prison.


As the (now-former) Chief Medical Examiner (Coroner) of the Grimsborough Police Department, Nathan had the responsibility of carefully examining and analyzing each murdered corpse, and to inform the team of such results after a certain amount of time or a speed-up process using Criminal Case Cash. His task-wait rates varied depending on the difficulty of the task, but they would all cost 1 Criminal Case Cash per 30 minutes. It should be noted that he also conducted forensic analyses whenever Grace was unavailable.

Below is the list of analyses Nathan has performed throughout the course of the game:

Case #1: The Death of Rosa Wolf

  • Rosa's Body (00:00:05)

Case #2: Corpse in a Garden

  • Ned's Body (00:25:00)

Case #3: The Grim Butcher

Case #4: The Dockyard Killer

  • Dan's Body (18:00:00)

Case #5: A Russian Case

  • Anton's Body (18:00:00)
  • Meat Tenderizer (06:00:00)

Case #6: Good Cop Dead Cop

  • Ed's Body (18:00:00)
  • Police Gun (06:00:00)

Case #7: Death by Crucifixion

Case #8: Beautiful No More

Case #9:Burned to the Bone

  • Chad's Body (18:00:00)
  • Molecule Sample (06:00:00)

Case #10: Under the Knife

  • Alan's Body (18:00:00)
  • Broken Tip (06:00:00)
  • Candlestick (03:00:00)

Case #11: Into the Vipers' Nest

Case #12: Blood on the Trading Floor

Case #13: Bomb Alert on Grimsborough

Case #14: Fashion Victim

  • Lucy's Body (18:00:00)
  • Hanger (06:00:00)

Case #15: Family Blood

  • Aileen's Body (18:00:00)
  • Baseball Bat (06:00:00)

Case #16: The Kiss of Death

  • Emma's Body (18:00:00)

Case #17: The Last Supper

Case #18: In the Dead of Night

Case #19: Innocence Lost

  • Gail's Body (18:00:00)

Case #20: A Deadly Game

  • Finger (06:00:00)
  • Iron Maiden (06:00:00)
  • Steve's Body (18:00:00)

Case #21: The Secret Experiments

Case #22: To Die or Not to Die

Case #23: The Final Journey

Case #24: Anatomy of a Murder

Case #25: The Ghost of Grimsborough

Case #26: The Summoning

Case #27: The Lake's Bride

  • Mary's Body (18:00:00)

Case #28: The Haunting of Elm Manor

  • Hector's Body (18:00:00)
  • Plant Substance (06:00:00)

Case #29:No Smoke Without Fire

Case #30: The Wollcrafts' Creature

  • Claire's Body (18:00:00)
  • Dog Corpse (03:00:00)

Case #31: Dog Eat Dog

Case #32: Murder on Campus

  • Rani's Body (18:00:00)

Case #33: Killing Me Softly

  • Olly's Body (18:00:00)

Case #34: Dead Man Running

  • Troy's Body (18:00:00)
  • Syringe (12:00:00)

Case #35: At the End of the Rope

  • Lisa's Body (18:00:00)

Case #36: The Devil's Playground

  • Tom's Body (18:00:00)
  • Bloodied Fibers (12:00:00)
  • Poison (12:00:00)
  • Stirrup (06:00:00)

Case #37: The Reaper and the Geek

  • Joe's Body (18:00:00)

Case #38: Spring Break Massacre

  • Aaliyah's Body (18:00:00)
  • Fish Scales (12:00:00)

Case #39: Marked for Death

Case #40: An Elementary Murder

Case #41: The Rorschach Reaper

Case #42: Blood and Glory

Case #43: Troubled Waters

  • Andrew's Body (18:00:00)
  • Fungus (03:00:00)

Case #44: The Scent of Death

  • Hank's Body (18:00:00)
  • Flower Bulbs (12:00:00)
  • Plant Pot (12:00:00)

Case #45: A Shot of Beauty

Case #46: Drive, Swing, Die

  • Tony's Body (18:00:00)

Case #47: One Wedding and a Funeral

Case #48: Good Girls Don't Die

  • Abigail's Body (18:00:00)
  • Chemical Molecules (03:00:00)
  • Shoe (06:00:00)
  • Hair Fragments (12:00:00)
  • Blue Powder (12:00:00)
  • Sauce Drops (06:00:00)

Case #49: All the King's Horses

Case #50: Snakes on the Stage

  • Roland's Body (18:00:00)
  • Sick Snake (06:00:00)

Case #51: It All Ends Here

  • Adam's Body (18:00:00)

Case #52: A Brave New World

Case #53: Burying the Hatchet

Case #54: The Poisoned Truth

Case #55: Ashes to Ashes

  • Tess' Body (18:00:00)

Case #56: There Will Be Blood

  • Delsin's Body (18:00:00)


As of 11 February 2015, the player may choose Nathan to join the investigation of each crime scene (in any Grimsborough case) and provide hint bonuses. He is available as a 4-hint partner. (This feature is only available in the mobile variant of Criminal Case.)


  • Nathan happens to be the only team member (apart from Chief King) who has never been the player's partner (during the mainstream investigation chapters of a case) in Grimsborough.
  • Nathan is one of the characters to physically appear in two seasons of the game.
  • Nathan is the only main character in the game whose blood type, height, and weight are unknown.

Case appearances

Season 1

Season 5



Promotional images

