Criminal Case Wiki

Murder's Cheap is a case featured in Criminal Case as the one-hundred-nineteenth case of the game. It is the fourth case of the game's World Edition (Season 3) and also the fourth case to take place in Europe.


Greece's economical crisis gives the Promethians a good excuse to incite violence at the financially embattered nation, so Chief Ripley ordered the player to team up with Jack Archer to respond to prevent the Promethians from succeeding so.

Jack and the player found Demetrios Metaxas dead after being punctured off-screen at the Acropolis. The player, as always, had to ship the body to Angela Douglas to launch the murder investigation. There were more lies than facts in the case as a couple of findings were discovered: Penelope the Rebel was actually the victim's daughter, The Oracle was actually a disgraced professor, and Jacqueline Proust wanted to create novels based on crimes investigated by The Bureau of sorts. In spite of the findings, a financial advisor named Nikolaos Costas was found guilty of grand manslaughter.

Nikolaos has firm and absolute beliefs that Metaxas should be held liable for Greece's financial disaster. He went far by assuming that Metaxas's financial irresponsibility would only breed bankruptcy and anarchy, so to financially stabilize Greece, he had to resort to murder. Nikolaos also believed that Metaxas was a weak leader due to the wanton financial woes Greece is currently experiencing, but Jack made one thing clear: kill and be caught by the Bureau, and get sent to Judge Adaku for trial.

Judge Adaku recognizes Greece's financial turmoil as he started the hearings, to which Nikolaos brought up the concept of a Unified Europe to stabilize Greece financially. Judge Adaku vehemently disagrees with what Costas said, as his beliefs are less violence since he cares about the riots in the Netherlands, not to mention a murdered prince previously. In spite of Costas's defense, Judge Adaku opted to put the financial advisor away for 30 years. Jack is kind of confused after the verdict as there were some things he liked about Costas, although there were also some things he didn't like about him. Unlike the previous cases in which the Promethians were involved, Costas did it for fiscal responsibility and strong leadership.

While the Promethians were not involved with the murder as opposed to previously, Chief Ripley wanted an audit to ensure that the Promethians were not involved. During the audit, the Promethians appeared to be for the Unified Europe that bothered the team since the player joined them. After careful examination, the audit deduces that the team was to head out to Italy for the next call.



  • Demetrios Metaxas (bled to death on the Acropolis)

Murder Weapon

  • Dagger


  • Nikolaos Costas


Killer's Profile

  • The killer knows Greek mythology.
  • The killer eats olives.
  • The killer knows how to sail.
  • The killer wears a Yes badge.
  • The killer wears sunglasses.

Crime Scenes

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  • This case is heavily inspired by the current financial crisis plaguing Greece due to the nation defaulting on loans from creditors. The murder is a work of fiction and should be treated as being incidental.
  • While one task in Europe in Crisis required a star to talk to Eliott Clayton, he was not accused of any wrongdoing, and him showing up on the suspect list during Europe in Crisis should be considered incidental.

