“ | Do not get the impression that I am admiring your modus operandi! | „ |
—Judith Powell |
Judge Judith Powell is a recurring character featured in Season 5 of Criminal Case. She also made quasi-suspect appearances in Death in My Hand (Case #34 of The Conspiracy), In Cold Blood (Case #35 of The Conspiracy) and Playing Dead (Case #53 of The Conspiracy), as well as two minor appearances outside her role as a judge.
Powell is the 42-year-old Grimsborough judge with light red hair and green eyes. She dons a standard judge's robe over a white shirt. Furthermore, she sports red nail polish and a golden necklace depicting the scales of justice.
Height | 5'5" |
Age | 42 |
Weight | 118 lbs |
Eyes | green |
Blood | A- |
Events of Criminal Case
Color Me Murdered
During the investigation into Marcus Butler's murder, Judge Powell visited the police station, asking if her daughter, Olive, really sent insulting messages to the victim. When Jones said that she did, Judge Powell immediately scolded her daughter for her behavior, authorizing the player to investigate Olive's involvement in the investigation. Before leaving, Gloria suggested that Olive babysit her son Carter to make up for her actions.
After Jones and the player arrested Haruki Kato for the murder, Judge Powell sentenced him to 19 years in prison. After the trial, Gloria told the player that Olive and Carter had gone missing. They eventually found out that Olive had taken Carter to the Kraken pub to play board games, then to the Xerdan ruins to explore, and finally to Marcus's studio to draw their adventures. After they were found, Judge Powell visited the station to apologize to Gloria and the player for Olive's behavior, saying that she was going to keep a close eye on her daughter.
Death in My Hand
After Zoe Kusama was remanded in custody, pending a thorough psychiatric evaluation for the murder of Dr Ernesto Vega, Zoe divulged her regained memories to Chief Parker and the player, saying that DreamLife used her, as well as other people she had been searching for when she was a social worker, for experiments. And then, Zoe was able to escape the dome. She told the team that when escaping, she had grabbed a box of papers about the experiment, but she had lost them in the sewer tunnel, prompting the team to go to the sewer tunnel for the papers.
Later, Chief Parker and the player managed to find the DreamLife document about the experiment that Zoe has lost. However, per Amir, it mentioned nothing of human experimentation. Afterwards, Chief Parker and the player decided to petition Judge Powell to shut DreamLife down, but she said she needed more evidence than Zoe's testimony to prove the existence of human experimentation and shut DreamLife down.
In Cold Blood
After Rosie Summers was found out to be the killer of Wendy Stokes, Judge Powell came to the station and asked the team to find more evidence of the extent of Rosie's criminal responsibility before her trial was held, as her account was really strange. The team then agreed with Judge Powell and started to find out what exactly was done to her.
Later, along with finding out that Rosie was sedated and administered the drug Protozane, which inhibited her emotions, explaining the calmness she felt during the murder; the team also discovered that the disastrous city earthquake was caused by DreamLife. With enough evidence, the team went straight to Judge Powell to petition her for a warrant to shut down DreamLife. After telling the team that Rosie was not responsible for her actions and would undergo a rehabilitation program instead of a prison sentence, Judge Powell authorized the team to search the dome, seize the drugs, and arrest Rozetta Pierre.
Lights Out
After Felix Murray's trial for the murder of Ryan Min and for causing the city-wide blackout, Olive told Rita and the player that her mother had gone missing. The team looked into it and eventually found out that Powell had been kidnapped by two men, who probably gained the courage to do so from the blackout.
The team then went to the power plant substation, where they found Judge Powell tied up. Powell then told them that the two ruffians had kidnapped her, mumbling about how she had heartlessly misjudged their father. After Rita and the player freed her from her restraints, the three came upon Jeb and Willie Redfern, who Powell identified as her kidnappers. The brothers introduced themselves as the sons of Shane Redfern (who Powell sentenced for the murder of Dolores Zamora). Rita and the player placed them under arrest; they briefly resisted but soon gave in after Rita shot Willie in the shoulder. The team then took Powell back to the station, where she reunited with Olive.
Playing Dead
After arresting Savannah Blake's killer, Judge Powell was tasked with reviewing Izzy Ramsey's evidence regarding Savannah's embezzlement. She informed Gloria and the player that the evidence seemed legitimate, confirming that Savannah had been embezzling money from her charity for the victims of the Grimsborough earthquake. She then told the team that the easiest way to track the money would be to determine who would inherit Savannah's estate and persuade the benefactor to return the money. The team later learned that Brooke Long, Savannah's half-sister, was Savannah's benefactor and promised to return the money.
Name | Case | Sentence |
Kit Partridge | Snake in the Grass | 27 years in jail (2018–2045) |
Cynthia Lane | Hell Is Other People | 20 years in jail (with psychological counseling) (2018–2038) |
Kevin St Kevin | The Saddest of All Keys | 25 years in jail (2018–2043) |
Megan Lucas | Cross My Heart | 7 years in jail (2018–2025) |
Coach Kirk | Too Cruel for School | 30 years in jail (2018–2048) |
Rosamund Wilcox | Hear My Cry | Life in jail (with psychological counseling) (2018–∞) |
Stewart Benedict | 5 years in jail (2018–2023) | |
Richard Harding | Flatline | 10 years in jail (2018–2028) |
Guadalupe del Prado | Stonewalled | 17 years in jail (2018–2035) |
Yoshinobu Akagi | Shooting Star | 10 years in jail (2018–2028) |
Sean Rubio | The Bloom of Doom | 25 years in jail (2018–2043) |
Nicolette Butler | Hot Mess | 25 years in jail (2018–2043) |
Christian Bateman | The Art of Murder | Life in jail, pending psychiatric evaluation (2018–∞) |
Waldo Gigs | Gone Pear-Shaped | 15 years in jail (2018–2033) |
Joy Schneider | Byte the Dust | 20 years in jail (2018–2038) |
Robyn Ash | Murder on the Dance Floor | 7 years in jail (2018–2025) |
Prisha Chandra | Buzz Kill | 5 years in jail (with parole eligibility in 2 years) (2018–2023) |
Max Gaynes | Downward-Facing Dead | 25 years in jail (2018–2043) |
Tim Cooper | Game Over | 40 years in jail (2018–2058) |
Theresa Cole | The Lost City | 10 years in jail (with mandatory counseling) (2018–2028) |
Basil Cavendish | No Mercy for Old Men | 20 years in jail (2018–2038) |
Jebediah Cobb | Writer's Blocked | 10 years in jail (2018–2028) |
Haruki Kato | Color Me Murdered | 19 years in jail (2018–2037) |
Bruno Camper | I Lost My Heart in Xerda | Life in jail (2018–∞) |
Skylar Sage | The Truth Hurts | 25 years in jail (2018-2043) |
Anuj Ghosh | Muddying the Waters | 8 years in jail (2018-2026) |
Kitty Young | Bone of Contention | 15 years in jail (2018-2033) |
Violet Bloom | Behind These Walls | 15 years in jail (2018-2033) |
Carl Rossa | Dead Men Tell No Tales | 15 years in jail (2018-2033) |
Cliff Montgomery | Light My Fire | 14 years in jail (2018-2032) |
Ernest Emerson | Blood in the Water | Life in jail (2018–∞) |
Dan Scruffinsky | Domesday | 25 years in jail (2018–2043) |
Dr Catherine Kelly | Things Fall Apart | Life in jail (2018–∞) |
Cyril Shelwater | A Rock and a Hard Place | 20 years in jail (with psychological counseling) (2018–2038) |
Zoe Kusama | Death in My Hand | Remanding in custody pending a thorough psychiatric evaluation |
Rosie Summers | In Cold Blood | Completion of a psychiatric evaluation program |
Emilio Fuller | Up in Flames | Life in jail (2018–∞) |
Toby Hansen | Final Cut | 50 years in jail (2018–2068) |
Isabella Narcisse | Pain in the Neck | 5 years in jail (2018–2023) |
Monica Pozie | Deadeye | 15 years in jail (2018–2033) |
Gunnar Burns | Game, Set, Murder | Life in jail (2018–∞) |
Adrian Lynn | Trick or Treat | 37 years in jail (with psychiatric counseling) (2018–2055) |
Polly O'Brien | Lashing Out | 35 years in jail (2018–2053) |
Azeeb Patel | 7 years in jail (2018–2025) | |
Courtney Guerra | 30 years in jail (2018–2048) | |
Dorothy Kix | ||
Lucius Roth | ||
Cody Mays | Fields of Murder | 50 years in jail (2018–2068) |
Tallulah Shropshire | A Crime Like No Udder | 37 years in jail (2018–2055) |
Abel Dreschner | A Pointy End | 20 years in jail (2018–2038) |
Lorenzo Sims | Like a Pig to the Slaughter | Life in jail (2018–∞) |
Jacinta Linares | In Vino Veritas | 37 years in jail (2018–2055) |
Brock Perry | To Kingdom Come | Life in jail (2018–∞) |
Shane Redfern | Dearly Departured | 25 years in jail (2018–2043) |
Felix Murray | Lights Out | 35 years in jail (2018–2053) |
Clyde Black | Out of Breath | 15 years in jail (2019–2034) |
Louis Leroux | Head Case | Life in jail (2019–∞) |
Clarisse Gold | Playing Dead | 21 years in jail (with psychiatric counseling) (2019–2040) |
Shweta Noorani | Breaking News | 30 years in jail in addition to original sentence (2019–2049++) |
Mandy Pregodich | Running Scared | Life in jail (2019–∞) |
John C. Birk | To Eternity and Beyond | 15 years in jail (2019–2034) |
Joe Warren | Reap What You Sow | Life in jail (2019–∞) |
April Liu | Extinguished | 15 years in jail (2019–2034) |
Martin Davenport | Eve of Disaster | 35 years in jail (2019–2054) |
- Judge Powell is one of the characters (aside from the victims) to have appeared as a clue in a crime scene.
- Judge Powell is one of the characters to appear as a quasi-suspect thrice.
- She is also one of the characters to appear as a quasi-suspect in two consecutive cases in The Conspiracy.
- Most likely due to developer's oversight, in her second and third quasi-suspect appearances, Judge Powell's profile has some changes:
- Her height changes from 5'4" to 5'5".
- Her age changes from 37 to 42.
- Her blood type changes from AB+ to A-.
- Her weight changes from 118 lbs to 130 lbs.
Case appearances
- Snake in the Grass (Case #1 of The Conspiracy)
- Hell Is Other People (Case #2 of The Conspiracy)
- The Saddest of All Keys (Case #3 of The Conspiracy)
- Cross My Heart (Case #4 of The Conspiracy)
- Too Cruel for School (Case #5 of The Conspiracy)
- Hear My Cry (Case #6 of The Conspiracy)
- Flatline (Case #7 of The Conspiracy)
- Stonewalled (Case #8 of The Conspiracy)
- Shooting Star (Case #9 of The Conspiracy)
- The Bloom of Doom (Case #10 of The Conspiracy)
- Hot Mess (Case #11 of The Conspiracy)
- The Art of Murder (Case #12 of The Conspiracy)
- Gone Pear-Shaped (Case #13 of The Conspiracy)
- Byte the Dust (Case #14 of The Conspiracy)
- Murder on the Dance Floor (Case #15 of The Conspiracy)
- Buzz Kill (Case #16 of The Conspiracy)
- Downward-Facing Dead (Case #17 of The Conspiracy)
- Game Over (Case #18 of The Conspiracy)
- The Lost City (Case #19 of The Conspiracy)
- No Mercy for Old Men (Case #20 of The Conspiracy)
- Writer's Blocked (Case #21 of The Conspiracy)
- Color Me Murdered (Case #22 of The Conspiracy)
- I Lost My Heart in Xerda (Case #23 of The Conspiracy)
- The Truth Hurts (Case #24 of The Conspiracy)
- Muddying the Waters (Case #25 of The Conspiracy)
- Bone of Contention (Case #26 of The Conspiracy)
- Behind These Walls (Case #27 of The Conspiracy)
- Dead Men Tell No Tales (Case #28 of The Conspiracy)
- Light My Fire (Case #29 of The Conspiracy)
- Blood in the Water (Case #30 of The Conspiracy)
- Domesday (Case #31 of The Conspiracy)
- Things Fall Apart (Case #32 of The Conspiracy)
- A Rock and a Hard Place (Case #33 of The Conspiracy)
- Death in My Hand (Case #34 of The Conspiracy)
- In Cold Blood (Case #35 of The Conspiracy)
- Up in Flames (Case #36 of The Conspiracy)
- Final Cut (Case #37 of The Conspiracy)
- Pain in the Neck (Case #38 of The Conspiracy)
- Deadeye (Case #39 of The Conspiracy)
- Game, Set, Murder (Case #40 of The Conspiracy)
- Trick or Treat (Case #41 of The Conspiracy)
- Lashing Out (Case #42 of The Conspiracy)
- Fields of Murder (Case #43 of The Conspiracy)
- A Crime Like No Udder (Case #44 of The Conspiracy)
- A Pointy End (Case #45 of The Conspiracy)
- Like a Pig to the Slaughter (Case #46 of The Conspiracy)
- In Vino Veritas (Case #47 of The Conspiracy)
- To Kingdom Come (Case #48 of The Conspiracy)
- Dearly Departured (Case #49 of The Conspiracy)
- Lights Out (Case #50 of The Conspiracy)
- Out of Breath (Case #51 of The Conspiracy)
- Head Case (Case #52 of The Conspiracy)
- Playing Dead (Case #53 of The Conspiracy)
- Breaking News (Case #54 of The Conspiracy)
- Running Scared (Case #55 of The Conspiracy)
- To Eternity and Beyond (Case #56 of The Conspiracy)
- Reap What You Sow (Case #57 of The Conspiracy)
- Extinguished (Case #58 of The Conspiracy)
- Eve of Disaster (Case #59 of The Conspiracy)