Criminal Case Wiki
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Carrie James: <Name>, I can't believe Enzo and I are getting married! This all happened so quickly!
Enzo: Yes, a bit of a whirlwind. But your brother was generous enough to let us use the preparations he'd made for his own wedding to Eleonora, after she called off their engagement.
Carrie: I'm sad for them, but Eleonora's loyalty to her murdered mobster father was a huge red flag!
Enzo: Yeah, I hope her breakup with Cody was the last trouble we'll see from the late Antoine Macaron!
Carrie: Well, next item on our list is to arrest Samy Malouf!
Carrie: Samy was using the Luvver app's tech to fabricate a deepfake video of the French president cavorting with sex workers!
Carrie: We still don't know his motive for making that video, but he'll undergo an extensive interrogation when we catch him!
Léa: <Name>, I'm afraid you're going to have trouble arresting Samy Malouf at this point...
Carrie: Why, has he fled?
Léa: No, he was murdered! His body was found in the sculpture room at the Louvre museum!
Carrie: What? Samy Malouf is dead?!
Carrie: He was our only lead on the deepfake scandal. Hopefully, solving his murder will shed some light on what the hell he's been up to! Let's head to the Louvre!

Chapter 1

Investigate Sculpture Room.
Carrie James: <Name>, that's Samy Malouf, alright! His head AND his body!
Carrie: It looks like he was viciously decapitated right here in the museum!
Carrie: Well, Brigadier Bonnet was right, we can't arrest Samy for that deepfake video now...
Carrie: ... but we can certainly solve his murder and bring his killer to justice!
Carrie: The autopsy will tell us exactly how Samy's head was cut off, but this sword sheath you found seems relevant! It must be one of the museum's artifacts!
Carrie: Could this sheath have held the sword that was used to chop off Malouf's head? There's a stain on it, let's collect a sample!
Carrie: And this looks like a torn photograph. Let's piece it back together and see if it sheds light on the murder!
Carrie: Well, <Name>, they say the time leading up to a wedding is stressful.
Carrie: I guess it makes sense that part of the stress before my wedding is solving a murder case! Let's get to it!

Examine Torn Photo.
Carrie: <Name>, this photo you found torn to pieces is of Samy and his brother Jawad!
Carrie: We met Professor Malouf when we investigated the murder of Prince Amadou's bodyguard.
Carrie: We know there was friction between them. Did one of them tear up this photo after a fight?
Carrie: We need to notify Professor Malouf of his brother's death, and see what else we can find out.

Talk to Jawad Malouf about his brother's murder.
Carrie: Professor Malouf, we're sorry to tell you that your brother was found murdered today.
Jawad: So, Samy's hunger for power finally caught up with him?
Carrie: What do you mean, his "hunger for power"?
Jawad: These app developers are all the same. They start with a helpful idea, like a platform for social interaction...
Jawad: ... but as soon as their creation gets significant attention out in the world, they become little power-hungry kings lording over their tiny kingdom!
Jawad: Samy was no exception. He put himself on a pedestal, and he shunned anyone who thought differently from him!
Carrie: Is that how you and Samy grew apart?
Jawad: Yes. It had already been a long time since I last spoke with him. And tragically, now we'll never have the chance to reconcile. I'm sorry, I must be going.
(Jawad leaves.)
Carrie: That's so sad. I think my experience with Cody disappearing makes me feel strongly about sibling difficulties.
Carrie: Well, the only way we can help Professor Malouf now is to solve his brother's murder!
Carrie: You know, when we were at the crime scene, I noticed the terrace of the Louvre café just out the window.
Carrie: What if someone at the café saw something? Let's go check it out!

Investigate Café Terrace.
Carrie: Just as we thought, this café terrace looks right into the sculpture room. Which makes it a scenic place to have a coffee...
Carrie: ... making it the perfect place for the killer to stalk our victim!
Carrie: Speaking of observation, maybe this security camera picked up something hopeful. We'll unlock it and check out the footage!
Carrie: And here's a handbag someone left behind. Identifying its owner could give us another suspect!

Examine Security Camera.
Carrie: Great, <Name>, now that you've unlocked the security camera, let's-
Émile: Oh, hey, <Name>. What's up? I see you found that camera...
Carrie: Yes, it might contain footage relevant to Samy Malouf's murder.
Émile (sweating): Well, I can tell you for sure that it contains footage of Samy... and of me!
Carrie: What?! You're gonna have to explain yourself, Émile!

Question Émile about the security camera footage.
Carrie: Alright, Émile, let's hear what you've got to say for yourself. What were you doing here with Samy?
Émile: Okay, <Name>, I've queued up the security camera footage to the moment Samy and I, er... crossed paths out here.
Émile: I'll let the footage speak for itself...

Start of footage...
Émile: I thought Luvver's addictive hearts feature was bad enough...
Émile: ... but now we find out that you made a deepfake video of none other than our president! What the hell are you up to?
Samy: I have no idea what you're talking about. And I'm shocked to hear such technophobic drivel from the Parisian Police Squad's very own tech expert!
Émile: What's going to be sad is you, when <Rank> <Name> finally gets their hands on you!

End of footage...
Carrie: Okay, Émile, so you had a pretty heated argument with the victim before he was killed...
Carrie: ... and then we catch you here, looking for the security camera that recorded said argument. That's basically tampering with evidence! Anything else you want to confess?
Émile: I didn't kill Samy! We only fought because I happened to be here at the café, and I saw him walk by!
Émile: And it just... came out!
Émile: I only came looking for the security camera because I knew it was relevant to your case, and I didn't know if you'd look out here!
Émile: I'd never try to hide anything from you, <Name>, honest!

Examine Handbag.
Carrie: There's a notebook in this handbag, <Name>, with notes and drawings on it...
Carrie: You're right, the drawing looks like someone dressed as a horse.
Carrie: Wait, do you remember when we met Tilde, the performance artist from our investigation of Céleste Alouest's murder?
Carrie: Tilde was planning a performance in which she'd dress as a horse! And this sketch looks like her!
Carrie: If Tilde's handbag was here, then so was she. Let's see if Tilde witnessed anything related to the murder!

Ask Tilde if she witnessed the murder.
Carrie: Tilde, we found your handbag on the terrace at the Louvre café.
Tilde: Oh, thank you for returning it, <Rank> <Name>!
Carrie: We also called you here because Samy Malouf, the CEO of Luvver, was murdered in the sculpture room right next to that terrace. Did you see anything while you were there? A scuffle? Anyone suspicious?
Tilde: I didn't notice anything, no. But I was distracted, in my own little world. I go to the Louvre for inspiration.
Tilde: Some of the most powerful poses and scenes in my performance art have come from the poses in paintings and famous statues. I was there to sketch in my notebook and daydream.
Tilde: But if I think of anything that might help your investigation later, I'll be sure to let you know!

Examine Sword Sheath.
Carrie: Great, <Name>, now let's get this sample you took from the sword sheath to Enzo for analysis!

Analyze Orange Liquid.
Enzo: Hello, <Name>! And hello, future wife.
Carrie: Hello, future husband. Say, were you too distracted by our upcoming wedding to examine that sample we brought you from the sword sheath?
Enzo: Pas du tout! I examined it thoroughly! In fact, the sample made me think even more about our wedding celebration!
Carrie: A substance collected from a crime scene made you think of our wedding?
Enzo: It's not what you think, cherie! I only say that because the substance you collected is pastis, a traditional French liqueur that we'll be serving at our wedding!
Carrie: Well, the museum curators definitely wouldn't be careless enough to get liqueur on the sheath of an antique sword!
Enzo: Exactly, so we know your killer is the one who drinks pastis!
Carrie: <Name>, when we get to the bottom of this case, it's going to be bottoms up for our killer!

Autopsy Victim's Body.
Nadia: Well, <Name>, as I suspected when I first saw the body, Samy Malouf died from... loss of head.
Carrie: We could've told you that! What else did you find out?
Nadia: The cut is consistent with a sword.
Nadia: I also took a look at the sheath you found, the weapon that goes with it is the historical coronation sword...
Nadia: This sword, nicknamed "Joyeuse," was used to crown many French kings, possibly as far back as the 12th century! It's been on display in the Louvre since the French Revolution.
Nadia: But back to the murder. The wound revealed that the killer's swing was elegant with strong follow-through. They must have training in swordsmanship!
Carrie: Well, <Name>, we'll need some more clues before we can finally "fence in" our killer!

Later, at the precinct...
Carrie: <Name>, when we started this case, I was worried I'd be distracted by thoughts of Enzo and my wedding happening soon!
Carrie: But finding Samy Malouf beheaded in the sculpture room at the Louvre was just the thing to shake me out of my reverie!
Carrie: We'd been hunting Samy down to interrogate him about the deepfake video he made of the President of France!
Carrie: But our killer - whoever they are - got to him first!
Carrie: We know the performance artist Tilde was near the crime scene around the time of the murder, but she said she didn't notice anything.
Carrie: And things have been rocky between the victim and his brother for a long time, but the professor seems too reasonable to commit murder.
Carrie: And for now, our teammate Émile is the most suspicious of the bunch!
Carrie: We'll keep a close eye-
Léa: <Rank> <Name>, Carrie, I was helping with preparations at the wedding location...
Léa: ... and I saw Eleonora sneaking around there!

Chapter 2

Carrie James: Well, <Name>, we were pursuing Samy Malouf for the deepfake video he made of the French president cavorting with sex workers...
Carrie: ... but someone else got to him first, and cut his head off in the sculpture room at the Louvre!
Carrie: We've already spoken with a few suspects, but we'll have to keep an eye-
Léa: <Rank> <Name>, Carrie, I was helping with preparations at the wedding location...
Léa: ... and I saw Eleonora sneaking around there! She ran away before I could approach her.
Carrie: Eleonora? Given her continued loyalty to her late mobster father, I hope she's not trying to sabotage the wedding!
Léa: I thought the same thing. She was talking on the phone, and I'm sure I heard her mention Samy Malouf!
Carrie: Eleonora was talking about our victim? That could relate to our investigation?
Carrie: <Name>, let's head to the wedding site and see what we can find!

Investigate Wedding Venue.
Carrie: Oh, the wedding venue is so beautiful! I can't believe I'm getting married here!
Carrie: <Name>, this envelope is addressed to Samy!
Carrie: But... all the text on the letter itself is rubbed away! Let's recover the text!
Carrie: Now, considering this letter to our victim, I wonder if there's anything else here related to our case...
Carrie: For instance, whose phone is this? Let's get it unlocked and find out!
Carrie: And let's take a look through this trash can, too! I want this investigation wrapped up before my wedding!

Examine Smartphone.
Carrie: Huh, this phone's home screen doesn't show its owner. This could be one of those prepaid phones.
Carrie: Since our tech expert is actually a suspect in our investigation, let's see if the chief can help us trace the phone's owner!

Analyze Anonymous Phone.
Chief Delacroix: <Name>, this is a prepaid phone, so it's not linked to a traceable account or phone bill. I can't identify its owner.
Chief Delacroix: But whoever owns this phone, they're the person who cut off the head of Samy Malouf!
Carrie: What?! How do you know?
Chief Delacroix: Because there are photos on this phone from the lead-up to Samy's murder. They glimpse him from around corners, and from over railings...
Chief Delacroix: Clearly, your killer stalked Samy before delivering the fatal blow!
Carrie: That's creepy, but I'm not sure what else we can infer from that.
Chief Delacroix: Well, I noticed that the angles of the photos are relatively high, and a closer look at smudges on the phone's casing confirmed my suspicion...
Chief Delacroix: ... your killer used a selfie stick to take these photos!
Carrie: A selfie stick! The killer must have been trying to blend in with the other tourists! Well, if they want to play tourist, the next place they'll visit is prison!
Carrie: But the next place we should visit is the Louvre café, to find more clues! Let's go!

Investigate Terrace Tables.
Carrie: You're right, there's a bottle of champagne here, but the café doesn't serve champagne...
Carrie: Maybe this emblem will shed some light on how it ended up here!
Carrie: And what are these plastic pieces? Looks like a broken doll. Let's put them back together!

Examine Broken Doll.
Carrie: <Name>, this doll looks exactly like Samy! Well, except its head is missing...
Carrie: Though that is technically what Samy looks like now!
Carrie: Ah, there's a design on the back of the jacket. Isn't that swoop like the accent mark called a "tilde"?
Carrie: You're right! That's the signature of Tilde the performance artist! But why would she make a headless doll of Samy?
Carrie: This is super suspicious! Let's speak with Tilde!

Confront Tilde about the headless doll she made of the victim.
Carrie: Tilde, when we spoke earlier, you said you spent your time at the Louvre daydreaming...
Carrie: But did you perhaps mean daydreaming of beheading Samy Malouf?
Tilde: What? Of course not! This was a design for a costume I planned to make for myself!
Carrie: You were going to dress as a headless Samy Malouf?
Tilde: Yes! I was drinking a pastis one night when the idea came to me: I would go around Paris using a selfie stick to photograph myself in front of various monuments.
Tilde: The fact that my head is missing would speak to the ways apps like Luvver steal our identities, and how mindless we are about using them!
Tilde: But you must realize that my performance pieces speak out against cruelty, not for it!
Tilde: For example, I learned swordsmanship to speak about historical systems of violence. But I would never dream of using those skills against another person!
Carrie: If we find out you're Samy Malouf's killer, your next performance will be a residency in prison!

Examine Champagne Bottle.
Carrie: Wow, <Name>, the special emblem on that champagne bottle is a seal of the President of France!
Carrie: We met President Roquefort before, when he tasked us with discovering who made the deepfake video of him!
Carrie: Could this mean the President was near the scene of the crime earlier today?
Carrie: Come on, <Name>, let's go speak with the President about this!

Talk to President Roquefort about the murder.
Carrie: Monsieur le Président, we have news regarding the man who fabricated that compromising video of you.
Gérard: Good, I take it he has been brought to justice! I would like to address him personally, if I may.
Carrie: Well, "brought to justice" is relative... Someone cut off his head in the Louvre before we could arrest him.
Gérard: He was beheaded? It is awful to imagine such a barbaric act committed on French soil! And in an important cultural landmark such as the Musée du Louvre!
Gérard: The Louvre is a place of union, not of separation! Why, I was just there earlier today for a conversation with the ministre de la Culture!
Carrie: We found your champagne bottle on the café terrace at the Louvre earlier today, potentially near the time of the murder. Did you notice anything... amiss?
Gérard: If my security personnel suspected any foul play, they would have informed me and ushered me out immediately. I will let you know if any of them can shed light on the subject of this tragic incident!

Examine Trash Can.
Carrie: <Name>, there was a clue hidden in the trash can!
Carrie: It's a flyer ad for the Luvver app. But someone wrote "Off with his head" across it!
Carrie: Clearly this threat was meant for our victim, since he's pictured on the flyer, and he was the CEO of Luvver!
Carrie: And "off with his head" refers specifically to the way he was killed!
Carrie: Maybe Jean-Philippe can help us identify the person who wrote this!

Analyze Flyer.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, I've got something interesting to tell you about this flyer you found!
Carrie: Lay it on us, JP! Who wrote that nasty message on the victim's flyer?
High Commissioner Delacroix: Well, the handwriting is a match for Samy Malouf!
Carrie: Uh... what? Why would Samy write a message threatening to cut off his own head?
High Commissioner Delacroix: No, no, Samy didn't write it, I mean that the handwriting matched his handwriting.
High Commissioner Delacroix: It's frequently true that aspects of people's handwriting can match their parents' handwriting, and as a result, that of a sibling.
High Commissioner Delacroix: That means the threat was written by Samy's brother, Jawad Malouf!
Carrie: <Name>, let's go interrogate Professor Malouf about this display of brotherly hate!

Interrogate Jawad Malouf about the threat he wrote on the flyer.
Carrie: Professor, we know you and Samy had a rocky relationship, and we found this note you wrote threatening to cut off his head! Explain yourself!
Jawad: I realize the strangeness of the coincidence, but you can't possibly believe I cut off my brother's head!
Jawad: "Off with his head" is a classic phrase of revolt and rebellion against a ruling power.
Jawad: Samy wielded the power of royalty in the empire he'd built with that app of his.
Jawad: And he was planning on using that power in a bid for the presidency!
Carrie: Is THAT why he made the deepfake video of President Roquefort?!
Jawad: Of course that's why! And he told me about it! He thought my career in political science meant I would go ga-ga for his prowess as a propagandist!
Jawad: But I will not simply sip my pastis and watch the world burn; I will make my feelings known!
Carrie: I hope that graffiti was your only rebellion against your brother, because power-hungry or not, his life was protected by the law!

Examine Envelope.
Carrie: <Name>, the letter to Samy says, "Samy, you tread on dangerous ground. Stop or be stopped!"
Carrie: And it has this logo which we know Eleonora used to threaten someone before!
Carrie: Let's confront Eleonora about this!

Talk to Eleonora about her letter to the victim.
Carrie: Eleonora, Samy Malouf was found with his head cut off earlier today. And we happened to find this ominous letter you wrote to him.
Eleonora (crying): Samy was murdered?! Oh, nothing is right in the world!
Eleonora (eating a donut, crying): My only consolation right now is eating these donuts Cody ordered to give our wedding an "American touch," and drinking the bottle of pastis we were saving to celebrate on our honeymoon!
Eleonora: I'm sorry, Carrie, I've been trying to keep it together since Cody and I broke up, but it's hard. I did love him! I'm still reeling...
Carrie: We can understand it's a difficult time for you, Eleonora, but you've got to explain why you told Samy to "stop or be stopped."
Eleonora: Because he wanted Cody and me to lie and say we met on the Luvver app!
Eleonora: When Samy found out that I'd called it off, he kept insisting that we have the wedding anyway, just for his own publicity!
Eleonora (crying): So I told him to stop. But I never would have been so harsh if I knew he was going to be killed! Please understand, <Name>!

Later, at the precinct...
Carrie: Well, <Name>, in our search for the person who beheaded Samy Malouf, we've come across a surprising number of coincidences!
Carrie: Too many for there not to be a killer among them...
Carrie: For instance, Professor Malouf's message to his brother saying "off with his head"!
Carrie: Or Tilde's "costume design" depicting Samy without a head.
Carrie: I'm less convinced by Eleonora's threatening message to Samy, but she's been on an emotional roller-coaster recently, so who knows?
Carrie: Then there's the President himself, who certainly had a bone to pick with Samy, but also the power to use legal avenues of punishment!
Carrie: All of these people are maxing out the suspicion meter!
Hugo: <Name>, you've gotta come quick!
Hugo: Angry Parisians have flooded the wedding location!

Chapter 3

Carrie James: <Name>, we still haven't pinned down the person who beheaded Samy Malouf in the Louvre museum.
Carrie: But we've got leads coming from all directions!
Hugo: <Name>, there's something else coming from all directions! Parisians!
Hugo: They've flooded the wedding venue, and they're shouting about Samy's murder!
Carrie: Why in the world would they gather at my wedding venue? We've gotta go take care of this! Come on, <Name>!

Moments later, at Champ-de-Mars...
Parisian Riot: Samy Malouf was trying to bring the world together! And somebody destroyed him!
Parisian Riot: We demand justice for the CEO of Luvver!
Carrie: Everyone, calm down, please! <Rank> <Name> here and I are working to find the person who murdered Monsieur Malouf!
Carrie: But we need you to clear out of here, and not cause a panic! This place happens to be part of the crime scene!
Parisian Riot: Oh, we're sorry! Please, continue! Everyone, let's let the police do their work!
(The people in the parisian riot leave.)
Carrie: Well, clearly they don't yet know that Samy was the one who created the fake video of the President!
Carrie: If they had known, that would've been a very different interaction!
Carrie: We've got to work fast to wrap up this case, and then all the information can come to light!
Carrie: While we're here, let's take another look around for clues!

Investigate Wedding Display Stand.
Carrie: <Name>, this briefcase looks like it contains something important! Let's get it unlocked and see what's inside!
Carrie: And what are these broken pieces? Looks like some kind of drone? Let's reassemble it!
Carrie: What is all over this handkerchief? I hope this is a clue, and not something one of those Parisians dropped! We'll have to clean it up to find out!

Examine Handkerchief.
Carrie: <Name>, there's a message on this handkerchief! It says, "For Samy's tears."
Carrie: There's clear ill will in this message! Hopefully the sample you collected of the stuff on the hankie will tell us whose it is!
Carrie: Let's check it out under the microscope!

Examine Colorful Bits.
Carrie: <Name>, the stuff you collected from that scornful hankie is rainbow sprinkles, like from a donut!
Carrie: You're right, when we spoke to Eleonora, she was eating a rainbow sprinkle donut! So the hankie is hers!
Carrie: Let's go ask Eleonora about her beef with the victim!

Ask Eleonora the meaning of the message.
Carrie: Eleonora, care to explain why this handkerchief was "for the tears" of our latest murder victim?
Eleonora: It was to ridicule Samy! He thought he was so clever, so powerful!
Eleonora: Samy took a hefty investment from my dad to launch the Luvver app.
Eleonora: But after he realized my dad was the leader of the Pigeons and Rats, Samy wanted to break all ties with him!
Carrie: I'm sure Luvver had more than enough money to pay back the amount of the investment.
Eleonora: Of course, but that's not the point! In the swordsmanship classes I took as a little girl, we learned that when you are entangled with an opponent, you never turn away!
Eleonora: You stare dead in their eyes until THEY'RE the first to move! I use a selfie stick to practice my intimidating glare!
Eleonora: I have a reputation to uphold! No one cuts ties with the Macaron family!
Carrie: Not even by dying? We're watching you, Eleonora!

Examine Briefcase.
Carrie: Whoa, <Name>, there's a ton of money in this briefcase! And there's a note saying, "Monsieur Malouf, listen to reason!"
Carrie: So someone was offering Samy a lot of money to convince him to do something! But who?
Carrie: You're right, the passcode to open the briefcase was: "L'Hexagone"...
Carrie: Ah, French politicians often refer to France as "L'Hexagone," because the country is shaped like a hexagon...
Carrie: Which means this briefcase - and the money inside - is from the President! Could he have tried to fix his little deepfake problem by circumventing the law?
Carrie: Let's go have a word with Monsieur le Président about this!

Confront President Roquefort about his bribe to the victim.
Carrie: Monsieur le Président, were you attempting to bribe Samy Malouf with all this money?
Gérard: Look, I realize that in light of Monsieur Malouf's conduct, this looks like a deal being made "in the black."
Gérard: But the fact of the matter is that Monsieur Malouf would fight the charges in court, while continuing to release defamatory material against me!
Carrie: So you're telling us that you, the President, don't trust the legal system to do its job?
Gérard: I do, but if I can save the state from pointless spending by taking care of a problem myself, I will do so.
Carrie: Then is it possible you decided to cut off Samy's head to save yourself from more "pointless spending" too?
Gérard: <Rank> <Name>, that is not the way La République deals with its transgressors! I am a trained swordsman, and I believe in the historic arts of my predecessors.
Gérard: But my preferred method for hashing out differences is calm, reasoned discussion over a pastis.
Carrie: If you're lying about this, Monsieur le Président, the state spending will be for your murder trial!

Examine Broken Drone.
Carrie: Our hunch was right, <Name>, this is a drone!
Carrie: I'm pretty sure these aren't legal to fly just anywhere in the city. So why would it be here in the Champ-de-Mars?
Carrie: Let's send it to the Chief and see what he can find out about it!

Analyze Drone.
Chief Delacroix: <Name>, I must say I'm pretty disheartened by this clue...
Carrie: Oh! Is it not linked to the murder?
Chief Delacroix: No, it's definitely linked. But a little too closely for comfort.
Chief Delacroix: This drone was outfitted with a projector lamp on it, and when I lit it up, it projected the message "Samy Malouf must pay!"
Carrie: What? So the drone could've been made by the killer?!
Chief Delacroix: I sure hope not! Because it was obviously constructed using pieces recycled from Parisian Police Squad surveillance equipment...
Chief Delacroix: Our very own Émile made this drone!
Carrie: Émile! We have to interrogate him about this right away!

Interrogate Émile about the drone he made.
Émile: Here I am, <Name>, in the interrogation room. Do your worst.
Carrie: Émile, you'll only get "the worst" if you murdered Samy Malouf! So, did you?
Émile: No, of course not! I'd never murder anyone! But you know I was angry!
Émile: Between his addictive app and the deepfake video of the President, that man was a menace to technology!
Carrie: Émile, I'm sorry to say that this latest clue <Name> found doesn't help the case for your innocence.
Émile: You know what else won't help? I'm a perfect match for everything you've discovered about the killer so far!
Carrie: What do you mean?
Émile (sweating): I couldn't help it! I hacked into the case file because I had to know what the chances were that you'd think I'm the killer!
Émile: I've taken swordsmanship classes, but only because I'm a sci-fi geek! I'm French, so of course I drink pastis! And I've designed my own hi-tech selfie sticks!
Émile: As far as the case file is concerned, I'm the killer! But I swear I didn't kill Samy! You've gotta believe me!

Carrie: <Name>, the plot thickens in our search for the person who chopped off the head of Luvver CEO Samy Malouf!
Carrie: I gotta say, I'm still baffled by Émile's breakdown during his interrogation!
Carrie: I can't help thinking that his weakness under pressure proves that if he was Samy's killer, he would've confessed immediately!
Carrie: On the other hand, maybe that's why he's so wound up...
Carrie: Then there's the President himself, who went as far as a bribe to keep Samy from releasing the deepfake video.
Carrie: And according to Eleonora, Samy couldn't escape his business connections with the Macaron family!
Carrie: Every one of our suspects has a strong motive for chopping Samy's head off!
Carrie: But I can feel this case is coming to a head! Let's take another look around the scene of the crime!

Investigate Antique Sculptures.
Carrie: <Name>, there's blood on this audio guide device!
Carrie: You know what they say. Where there's blood, there's clues! Let's collect a sample!
Carrie: And you've got a good feeling about the umbrella stand? Your instincts have paid off in the past, let's dig through it!
Carrie: Our investigation of Samy's murder here in the Louvre sculpture room is taking shape! We've almost got our killer!

Examine Umbrella Stand.
Carrie: <Name>, that's not an umbrella, that's a SWORD! And it's got blood on it!
Carrie: I don't want to speak too soon, but I think you just found our murder weapon! Let's get it to Enzo to make sure!

Analyze Sword.
Enzo: <Name>, I knew your wedding gift to Carrie and me would be out of the ordinary...
Enzo: But we weren't expecting a murder weapon!
Carrie: So this IS the sword used to chop off Samy Malouf's head!
Enzo: And that's not all - your killer apparently got a bit gussied up for the occasion...
Enzo: I found lipstick marks on the hilt!
Enzo: Samy didn't wear lipstick, so the lipstick is your killer's!
Carrie: Well, <Name>, when we arrest Samy's killer, they'd better not give us any lip!

Examine Louvre Audio Guide.
Carrie: Perfect, now let's get that blood sample you took from the audio guide to the lab for examination!

Analyze Blood.
Enzo: <Name>, I did the best I could to keep my mind on examining the sample you brought in...
Enzo: ... but it's hard to keep my mind off our wedding!
Carrie: I know, chéri, same here!
Enzo: It kills me when you call me chéri - I should have <Name> arrest you for murder!
Carrie: Well, tell us about the sample quick, before <Name> puts the cuffs on me.
Enzo: Firstly, the blood was a match for your victim. But the hair I found in it was not!
Enzo: The hair is brown, unlike Malouf's! Which means it must have come from your killer!
Carrie: <Name>, we know our killer has brown hair!

After completing all the tasks...
Carrie: <Name>, in our investigation of Samy Malouf's decapitation, one suspect stands head and shoulders above the rest! Let's go arrest the killer!

Take care of the killer now!
Carrie: Eleonora Macaron, I'm glad you and Cody broke up, because I had no idea you'd turn out to be a murderer!
Eleonora: What are you talking about?! You seriously think I cut off Samy Malouf's head?
Carrie: Yes, we do. It's funny, we thought you were cleverer than your father. It wasn't just because he wanted to cut ties with the Pigeons and Rats.
Carrie: Yet here you are, having murdered someone for something so petty as a minor business dispute... and to top it all off, getting caught!
Eleonora: You think I'M the fool here? I've never stopped being loyal to my father! I've been playing you all this whole time!
Carrie: You mean everything you told us about disapproving of what he stood for was a lie?! How could you do that to my brother?! He was in love with you!
Eleonora: He was just a plaything! I'd have got rid of him long ago if it wasn't for his insider ties to the police.
Eleonora: And as I told you once before, <Name>, family is family. You couldn't even begin to wrap your head around our master plan to take over France!
Carrie: Wait a minute... does this have something to do with Malouf's plan to release a deepfake video of the French president?
Eleonora: Ha! Samy could never have conceived of such a brilliant scheme! This was all MY idea!
Carrie: What?! But what have you got against President Roquefort?
Eleonora: Nothing except we wanted him out of the way so my father could become president!
Eleonora: I knew the technology existed to create false evidence defaming the President, he just needed someone with access to such technology.
Eleonora: That's where Samy came in! I persuaded my dad to cut a deal with Malouf: he'd invest heavily in Luvver in exchange for a deepfake to bring down the President!
Carrie: But then your dad was killed, and Samy had nothing to do with it. So why would you decapitate him?
Eleonora: Because Samy got a big head! He decided that since he'd paved the way to defame the President...
Eleonora: ... Samy was going to become President himself!
Eleonora: There's no way I was going to let him take advantage of MY genius idea! If my father couldn't become president, Samy certainly wouldn't!
Carrie: So you followed Samy into the Louvre and cut off his head?
Eleonora: Samy was scared, because he knew that the Pigeons and Rats were following him. So he spent time in museums and places where there were lots of people.
Eleonora: But we Macarons aren't scared to send a message loud and clear!
Eleonora: And to show just how much I am Antoine Macaron's daughter, I took that ceremonial sword and gave Samy a political execution worthy of a president!
Carrie: Well, Eleonora, it certainly seems like you've followed in your late mobster father's footsteps...
Carrie: And just like your dad did, you'll be going to prison! You're under arrest!

Judge Lebrun: Eleonora Macaron, you're charged with the murder-by-beheading of Samy Malouf. How do you plead?
Eleonora: Guilty, Your Honor! I killed Samy Malouf to keep him from stepping into position as President of France!
Eleonora: You could say it was a heroic gesture.
Judge Lebrun: Heroic? Chopping someone's head off because the head of a French crime syndicate didn't get to be president instead?
Judge Lebrun: I can't say I follow your logic, but I suppose that's par for the course, given my position.
Judge Lebrun: Eleonora Macaron, for the murder of Samy Malouf, as well as conspiracy to defame a sitting President of the French Republic...
Judge Lebrun: ... this court sentences you to life in prison!
Eleonora: I did what I had to do to defend my family and my father's honor!

Later, at the precinct...
Carrie: <Name>, what the actual heck?!
Carrie: I can't believe Eleonora has been double crossing us this whole time. How am I going to break the news to Cody? He's going to be even more heartbroken!
Chief Delacroix: Her actions beggar belief. The Macaron family has always been bad news, but who knew their ambitions stretched to making Antoine Macaron president?
Carrie: But when Macaron died, Samy Malouf decided he'd use the opportunity to run for President himself!
Chief Delacroix: So Eleonora killed Malouf to stop him taking advantage of her cunning masterplan!
Chief Delacroix: Textbook crime family mentality!
Carrie: I'm so relieved Eleonora and Cody didn't wind up getting married!
Hugo: No, but speaking of marriage, Carrie, you and Enzo have your own wedding to prepare for!
Hugo: <Name>, we're going to need your help with the final preparations! Allez, hop!

We'll Always Have Paris (4/4)

Carrie James: <Name>, I still can't believe that Eleonora Macaron was the mastermind behind the deepfake video of the President of France! Nor that she never stopped being loyal to her father!
Carrie: Following Antoine Macaron's murder, she even went as far as decapitating Samy Malouf for trying to take advantage of their plan to overturn the presidency!
Chief Delacroix: Now that everyone involved in this whole scandal is either dead or in jail, I think we can finally put this whole deepfake threat to the President to rest!
Carrie: It broke my heart to tell Cody what Eleonora had done. He says he's sure he'll come to terms with it, but for now, all he wants is to see me marry the love of my life?
Enzo (covering his eyes): Did someone say "marry"?
Carrie (covering her eyes): Enzo, don't come in here! It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding!
Enzo (covering his eyes): That's why I'm covering my eyes! But I need you to go so I can talk to <Name> about something!
Carrie (covering her eyes): I've got to go get ready, anyway. See you later, <Name>! À plus tard, mon chéri!
(Carrie leaves.)
Enzo: Gah, she gets me every time speaking French with that American accent of hers!
Enzo: Okay, <Name>, I need your help, tout de suite! Meet me in my lab in a few minutes so we can talk in private.
(Enzo leaves.)
Jones: <Name>! I'm so flattered that you invited me to your friends' wedding, but I've got a little problem to take care of before we go.
Jones: Come see me when you're done meeting with Enzo!

See what Jones needs.
Jones: <Name>, I have some great news to share!
Jones: I just got back from a couple days in Switzerland, and while I was there... I met someone!
Jones: Her name is Alessia, and she's coming as my plus-one to the wedding!
Jones: But here's the catch: because I used to be a detective, she likes to send me on little treasure hunts.
Jones: She's arriving today from Zurich, and she's arranged a little hunt for me to find her in Paris.
Jones: Since you've always been my star detecting partner, I need you to help me solve her clues and find her in time to go to the wedding!
Jones: When she arrived, she said she was going to "drink in the pyramid"... So, already I'm confused! This is France, not Egypt!
Jones: Oh, you're right! There's a pyramid at the Louvre! And there's a café right next to it, where you can "drink in" the view! See? I'd be lost without your help, <Name>!
Jones: Let's head to the Louvre café and try to find the next clue!

Investigate Café Terrace.
Jones: Good eye, <Name>, I think those puzzle pieces are our first clue in the hunt to find Alessia!
Jones: Let's put the puzzle together and see what info it gives us!

Examine Photo Puzzle.
Jones: Heh, that's a bit of a silly photo. From what Alessia and I went hiking in the Swiss Alps. It was one of the best days of my life!
Jones: You're right, she wrote a message on the back of the puzzle! Our next clue!
Jones: It says, "Schnugel..." Aw, that means cutie in Swiss German. "... here is a riddle: What word has five letters, but when you remove two, only one is left?"
Jones: What a tease! She knows I'm no good at riddles! A word that has five letters, but take away two and only one is left? I'm stumped!
Jones: I think we're going to need help cracking this one. Let's consult your chief!

Analyze Back of Puzzle.
Jones: Chief Delacroix, do you have any idea how to solve this riddle from my girlfriend?
Jones: We've got to solve it quick to find Alessia in time to go to the wedding!
Chief Delacroix: Actually, I happen to excel at riddles! Firstly, we know the solution is a five-letter word. So that narrows down the possibilities.
Jones (sweating): "Snake" has five letters! Ugh, I hope the answer isn't "snake"!
Chief Delacroix: Well, clearly if you have five letters and take two away, you're left with three letters, not one...
Chief Delacroix: "One" has three letters! So we're looking for a five-letter word that contains the word "one"!
Jones: If only I wasn't as dumb as a stone-
Chief Delacroix: Wait, that's it! "STONE" has five letters, and removing two of them - the S and the T - leaves you with "one"!
Jones: Hey, you're right! I kind of solved the riddle! With help from you and <Name>, of course...
Jones: "Stone," huh? Well, we found this clue at the Louvre, right next to the sculpture room... where the sculptures are made of stone!
Jones: Thank you for your help, Chief! <Name>, I'll probably still need your help, so let's go together!

Search for Alessia with Jones.
Jones: <Name>, I don't see Alessia anywhere! And we're running out of time before Carrie and Enzo's wedding!
Jones: What if I don't finish the hunt in time, and we miss the wedding?
Jones (sweating): And then Alessia will know I'm bad at solving her puzzles, and she'll think I'm a dummy!
Jones: <Name>, it's true I just met this woman recently, but when it comes to love, sometimes you just... know! You know?
Jones: Alessia is the love of my life. I've climbed mountains with her! She taught me to blow an alphorn!
Jones: You're right, I should calm down. Maybe the last clue is somewhere around here. Let's look for it!
Jones: Also, you know I'm no good at detecting on an empty stomach... Let's get a snack at the café to bolster our investigative energy!

Investigate Antique Sculptures.
Jones: That strange puzzle box has to be a clue from Alessia!
Jones: She makes lots of puzzle boxes like this one. Her great-grandfather was an inventor, so it kind of runs in the family.
Jones: Let's try to crack the code!

Examine Puzzle Box.
Jones: You solved the puzzle box! I should've known, the code was "Liebschte," which means "my love" in Swiss German. Alessia is such a romantic!
Jones (with Alessia): And there's a message inside. It says... "turn around"?
Alessia: Hallo, liebschte!
Alessia: Guete tag, <Rank> <Name>! David has told me wonderful things about you!
Alessia: Including how skilled you are as a detective.
Jones: Yes, but we'll have to talk about that later. We've all got a wedding to go to!

Help Enzo prepare for the wedding.
Enzo: <Name>, you've got to help me. I'm trying to write my vows to Carrie...
Enzo: ... but this wedding has come up so fast, I haven't had time to figure out what I want to say!
Enzo: Here's what I've got so far... "Carrie, from the moment I laid eyes on you, you had me under your spell..."
Enzo: "So I knew I had to get you under my spell, too. Because together, Carrie and Enzo spells love."
Enzo: Do you see what I mean? That doesn't even make sense!
Enzo: <Name>, I love this woman so much that every time I try to explain it, something goofy comes out! But I don't want to ruin this beautiful moment!
Enzo: I think I've got to get out of the station and go somewhere I'll be inspired.
Enzo: Oh, good idea! The sculpture room at the Louvre is an inspiring place! I can try to find something poetic there to get me started!
Enzo: Let's go together, and you can make sure I don't come up with more dumb stuff! Here, I'll get your metro ticket!

Investigate Sculpture Room.
Enzo: Wow, these sculptures are beautiful, <Name>, but they're not speaking to me like I hoped they would.
Enzo: Hey, this rack of gift shop stuff might have something to inspire me! Let's take a look!

Examine Display Stand.
Enzo: Oh, perfect, <Name>, I knew you'd find something hopeful on that sales rack! It's a book of poetry called "The Beautiful Form."
Enzo: Carrie has a beautiful form... There's got to be something in this book that will help me put my love into words!
Enzo: And JP knows a lot about poetry. Let's all put our heads together on this!

Analyze Poetry Book.
High Commissioner Delacroix: <Name>, this poetry book was a great find! Here's a wonderful selection from Lord Byron: "She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies..."
High Commissioner Delacroix: "And all that's best of dark and bright meet in her aspect and her eyes. Thus mellowed to that tender light, which heaven to gaudy day denies."
Enzo: That is something I could say about how I feel about Carrie... But I'm not Lord Byron! How do I express that, but in my own words?
High Commissioner Delacroix: That is the eternal struggle of the poet, my friend. To communicate that which is incommunicable...
High Commissioner Delacroix: But the first step is to look into your heart, and see what words lie within it.
Enzo: Love. Love for Carrie. And devotion. And... teamwork?
Enzo: No, "teamwork" is an unromantic word! I can't say Carrie makes me think of teamwork!
High Commissioner Delacroix: Not so fast! Teamwork is a beautiful thing, especially in love. After all, what is a team that loves each other, but a sort of family?
Enzo: You're right, JP! And now I've got an idea what to say!
Enzo: <Name>, give me a minute to write out my vows, and then come to my lab to see what you think!

Preview Enzo's draft of his wedding vows.
Enzo: <Name>, I think I finally got my vows straightened out! Let me know what you think of this...
Enzo: Carrie, from the moment you joined our team, I knew you were special.
Enzo: I know I came on a bit strong on our first date. I was only trying to impress you as much as you impressed me!
Enzo: But you taught me that I just had to be myself, and that was enough.
Enzo: Our team is like a family. And I am honored and humbled that you and I are becoming a real family.
Carrie (covering her eyes): Oh, Enzo, mon chéri! I know I probably wasn't supposed to hear this, but I couldn't help listening in! It's beautiful!
Carrie (covering her eyes, crying): You can't see me, but I'm crying now, tears of joy!
Enzo (covering his eyes): Ma chérie, you'd better get going before I start crying! It's almost time for the wedding!
Carrie (covering her eyes): I'll see you soon, my love. And you too, <Name>!

Later, at the precinct...
Cody: Looking good, <Name>!
Cody: Ready to go to best surprise wedding of the year? Let's go together!

Accompany Cody to Carrie and Enzo's wedding.
(All wedding guests are seen wearing fancy clothes, Carrie and Enzo are seen wearing their wedding suits.)
Cody: Here comes Carrie, <Name>! She looks so happy!
Carrie: Enzo, my darling, I came to France in search of a lost member of my family...
Carrie: ... and not only did I reunite with my brother, but my family grew with every member of our team!
Enzo: Carrie, you are everything to me. I promise to honor and cherish you forever!
Enzo: I love you, mon amour!
Carrie: I love you, too!
(Carrie and Enzo kiss.)
Carrie (holding a bouquet): Get ready, everyone! Who's going to catch the bouquet?
(Carrie throws the bouquet.)
Carrie: <Name> caught it! Congratulations, <Name>!
Enzo: And now, it's time to party!

Later, at the reception...
Cody: Carrie, I'm really glad you came to find me after all those years.
Carrie: So am I! I'm so happy we're a family again! I love you, big brother!
Cody: I love you too, little sis.
Carrie: And just think - if you hadn't run away, we wouldn't be in this magical city! And I wouldn't have found the love of my life!
Jones: Magical is right, <Name>! Thanks for inviting us to your friends' wedding! It was a beautiful way to wrap up my travels here in Europe!
Jones: And I'm glad you got to meet Alessia. She is really special to me.
Jones (eating a donut): Speaking of special, the food here is to die for!
Alessia: <Name>, David mentioned that you knew my great-grandfather, Charles Dupont?
Alessia: But... how is that possible? Even I never got to meet him!
Jack (with Amy): Oh, <Name>'s had lots of surprising adventures, in lots of different times and places!
Amy: After all we went through together, I'll bet you're relieved to stick to one timeline now, huh? Makes things simpler.
Gwen (with Pierce, holding her baby): Well, "simple" is relative! Especially when you've got vampires and demons to worry about!
Gwen (holding her baby): Speaking of, let me introduce you to our little dhampir! His name is Arthur.
Pierce: And as you can see, his powers protect me from the daylight! So, what's next for you, <Name>?
Amir (with Jasper): You could always come back and visit us in Grimsborough!
Jasper: Yeah, we miss you there!
Jones: Oh, <Name>'s probably already seen enough of Grimsborough for one lifetime!
Jones: But if you do ever come back to our neck of the woods, it's always good to see you.
Jones (holding a glass of champagne): And I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that it was an honor working with you, and I wish you the best in your future adventures!
Carrie (holding a glass of champagne): Hear, hear!
Old Friends: Until we meet again...
