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Evie Holloway: <Name>, I'm worried sick about Katherine! I'm sure the resistance is working on a plan to break her out of jail... But what if they don't succeed?
Maddie: Then we'll help them! We aren't going to stand back and let Lawson execute his political opponents at the town square!
Chief Wright: Obviously not. However... we will have to use caution.
Chief Wright: If we openly defy Lawson, he'll disband the Flying Squad and send us to the gallows as well! And we'll be no help to anyone there!
Chief Wright: It is crucially important that we keep up appearances, now more than ever! Which is why I want <Name> and Bontemps to go to the Justice Day celebration tonight!
Isaac: What? "Justice Day" is nothing but new propaganda from Lawson! Are we seriously supposed to go along with it? How can anyone feel like dancing in times like these?
Chief Wright: Lawson still has genuine supporters... and others are just too afraid to show dissent, with good reason.
Chief Wright: So, the discussion's over! <Name>, Bontemps, go to the party, and make sure you are seen! We must stay in the Justice Corps' good books!

At the Justice Day party...
Flag Vendor: Justice flags! One shilling for a justice flag!
Flag Vendor: Have a justice flag, Officers! Happy Justice Day! Mayor Lawson shall never falter!
Isaac (holding a flag): Why, thank you, young man... Mayor Lawson shall never... falter...
(Flag Vendor leaves.)
Isaac: Alright, <Name>, the Chief told us to be seen. I suppose we should mingle.

A few hours later...
Isaac (holding a flag): <Name>, this party is positively awkward, if I say so myself! Everyone's feigning cheerfulness under the Justice Corps' watchful eyes!
Isaac: Can we go back to the airship now and write up our reports? Please?

Later, back on the airship...
Isaac: <Name>, now that our reports are filed, what say you to a cup of tea before we call it a night-
Constable Ramirez: <Name>! You must go back to the town square! The party-
Isaac: My dear Constable, the party's certainly over by now!
Constable Ramirez: No, you misunderstand! Someone at the party was murdered!
Isaac: Murdered? Botheration! So much for people being on their best behavior on Justice Day!
Isaac: You're right, <Name>, we'd better head back to the town square and see what this is all about!

Chapter 1

Investigate Town Square.
Isaac Bontemps: <Name>, Constable Ramirez was right! That young lady over there is dead!
Isaac: And I agree, judging by the bruises on her neck, she must've been strangled!
Isaac: She must've been killed after everyone else had left the party! And with no one here to identify the victim, we must rely on our own wit to find out who she was!
Isaac: Shrewd deduction, that pretty clutch lying right next to the body must've belonged to the victim! Opening it should help us identify her!
Isaac: And that crate full of dirty dishes could hide another clue! I propose we search through the contents!
Isaac: <Name>, it looks like our night is only just beginning! We must solve this poor girl's murder! Let's get to it!

Examine Crate of Dishes.
Isaac: <Name>, what is that fine garment doing under dirty dishes?
Isaac: Sharp eye! The pattern on the fabric matches the victim's blouse! So this scarf must belong to her as well!
Isaac: I agree, <Name>, we know the victim was strangled... and if she was strangled with this scarf, it would explain why the killer hid it!
Isaac: Let us dispatch this scarf to Viola and see what she makes of it!

Analyze Victim's Scarf.
Viola: <Name>, I'm worried about my parents. They insist on staying in Concordia to keep the apothecary open and help people...
Viola: But my mother says they're constantly being harassed by the Justice Corps! And I don't like the thought of soldiers pushing them around!
Isaac: These are dark tidings indeed, Viola. But we must stand fast and do what we do best: solve murders!
Viola: I know. Well, I compared skin cells from the scarf from the victim's body, and they were a perfect match.
Viola: In other words, the poor girl was strangled with her own scarf!
Viola: But there's more! I also found traces of a synthetic enzyme on the fabric: a chemical compound for treating high blood pressure.
Viola: A lot of people suffer from high blood pressure these days - perchance a sign of our troubling times. But Dick verified that the victim did not have this condition.
Viola: I therefore conclude that it's the killer who left their blood pressure medicine on the scarf!
Isaac: Our killer suffers from high blood pressure? Well, their anxieties are only going to increase now that you're on their trail, <Name>!

Examine Victim's Clutch.
Isaac: <Name>, now that you've opened the victim's clutch, we may finally learn who she was!
Isaac: It appears there is no ID... But the victim carried a card! Let's see: "Don't drink and drive!" Sensible advice for a party, if you ask me...
Isaac: And you're right, the card also names a "driving companion": one Martha Baker!
Isaac: Well, <Name>, this card didn't tell us who our victim was, but at least we know who was meant to drive her home from the party! Let's have Mrs Baker tell us the rest!

Ask Martha Baker about the victim.
Isaac: Mrs Baker, we apologize for summoning you here in the middle of the night, but we need help. A young woman was murdered tonight, and in her handbag, we found this card-
Martha: My goodness! Poor Jane was murdered?
Martha: We were neighbors! I waited for her at the end of the party in my automobile, but she never came! Now I know why!
Martha: I am aghast at her death, <Rank> <Name>. I thought Concordia was safe! Especially since Mayor Lawson clamped down on crime!
Isaac: Yes, well, as you can see, crime is still far from extinct.
Martha: A crying shame! Jane Pembroke was a decent young woman who always appreciated my lemon pie! It's my personal specialty, you see.
Martha: To think she left the Telegraph Office early to go to the party... Maybe she should've stayed at work!
Martha: Jane was a telegraph girl in the office down the road from where the party was held, you know.
Isaac: The Telegraph Office? <Rank> <Name>, shall follow this up. Thank you, Mrs Baker. An officer will drive you back home!

Investigate Telegraph Office Hall.
Isaac: <Name>, I used to come to this Telegraph Office to send my chess moves to Casper Rove... my love letters to Marla... Those were different times!
Isaac: If our victim was a telegraph girl, she must've handled the messages and secrets of almost everyone in Concordia! One of those secrets might unlock her murder!
Isaac: I agree, those keys might be a lead! Can you decipher the name on the tag? And restoring that torn photograph might lead to a discovery, too!
Isaac: Let's see what these clues reveal about our victim's life, <Name>!

Examine Keys.
Isaac: <Name>, these keys belong to a certain Will Grady...
Isaac: ... And if he has the keys to the Telegraph Office, he must've known our victim!
Isaac: It's late, but we might still find Mr Grady around. Let's talk to him!

Ask Will Grady about the victim.
Will: The Telegraph Office is closed now, I'm afraid. I am the manager here. Do you have an urgent message to send?
Isaac (presenting his badge): We're not here to send telegrams, Mr Grady. One of your employees, Jane Pembroke, was murdered at the Justice Day party tonight.
Will: Murder at the party? Dash it, I was there to see the fireworks, too!
Will: I had to pop back here to check everything was locked up... We've had so many government inspections lately. The Telegraph Office is of strategic importance for the Mayor-
Isaac: Mr Grady, what can you tell us about Jane Pembroke? You were her supervisor.
Will: Oh, I... supervise dozens of telegraph girls, <Rank> <Name>. As I mentioned, this is a fast-paced modern workplace. I cant' say I knew this Jane very well.
Will: But... here's an idea! If I remember any detail later, I will send a telegram to your airship!

Examine Torn Photograph.
Isaac: <Name>, one of the ladies in this photograph is our victim! She's wearing her telegraph girl uniform, but it's unmistakably her!
Isaac: The other lady must be her colleague, and they seem friendly. What say you we look her up in the employee files?

Examine Unknown Colleague.
Isaac: <Name>, the other telegraph girl with the victim in the photograph is one Minnie Starr!
Isaac: I concur: since Miss Starr and the victim seemed close, it shall be enlightening to talk to her!

Talk to Minnie Starr about the victim.
Isaac (presenting his badge): Miss Starr, apologies for the late visit, but we need to ask you about Jane Pembroke. It appears you were colleagues...
Isaac: ... And sadly, Jane was murdered at the Justice Day party tonight.
Minnie: Jane is dead? Oh, no!
Isaac: I take it you and Jane were close, Miss Starr?
Minnie: Like sisters, <Rank> <Name>! We worked in the same office. After work, we'd go to the cinema, or to the ice-cream parlor... We went to the Justice Day party together, too!
Minnie: We got separated in the crowd... but I didn't expect anything bad to happen! Not on Justice Day, I didn't!
Minnie: Oh, how wrong I was! I should never have taken my eyes off poor Jane, <Rank> <Name>!

Autopsy Victim's Body.
Dick: <Name>, how ominous that the Justice Day celebrations ended in murder!
Isaac: Lawson's authoritarian measures clearly haven't made Concordia safer. Not even for his own supporters. But I hope you can enlighten us about this poor girl's demise, Richard.
Dick: Well, <Name>, the victim was strangled, as you correctly deduced from the bruises on her neck.
Dick: However, there was clearly a tussle between the victim and the killer, as chunks of the poor girl's hair were pulled out.
Dick: But here's the most promising clue: I identified traces of champagne on the victim's neck, near the bruises. And though she did consume some sherry and wine, there was no champagne in her stomach.
Dick: Which makes me conclude that the champagne residue was left on the victim's skin by the killer!
Isaac: Celebrating Justice Day with champagne and murder? Not on our watch, <Name>! We'll find this champagne-loving blackguard if it's the last thing we do!

Later, on the airship...
Isaac: <Name>, given Mayor Lawson's increasingly draconian treatment of Concordian citizens, I never had much enthusiasm to celebrate "Justice Day"...
Isaac: ... But not that there's been a murder, we have even less cause for merriment! A young woman was strangled with her own scarf!
Isaac: So far, nothing we know about Jane Pembroke suggests that she had enemies! She worked in the Telegraph Office, but her supervisor, Will Grady, barely remembers her.
Isaac: We know that Jane went to the party with a companion from work... And that her neighbor, Mrs Baker, was due to drive her home, as she lived next door-
Evie: <Name>, forgive me, but... there's been a development!
Evie: It appears your victim was married... But you'd better talk to her husband before he dies!
Isaac: Before he dies?

Chapter 2

Isaac Bontemps: <Name>, given Mayor Lawson's increasingly draconian treatment of Concordian citizens, I never had much enthusiasm to celebrate "Justice Day"...
Isaac: ... But now that there's been a murder, we have even less cause for merriment! A young woman was strangled with her own scarf after the party!
Isaac: So far, nothing suggests that Jane Pembroke had any enemies. She worked at the Telegraph Office, and-
Evie: <Name>, forgive me, but... there's been a development!
Evie: It appears your victim was married... But you'd better talk to her husband before he dies!
Isaac: Before he dies? Jane had a husband... and he's going to die?
Evie: Well, Mrs Baker just telephoned to say that Mr Pembroke suffered apoplexy upon hearing of his wife's passing. He's considerably older and has high blood pressure, you see.
Isaac: Thunderation! <Name>, you'd have thought someone would have mentioned this husband before!
Evie: Well, you'd better go and see Mr Pembroke now before he gets another attack!

Talk to Mr Pembroke about his wife.
Isaac (presenting his badge): Mr Pembroke, if you're feeling better, we'd appreciate if you could answer a few questions about your late wife.
Henry: Heavens! Jane's passing is a terrible ordeal! I'm too old for this predicament!
Henry (sweating): I married a younger woman so she'd lighten up my days! What am I going to do now that she's gone?
Isaac: So, you and Jane had a happy marriage?
Henry: Our union could not have been more harmonious! Oh, <Rank> <Name>, I thought Jane would be the one to bury me, not the other way around!
Isaac: Mr Pembroke, could anyone you know have wished harm on Jane? Or was she, mayhap, involved in something dangerous?
Henry: Dangerous? Jane's only pastime was gazing at the stars with her newfangled spyglass!
Henry: I shan't brave the ladder myself, <Rank> <Name>, but you go ahead up to the attic and see Jane's favorite place for yourself!

Investigate Victim's Attic.
Isaac: <Name>, Mr Pembroke was right, it looks like Jane liked to spend time here, stargazing. Look at her telescope!
Isaac: And that must be one of her lenses in that pouch... But you're right, someone ruined the precious glass by writing "snoop" on it with dirty fingers!
Isaac: I doubt the fingerprints are clear enough... But we might find out who besmirched the lens by gathering a sample of that sample on it!
Isaac: And I agree, we ought to see what Jane kept in that vanity case. If this was her refuge, we may discover something about her private life!

Examine Telephone Lens.
Isaac: Now that you've collected a sample of that sticky substance from Jane's lens, the microscope might help us find out who called her a "snoop"!

Examine Creamy Substance.
Isaac: The substance smeared on Jane's telescope lens is icing for lemon cake!
Isaac: You're right, <Name>, Mrs Baker mentioned her famous lemon pie! And she was Jane's neighbor... Could she have sneaked up to her attic to ruin her lens?
Isaac: Perchance their neighborly relations weren't as cordial as Mrs Baker led us to believe. Let us question her again!

Ask Mrs Baker why she called Jane a snoop.
Isaac: Mrs Baker, you told us Jane was a good neighbor... So why did you call her a snoop?
Martha: Because that minx was spying on me with her spyglass from her attic! She had the vile thing pointed at my house!
Isaac: You thought Jane was spying on you?
Martha: The Justice Corps keeps everyone under surveillance! And you never know which one of your neighbors will denounce you to them!
Martha: Of course, all Jane could see was me sipping champagne in my kitchen... Nothing illegal, you understand.
Martha: But Lord knows what she might've told the Justice Corps about me! One careless word could land me in the gallows!
Martha: <Rank> <Name>, I'm an old lady with high blood pressure! I had to warn Jane to back off!
Isaac: We aren't without sympathy, Mrs Baker. But if you went too far to prevent careless gossip, you'll land yourself in even bigger trouble.

Examine Vanity Case.
Isaac: <Name>, is that a Morse code message among Jane's belongings?
Isaac: We know Jane worked at the Telegraph Office, transcribing messages like this every day... but why did she keep this one here in the attic?
Isaac: You're right, we must get Charlie to translate the code for us!

Analyze Morse Strip.
Charles: <Name>, babies are such fascinating mechanisms, even before they're born!
Charles: Last night, I was reading an engineering textbook to Maddie's belly... and I could feel the baby kick in delight!
Isaac: It is heartwarming to know we'll soon welcome another Dupont into the world... But alas, tonight we have a more somber business.
Charles: Of course! <Name>, your telegram bears yesterday's date stamp, and it reads: "To Jane Pembroke, stop. Punishment is fair, stop. Revenge is righteous, stop. The eyes of Justice are blind no more, stop!"
Isaac: A message about punishment and revenge, nary a day before Jane was murdered? This must've been sent by the killer!
Charles: That's what I thought! So I asked Evie about the phrasing, and she instantly recognized the source!
Charles: "Punishment is fair," "revenge is righteous," and "the eyes of Justice are blind no more" are quotes from various speeches Lawson gave since he seized power!
Isaac: Our killer was quoting Lawson when they threatened Jane? Alas, the Mayor of Concordia is now an inspiration for murderers!
Isaac: But you're right, what is a sad reflection on our times is also a step forward in out investigation! Now we've established our killer knows Lawson's speeches!
Isaac: And I agree, <Name>, everything suggests that the Telegraph Office is crucial to our case. Let us return there for fresh clues!

Investigate Telegraph Office Entrance.
Isaac: <Name>, that locked box bears the insignia of the Telegraph Office! Opening it might supply a new lead!
Isaac: And restoring those torn pieces shan't take long in your hands!
Isaac: <Name>, we need a fresh perspective on Jane's murder, and these clues might hold the answer!

Examine Locked Box.
Isaac: <Name>, this is a voice recorder! Of course, the Telegraph Office has cutting-edge technology!
Isaac: Let's dispatch it to Charlie so he can retrieve the recordings!

Analyze Recording Device.
Charles: <Name>, this device was recording the conversations of Telegraph Office employees... without their knowledge!
Isaac: Oh, the times we live in! Did it at least record anything Jane Pembroke said? Anything that could explain what led to her murder?
Charles: Interestingly, Jane wasn't in the room at the time of this recording! But all her colleagues were there, and they were talking about her!
Charles: One girl, a certain Minnie Starr, was loudly belittling Jane in front of the others. She said Jane was "charming as a donkey," "sharp as a button," and "the dullest girl that ever lived."
Charles: The others tried to defend Jane, but that only seemed to infuriate Minnie further. <Name>, I didn't know girls could be so mean to each other!
Isaac: Minnie Starr was badmouthing Jane behind her back? But they were friends! Minnie said they were inseparable, like sisters!
Isaac: You're right, <Name>, we'd better ask Miss Starr to set this story straight!

Ask Minnie why she badmouthed Jane behind her back.
Isaac: Miss Starr, do you often call your friends "charming as a donkey" behind their back, or was that reserved for Jane?
Minnie: <Rank> <Name>, how on earth do you know about that?
Minnie (sweating): Well, I'm not proud... But something happened that made my blood pressure soar! Even gulping down a glass of champagne didn't improve my mood, so I had to let off some steam!
Minnie: Jane got promoted to lead telegraph girl! I couldn't believe they picked her, of all the girls!
Minnie: Let us be honest, <Rank> <Name>, Jane was rather plain in looks as well as intellect. That's why I liked her! She never outshined me!
Isaac: You were dismayed by Jane's promotion because she was plain?
Minnie: I know it wasn't nice to be jealous of my friend... But, as Mayor Lawson said in his speech last week, "justified anger in nothing to be ashamed of."

Examine Torn Pieces.
Isaac: <Name>, I'm not sure what to make of this badge you restored... "Eddie Lebold, authorized to access the Telegraph Office at all times."
Isaac: Who's this Eddie Lebold, and what does he-
Diego (in disguise): Psssst! <Name>!
Isaac: Do we know you, sir? Your voice is familiar, but-
Diego (removing his disguise): How about now?
Isaac: Diego? Is that really you?
Diego (wearing his disguise): Hush, not so loud! If you don't mind, I'd rather not be seen in public without my disguise!
Diego: <Name>, let's go to my place where we can talk undisturbed!

Ask Diego about his alter ego Eddie Lebold.
Diego: Most pleased to see you again, <Name>! Admit it: you're in awe of my disguise!
Diego (holding his badge): And my badge looks authentic, doesn't it? Thanks for restoring it!
Isaac: Diego, it's good to see you too, but... Pray tell, what is this charade about?
Diego: <Name>, I must admit life's not been easy for me since Lawson unceremoniously kicked me out of the Squad.
Diego: I had to find alternative employment... And, as our dear Mayor said in his inaugural speech, "half-measures will no longer do"! If I wanted to survive, I needed to assume a new identity!
Diego: So I reinvented myself as Eddie Lebold: a government clerk, inspecting the Telegraph Office. I stand around, looking busy... chatting to pretty telegraph girls...
Isaac: So, you're pulling a con by pretending to be a city employee?
Diego: What else could I do, <Name>? I need to be crafty to fool the Justice Corps! Or else they'd arrest me on sight!
Isaac: I just hope this game doesn't out you in more danger, Diego... But alas, we've got more pressing matters on our minds.
Isaac: An employee of the Telegraph Office was murdered. Have you come across a certain Jane Pembroke during your... "assignment"?
Diego: I... don't think so, <Name>. I'm sorry I can't help you this time.
Diego: But fear not, <Name>, this too shall pass! We'll be sipping champagne on the airship together one day when all this is over!

Later, on the airship...
Isaac: <Name>, we've uncovered some details about Jane Pembroke's life... But not enough to crack the enigma of her murder!
Isaac: Our first surprise was that Jane was married to a much older gentleman... But Mr Pembroke said their marriage was happy.
Isaac: Then we learned that their neighbor, Mrs Baker, believed that Jane was spying on her with her telescope from the attic!
Isaac: Jane's best friend, Minnie Starr, was jealous of her promotion...
Isaac: ... And last but not least, we discovered that Diego went back to his old tricks since Lawson fired him from the Squad!
Isaac: He's calling himself Eddie Lebold now, and pretends to be inspecting-
Charles: <Name>! Turn on the wireless!
Charles: Lawson is going to make an announcement... And I bet you it won't be good!

Chapter 3

Isaac Bontemps: <Name>, we've uncovered some details about Jane Pembroke's life... But not enough to crack the enigma of her murder!
Isaac: We know Jane was a telegraph girl, married, her hobby was stargazing, and-
Charles: <Name>! Justin Lawson is about to make an announcement on the wireless!
Isaac: Lawson on the wireless? Great! Let's hear some more propaganda!
Justin (on the wireless): "To all Concordians! Tonight's Justice Day celebrations ended in a serious disturbance of the public order..."
Lawson: "... therefore, I hereby forbid all gatherings and demonstrations, effective immediately. I repeat, freedom of assembly is suspended!"
Isaac: Now we can't even be seen talking to others in public? Here we go, <Name>: another civil right is taken away by Lawson!
Isaac: But you're right, with a murder to solve, we don't have time to take to the streets! Instead, we should head back to the victim's house and take another look at her attic. Let's go!

Investigate Attic Jumble.
Isaac: <Name>, Jane's attic is like a curiosity shop, but I hope you found some good clues amongst the clutter!
Isaac: A box of chocolates? Why, Jane must've liked a sweet treat with her midnight stargazing-
Isaac: Wait, you're right, there's a card attached! Let's recover the writing! And there's just about enough light here to restore that torn paper, too.
Isaac: And that little book was Jane's diary! I wouldn't pry into a lady's secrets, but this is no time for courtesy! Let's open that lock!

Examine Box of Chocolates.
Isaac: <Name>, this card on the chocolate box says, "To Jane, with affections - Will Grady"!
Isaac: Will Grady? That's Jane's manager at the Telegraph Office! He said he supervised so many girls he couldn't remember Jane. I wonder how he forgot he'd sent her chocolates, "with affections"!
Isaac: <Name>, what say you we go and jog Mr Grady's memory about this?

Question Will about the nature of his relationship with Jane.
Isaac: Mr Grady, <Rank> <Name> found the chocolates you sent to Jane! Why did you deny you knew her?
Will (sweating): I... was hoping you wouldn't find out about that, <Rank> <Name>...
Will: Look, in my position, I get a lot of attention from the ladies. Some flirt with me, some bring champagne to my office after work...
Will: But I do not care about such women!
Will: Jane, now, she was different. Demure, shy... I didn't know that she was married until she turned me down! She wasn't even mad at me, such was the kindness of her heart!
Will: Sending her these chocolates was foolish. But rest assured my affections were purely one-sided. And I wouldn't want my silly mistake to tarnish her reputation now!
Isaac: Is that all, then? Well, Mr Grady, you're sure to sleep better now that no more secrets weigh on your heart!

Examine Torn Paper.
Isaac: <Name>, this is an official employee report on Jane Pembroke!
Isaac: And you're right, it was written by an inspector called "Eddie Lebold"! That's Diego! He didn't seem to know anything about Jane when we asked him...
Isaac: ... But it looks like Jane had plenty to say about him! She circled his name on the report and wrote, "YOU don't get to judge ME! I know the truth about you!"
Isaac: The "truth"? Did Jane see through Diego's disguise? You're right, <Name>, we need to talk to him!

Ask Diego about his inspection report on Jane.
Isaac: Diego, we thought your "Eddie Lebold" persona was just a disguise... But <Name> found this report you wrote about Jane Pembroke!
Diego: Well, I had to put on a convincing act, so I scribbled something down, yes!
Isaac: What about this note? Did Jane realize you were a fraud?
Diego: Puh-lease! NOBODY knows who I really am!
Diego (sweating): But... Jane might have seen me help myself to some cash from the till at the Telegraph Office...
Isaac: You stole money? Tarnation, do you realize this could cost you your life these days?
Diego: Times are hard, <Name>! Since Lawson sacked me from the Squad, I cannot sleep, my blood pressure is sky high... I really needed some money!
Isaac: Let's just hope these hard times didn't push you to take drastic measures, Diego! I'd be loath to end our friendship by slapping the handcuffs on you!

Examine Victim's Diary.
Isaac: <Name>, it appears that Jane's diary is really a sketchbook!
Isaac: Hmm, I have to admit a drawing of wild beasts isn't what I'd have expected from a young lady!
Isaac: Do you think these drawings might have some significance? Well, I hope Evie can glean something from them!

Analyze Victim's Sketchbook.
Evie: Oh, <Name>, I'm so worried about Katherine! I haven't been able to get in touch with the resistance at all! What if I never see her again?
Evie (crying): She was the first person I ever... I ever...
Isaac: Oh, dear... Don't lose hope, child! Katherine has more courage and wit than those bullies! And we'll find a way to get her back!
Evie: I hope you're right. But until then... You probably want to know more about Jane's sketchbook.
Evie: I'm glad Diego taught me how to interpret drawings and get to people's innermost thoughts! And Jane's thoughts were very clear when she drew these beasts!
Evie: The lion represents male authority in many mythologies and fairy tales. In Jane's drawing, he's outnumbered and defeated by tigers, who symbolize determination and female energy.
Evie: <Name>, I believe this drawing is an expression of female frustration against a male authority figure. Most probably, Jane's husband.
Isaac: Hmmm, Mr Pembroke said their marriage was happy. But perchance that's not how his wife felt about it. I suggest we pay him another visit!

Ask Mr Pembroke about his marriage to Jane.
Isaac: Mr Pembroke, <Rank> <Name> found evidence that your wife felt stifled in your marriage...
Henry: Stifled? I don't see why! I even allowed her to go to work! Jane knew I was against it, but she wore me down with her nagging!
Isaac: You didn't want your wife to be employed?
Henry: <Rank> <Name>, I married a young woman so she'd look after ME! To cook my meals, iron my shirts... Not to gallivant around with young men in uniforms and liberated women!
Henry: If Mrs Baker didn't bring me some lemon cake from time to time, I'd have been all but neglected! Maybe I should've married HER instead! Pity I can't abide her obsession with the Mayor's speeches!
Henry: Why did Jane have to indulge in these modern liberties, <Rank> <Name>? If only she'd obeyed me, she would still be by my side!

Later, on the airship...
Isaac: <Name>, the hour is late, and we still haven't solved Jane Pembroke's murder!
Isaac: You've discovered that Jane's husband would've preferred her to be a housewife... But would he have killed Jane just to show her who was in charge?
Isaac: Meanwhile, Jane's managed confessed to having unrequited feelings for her. And love has driven stronger men than him to acts of madness...
Isaac: The troubling truth is that Diego also had a strong motive: Jane caught him stealing from the Telegraph Office! And-
Evie: <Name>! I just got word that the Justice Corps is about to clean up the crime scene! If you don't want to run into Inspector Jaubert, you'd better beat him to it!
Isaac: Tarnation! <Name>, we'd better head back to the town square and find the final clues before it's too late!

Investigate Party Tables.
Isaac: <Name>, that discarded napkin is covered in brown hair... And you're right, Dick mentioned the killer pulled out some of Jane's hair! Let us vacuum up a sample!
Isaac: And I agree, sifting through trash has saved the day before. Looks like it's time to dig in!
Isaac: <Name>, let's end "Justice Day" by doing justice to poor Jane Pembroke!

Examine Napkin.
Isaac: Swift work, <Name>! Once we give this hair sample from the napkin to Viola, we'll be a hair's breadth from solving this murder!

Analyze Hair.
Viola: <Name>, consider all these things us ladies do to enhance our appearance... and who doesn't want to be pretty for a party!
Isaac: What are you talking about, Viola? The Justice Day party's long over... and it wasn't very festive, trust me!
Viola: Oh, I'm talking about this hair sample, of course! It is indeed the victim's hair... and there's a lot to be gleaned from a woman's coiffure!
Isaac: Well, we know Jane's coiffure was ruined when the killer pulled her hair out! But I'd wager her beauty was the least of her concerns while the killer was strangling her!
Viola: My dear Isaac, allow me to finish. I found traces of bright red lipstick on the victim's hair. However, Jane was a modest girl who did not wear flamboyant cosmetics.
Viola: The lipstick must have come from the killer, who transferred it onto Jane's hair in the tussle. She must've retouched her makeup just before their fight!
Isaac: So we're looking for a killer who wears lipstick! Well, this was the last party where they showed off their beauty, <Name>!

Examine Trash Can.
Isaac: <Name>, that medicine you found in the trash is for high blood pressure!
Isaac: We know the killer suffers from this ailment! Let's send the bottle to Viola, and give the killer's heart a reason to beat faster!

Analyze Medicine Bottle.
Viola: <Name>, a lot of people suffer from high blood pressure in these troubled times... my parents tell me the prescriptions have soared!
Viola: However, the composition of this medicine is exactly the same as the molecule I found earlier on the scarf the victim was strangled with!
Isaac: So this bottle did belong to the killer! Was there anything else on it that might narrow down our suspect list?
Viola: Only a few delicate strands of lint... But I've analyzed them under the microscope, and I can tell you it's blue cotton, most commonly used in clothing!
Viola: The killer must've kept the medicine in their pocket, <Name>. So you're looking for someone who wears blue!
Isaac: Well, they cannot hide from <Name> any longer! We shall deal with this killer clad in blue!

After completing all the tasks...
Isaac: <Name>, it's time to arrest Jane Pembroke's killer now we have all the evidence against them!

Take care of the killer now!
Isaac: Minnie Starr, you're under arrest for Jane Pembroke's murder!
Minnie: <Rank> <Name>, you must be mistaken! Jane was my friend!
Isaac: No doubt poor Jane believed you to be her friend. She went to the Justice Day party with you...
Isaac: ... where you strangled her with her own scarf! You tried to hide the evidence, but <Rank> <Name> found it!
Minnie: Nonsense! With so many people at the party, it could've been anyone!
Isaac: We found your blood pressure medication on the murder weapon! And you're still wearing the lipstick you smeared on her hair as you pulled it out!
Minnie: No woman would ever go to a party without lipstick! Well, except Plain Jane, of course...
Isaac: Admit it, Minnie: your "friendship" with Jane was a vicious competition! We heard you belittle her behind her back! And you even sent her a threatening telegram!
Minnie: Alright, you got me, <Rank> <Name>! I killed Jane.
Minnie: But you have to understand me! She was so, so... infuriating!
Minnie: Always pretending to be shy and quiet - but then she wriggled her way into a promotion she knew I wanted, too! Calculating is what she was, not shy!
Minnie: And did you see her? Dull as a mouse! And still, she got herself a rich husband while I'm left unwed!
Isaac: You killed Jane out of jealousy?
Minnie: I WASN'T jealous! I only wanted what was FAIR!
Minnie: <Rank> <Name>, you cannot dispute I was better than Jane in every way! I'm prettier, for a start! Ask any man at the Telegraph Office!
Isaac: Well, it appears that Will Grady didn't agree. He clearly saw Jane in a different light-
Minnie: That LOUSE put a spell on Mr Grady! What could he have possibly seen in Jane when I was flirting with him every day?!
Minnie: Mayor Lawson promised us justice and fairness, <Rank> <Name>! All I did was fix the injustices of my own life! He would understand!
Isaac: I very much doubt so, Miss Starr, but you shall know enough. You're under arrest for the murder!

Honorable Umbright: Minnie Starr, you're accused of murdering Jane Pembroke at the Justice Day party.
Honorable Umbright: Not only did you commit a crime, but you also brought the celebration into disrepute! It was meant to be a tribute to Mayor Lawson, and the new era of justice in Concordia!
Minnie: Justice Day only reminded me of the injustices I had suffered! I thought Mayor Lawson's new regime would finally bring me the success I deserved!
Minnie: But where is justice and fairness when I was still overshadowed by the likes of Jane Pembroke?
Honorable Umbright: Miss Starr, your self-serving notions of justice and fairness nauseate me! Your moral corruption is irreversible!
Honorable Umbright: You're sentenced to life imprisonment! All rise!
Minnie: Life imprisonment? I'm too young and pretty for that! My goodness, what have I done?

Isaac: <Name>, you've solved Jane Pembroke's murder, but this will not help the political prisoners Lawson is intending to execute at the town square!
Isaac: We need to stop Lawson's plans... And for that, we're going to need the help of the resistance!

Final Judgment (4/6)

Isaac Bontemps: <Name>, in two days, Lawson will have the enemies of his regime executed at the town square! We cannot let that happen!
Isaac: Evie, have the resistance made any headway in stopping Lawson's plans?
Evie: No, or... I don't know! I haven't been able to contact them at all since Katherine was captured!
Evie: The Justice Corps keeps a close eye on everyone! I can't risk going to Lady Highmore's and being followed-
Chief Wright: <Name>! I need to see you in my office, now!
Chief Wright: And when I say now, I mean now!
(Chief Wright leaves.)
Evie: <Name>, I think you'd better go and see what the Chief wants to say!

See what Chief Wright wants to say.
Chief Wright: <Name>, I need your help! I've received a telegram from Bernadine!
Chief Wright: I hadn't heard from her in weeks! And now, look what she writes: "Arthur, I've made a decision, stop. We must part ways, stop. Don't look for me, stop"!
Isaac: Chief, not to be cruel, but this is not the time to mend broken hearts! Lawson's going to execute his political foes-
Chief Wright: Political foes? And what do you think Bernadine Rochester is to Lawson?
Chief Wright: <Name>, this message doesn't sound like Bernadine! I went to her house, and she wasn't there! I worry that something's going on!
Isaac: Very well, Chief. <Name>'s right, if Bernadine sent this message from the Telegraph Office, perchance you can retrace her steps from there!
Chief Wright: Great! Thank you so much, <Name>, I'll wait for you at the Telegraph Office!

Isaac: <Name>, I understand the Chief needs help looking for Bernadine, but we must also find a way to contact the resistance!
Charles: <Name>, I think I can help you with that!
Charles: Remember when I offered to set up a secure telephone line for the resistance? Well, I'm almost done!
Charles: I'm just missing one important piece: a special signal converter, the kind used at the Telegraph Office!
Isaac: The Telegraph Office, you say? Perfect! <Name>, you can kill two birds with one stone and help both the Chief and Charlie! I'll wait for you here!

Investigate Telegraph Office Hall.
Chief Wright: <Name>, this is Bernadine's earring! I recognize it!
Chief Wright: You reckon that substance on the earring might lead us to her? I hope you're right!
Charles: And that box looks like I might find a converter in it! Let's have a look, <Name>!

Examine Bernadine's Earring.
Chief Wright: Phew, <Name>, you gathered that sample from Bernadine's earring with aplomb! Now, d you knew where she is?
Chief Wright: Oh, you mean we still need to take this sample to the lab? And it will take hours to get the results?! Then there's not a second to lose!

Analyze Dirt.
Viola: <Name>, the Rochesters haven't had an easy time since Lawson came to power... But Bernadine's disappearance worries me! She really doesn't deserve to suffer!
Chief Wright: I won't rest till I know she's safe! But tell us, Viola: did the sample from her earring provide a lead?
Viola: Well, I've studied the sample, and I can tell you the substance is soil. The acid content indicates this kind of soil is formed under deciduous trees at this time of year.
Viola: Furthermore, I found the spores of wood ear mushrooms in the sample. These mushrooms only grow near the northern edge of the forest, <Name>. That's where I'd look for Bernadine!
Chief Wright: Bernadine is... in the forest?! But... she doesn't like the countryside! She's not made for the nomadic life!
Chief Wright: We don't have a minute to lose, <Name>! We must come to Bernadine's aid!

In the forest...
Chief Wright: Bernadine! My darling! It's me, Arthur!
Bernadine: Arthur? How did you find me?
Chief Wright: My darling! Is that you? We need to talk!

Find out why Bernadine is hiding in the forest.
Bernadine: <Rank> <Name>, thank goodness it's you! I feared it was the Justice Corps who found me!
Chief Wright: Bernadine, my poor darling! I can... barely recognize you! You're pale and famished, and-
Bernadine: Arthur, I never wanted you to see me like this! Why did you not heed my warning and stay away?
Chief Wright: Because I knew you still loved me! Look, I'll take you home-
Bernadine: No, Arthur! I'm tired of hiding and living in fear! I'm going to surrender - perchance Lawson will show mercy if I give myself up voluntarily!
Chief Wright: Surrender? No, darling, you can't! Haven't you heard? Lawson's going to execute all his political opponents! You'll be walking into your death!
Bernadine: But... what am I to do? The Justice Corps have already taken everything I had! If I don't give myself up, they'll find me!
Chief Wright: My dear Bernadine, I promise I'll do whatever it takes so that you won't come to any harm!
Bernadine: Well, at least I'll be by your side until the end, Arthur. <Rank> <Name>, take the last of my money, and use it to make a brave stand against Lawson!

Examine Electronic Equipment.
Charles: <Name>, this converter you found in the box is exactly what I needed!
Charles: Just give me a couple of hours to attach this converter to my switchboard! Then we'll be able to contact the resistance without Lawson being any the wiser!

Analyze Converter.
Charles: <Name>, everything's ready! The resistance now has a secure telephone line!
Charles: Evie called them up, Giulietta will be waiting for us in the sewers. Now that Lawson outlawed public gatherings, you can't be too careful!
Charles: <Name>, we live in truly exciting times! Now I can make history as part of the resistance!
Maddie: Charles Dupont, the only place where you'll be making history is here in your lab!
Maddie: I must see to it that my baby has a father when it's born! I'll go with <Name> to meet Giulietta! You stay put here!
Charles: But... YOU are carrying the baby, dear! Please, do be careful!
Maddie: I'll do my best! Come, <Name>, let's not keep Giulietta waiting!

Talk to Giulietta about stopping the mass execution.
Giulietta: Good, <Rank> <Name>, you're here! We don't have much time, there are patrols everywhere!
Maddie: We cannot stand back and watch Lawson execute people! How can we help the resistance, Giulietta?
Giulietta: You can help by finding out the exact details of Lawson's plans!
Giulietta: I have volunteers raring to go, and guns aplenty... But we don't know the details! And we can't plan an attack without intelligence!
Maddie: Intelligence? <Rank> <Name>'s right, we know exactly where to find it! Lawson's supporters were all at the Justice Day party earlier!
Giulietta: Great! Do what you need to do at the town square, <Rank> <Name>, then call me again! But first eat something, you'll need your strength!

Investigate Town Square.
Maddie: <Name>, that document carrier bears the insignia of the Justice Corps!
Maddie: Let's open the tube and see if the plans for the mass execution are in there!

Examine Document Carrier.
Maddie: This diagram in the Justice Corps guard's document carrier might be just what we need! Let's recover the faded writing!

Examine Diagram.
Maddie: <Name>, this is exactly what we were hoping for! The layout of the place where the mass execution will be held!
Maddie: This drawing shows all the details Giulietta needed! The timing, the position of Lawson and the guards!
Maddie: You're right, we must discuss this with Giulietta! Let's ask her to meet us again in the sewers!

Discuss the plot against Lawson with Giulietta.
Giulietta: <Rank> <Name>, have you got the plans?
Maddie: Yes! Look here, we have all the details of the execution! The timing, the position of the guards, everything!
Giulietta: The tide is finally turning! Alright, <Rank> <Name>, let me see!
Giulietta: The plan shows the prisoners will be brought out at dawn. I and a handful of my best fighters could hide under the guillotine's scaffold...
Giulietta: Yes, this will work. At the same time, <Rank> <Name>, you and Enzo can take your positions on the opposite corner, and wait for our signal!
Giulietta: When the prisoners are lined up and Lawson steps out, that's when we'll strike! First, my fighters will overpower the Justice Corps and take their guns!
Giulietta: Then you, <Rank> <Name>, can slap the irons on Lawson!
Maddie: Giulietta, if this works, we can take down Lawson and his men, and free the political prisoners without bloodshed... it's almost too good to be true!
Giulietta: <Rank> <Name>, we must have faith in my loyal friends, and yours! We won't get an opportunity like this again!
Giulietta: We'll meet you in the public square in two days at dawn! Take these - and be safe!

Later, on the airship...
Evie: <Name>, I heard about your plan to overthrow Lawson and save his political prisoners! I'm so relieved!
Evie: I just hope it works. If anything happened to Katherine, I-
Maddie: Nothing will happen to her, I promise you! We will take Lawson away in irons, and nobody is going to be executed!
Maddie: <Name>, we'd better get some rest now. In two days, we'll take our final stand against Lawson, and bring justice back to Concordia! Once more unto the breach!
