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The Concordian Flying Squad acts as an independent unit for criminal investigation in the city of Concordia, making its appearance in the fourth season of Criminal Case.


The Concordian Flying Squad investigates murders in the city of Concordia, searching crime scenes for clues, interviewing witnesses and suspects, and carefully analyzing evidence in order to progress. After gaining all the criteria, the force is able to apprehend the actual killer behind the murder and put them behind bars.

Meanwhile, the Flying Squad also finds evidence of corrupt activity within the Concordian Police Department to bring them to justice.


Ten people, including the player character, have acted as members of the Concordian Flying Squad over the course of the game, with each of them assigned a particular job:

Personnel Age Position Duties Status
Arthur Wright 41 Chief of Police Reads and reviews case files, issues orders, gives out new leads whenever necessary, oversees all police operations, ensures cops are bringing justice to the city. Active*
Player N/A Homicide Detective Performs homicide investigations partnered with either Maddie or Isaac, in charge of formal murder investigations, brings killers to justice by all means necessary. Active*
Isaac Bontemps 45 Senior Investigator A senior investigator and one of the two partners assigned to the player; works with the player as a team to solve homicide investigations. Active*
Maddie O'Malley 24 Detective A detective and one of the two partners assigned to the player; works with the player as a team to solve homicide investigations. Active*
Richard Wells 45 Chief Medical Examiner Autopsies bodies of various murder victims and issues new leads whenever possible. Active*
Viola Pemberton 42 Lab Chief Handles and analyzes physical, biological, and clinical evidence to help homicide investigators incriminate the killer's identity. Active*
Charles Dupont 27 Inventor Performs analysis on various devices and inventions, while also inventing numerous objects. Deceased
Evie Holloway 22 Archivist Performs analysis on physical objects and/or clues that require research from the city archives, such as numbers and fingerprints. Active*
Rose Zhao 45 Weapons Expert Performs analysis on weapons to assist detectives arrest notorious criminals. Active*
Diego del Lobo 28 Consultant Analyzes handwritings, messages, works of art, and possible forgeries; performs forgeries occasionally. Incarcerated*

Notable events of Criminal Case

Arrival in Concordia

The player arrived in Concordia after taking part in their first case on Liberty Island with Maddie, before they ended up solving the murder of Lieutenant General Frank Vogel, head of the New Haven Immigration Center. Whilst investigating, the player met most of the members of the Squad, the last of them being Isaac. The two met shortly after a district-wide fire had broken out.

Unmasking police corruption

The Concordian Flying Squad was assembled to be a law enforcement agency independent of the Concordian Police Department, which had been riddled with corruption for the prior years. They were formed to capture all law-breaking officers to finally rid the police of corruption.

The Squad uprooted the first sign of CPD corruption by uncovering CPD Officer Raines' bribery, signifying a start to the Squad's original mission. After discovering that CPD Officer John Koll was threatened to burn the evidence, which resulted in the district-wide fire, the team arrested CPD evidence room clerk Edward Whimple, who was the one who paid Rowdy Rick to threaten John and the killer of Father Donovan during Donovan's murder investigation.

The team then came across Diego del Lobo, a con artist-turned-the team's ally, while investigating the six murders occurred from Mr Alastor's parties. After unmasking Alastor's identity as heir Archie Rochester, the Squad's next main accomplishment in eradicating police corruption occurred when solving World Exhibition participant Celine Georgesmurder, an investigation in which Chief Wright became a suspect. Eventually, Chief Inspector Eleanor Halsted of the CPD was identified as Celine's killer and the Exhibition's saboteur.

While investigating the Rochester clan, the team found out that CPD Commissioner Thaddeus Mulroney had granted a Rochester's plan. After Deputy Mayor Justin Lawson had been non-fatally shot at the courthouse, they discovered that Lawson's attacker was Halsted, whose prison release Mulroney had authorized that morning, resulting in Mulroney officially dismissed from the police. The team then learned that he was bribed by Senator Malcolm Rochester to release Halsted so that she could assassinate Lawson. Amidst Mayor Cornelius Castletown's murder investigation, they finally arrested Mulroney and Halsted and the latter was found to be the Mayor's killer.

Italo-Irish gang war

Upon discovering that Halsted had been bribed several times by Irish mobster Mad Dog, the team set off to the Irish gang-controlled-district, Sinner's End, where they discovered that Mad Dog's identity was Finley Flanagan, who controlled the prostitution business in the district while his sister, Fiona, controlled the alcohol business. After discovering that the deaths of multiple prostitutes were at the hands of "The Scarlet Slayer", the team identified Fiona as the Scarlet Slayer, who escaped from the custody. However, the team later found her murdered at her opium den. The killer was unraveled as her brother, Finley, who admitted to objecting to her killing the prostitutes before asking them to investigate the Italians influencing the Stonewall Prison.

The team subsequently headed to the Italian gang-controlled-district, Coyote Gorge, where they eliminated the Italians' influence on the Stonewall Prison — threatening the prison officials to free of the Irish. The team then learned that the Italians were evicting the Devil's Ridge residents in order to illicitly sell their land for the city's railroad company. After solving the murder of their sole witness to the land eviction, Vinnie Costa, (in which Rose was suspected for), Italian leader Vittorio Capecchi challenged the team a duel, resulting in Evie left injured. The team then faced him again, only for him to hide and be subsequently murdered in his hacienda. They soon uncovered the killer as Irish gangster Seamus O'Neill, who killed him in self-defense while eloping with Giulietta, his girlfriend and Vittorio's daughter. After finding the evidence of the land eviction, Diego officially became a member of the Squad.

The team later followed Vittorio's successor and wife, Franca, to Crimson Banks, where the Irish and the Italians coexisted, to prevent the potential gang war. The team then learned that Seamus had escaped from jail and had become the new gang leader. After the attack of the CPD armory by the Italians, Diego impersonated an Italian mobster to locate their weapons cache, resulting in Marvin Ferrari kidnapping him. During the Crimson Bridge's blaze due to the gang war, the team saw Seamus kissing Giulietta before escaping and the latter stated that Seamus took over the gang in order to sabotage the gang war. After Giulietta informed that Franca was planning to detonate a bomb at the train station, the team found the bomb next to Seamus' dead body and defused the bomb. The team then arrested Franca for attempted bombing before solving Seamus' murder. With Seamus dead and Franca arrested, the Italo-Irish gang feud had been decimated.

Investigating the Rochester clan

The Squad then moved to Wolf Street to investigate the Rochester family's involvement with Vittorio's illicit land-selling. After the stock market crashed due to the murder of the Bank of Concordia head, Clarissa Rochester, the team investigated the Concordia Telephone Company established by Leopold Rochester that promised investors future profits. After finding out that the company bonds were fake. Charlie volunteered to establish the company as a real enterprise, with Diego helping him financially. Soon after, they apprehended Larry Rochester for the murder of Deputy Mayor Sandra Hwang and by extension, the mastermind behind the fake bonds. After the trial, the team finally confirmed that Viola's biological father was Horatio Rochester, who welcomed Viola upon knowing that she worked with the Squad.

In Grim Chapel, they soon unmasked the identity of the Devil, a murder consultant corresponding with the Rochesters. The team also learned that Horatio's wife, Patricia, had been interned in Gryphon Sanctuary, a mental asylum revealed to be running illicit operations. They then investigated the asylum, which culminated during Patricia's murder investigation, in which Viola became a suspect. Afterward, they found out that the Rochesters had their political opponents (including Patricia) interned in the asylum. The team then put an end to the asylum's illicit operations.

Arriving in Ivory Hill, the team encountered Senator Malcolm Rochester, who was intending to abolish the free press, before discovering that the Rochesters were reclaiming the city to establish the Republic of New Concordia and that the anti-free press bill was being filed to control the narrative. After Viola admitted to her mistake of trusting Horatio, the team found Deputy Mayor Lawson's assistant, Archie Rochester, murdered. Upon solving the murder, the found Rochester's plans stating that the police and the Squad would subdue any riots from the citizen during the Republic's inauguration day, granted by Commissioner Mulroney. The team later brought down Malcolm's reputation after uncovering Malcolm's fond of visiting prostitutes with the help of journalist and Evie's girlfriend, Katherine Woolf, and Leopold himself, resulting in Malcolm resigning from his position and having the press bill canceled.

The team's investigations into the Rochesters culminated during Leopold's murder investigation. The killer turned out to be his brother, Horatio, who was distraught at Leopold informing the police of Malcolm's bad reputation. He then admitted to stoking the Italo-Irish gang war to boost profits from the railroad company, hiring the Devil to mastermind the murders of the family's opponents, and bribing Gryphon Sanctuary officials to admit the family's opponents in their facilities. After the trial, the team arrested Malcolm for bribing Mulroney to release Halsted, thus marking the end of the Rochesters' glory.

Fighting against Lawson's regime

After solving the murder of Mayor Castletown, the team attended Maddie and Charlie's wedding — officiated by Judge Takakura — and Lawson's inauguration as mayor, where he abolished the free press. Six months after, his newspaper The New Truth had proven to be a mouthpiece for the regime. Furthermore, the militia he formed, the Justice Corps, had gained the power to arrest anyone who spoke against the regime and had gained control of the Concordian Police Department as well. To avoid getting shut down, the Squad resolved to behave like his followers while protecting the people from the tyranny. After finding Takakura murdered while doing their daily patrol, they soon uncovered the killer as Florence Samuels, whom Lawson sentenced to death by beheading. To prevent the death sentence, the team executed a prison break for Florence to send her to an Australian penal colony. Finding out the plan however, Lawson resolved to dismiss Diego from the Squad. Meanwhile, Katherine divulged that she and Takakura were members of the resistance against the regime.

Now without Diego, the team learned that Giulietta Capecchi led the resistance amidst a murder at the resistance headquarters, which resulted in the headquarters being discovered. After having the resistance's benefactor, Lady Highmore, offer her manor for the resistance, the team managed to have the trust of Inspector Jaubert, head of the Corps, without exposing the resistance. The team then found out that the Corps had Katherine arrested for her treachery and that (per Giulietta and rebel Enzo Jonas) the regime was planning to hold the mass execution of Lawson's political enemies. Amidst a murder on Justice Day, the team flagged Diego (under the guise of Eddie Lebold) as a suspect. Post-trial, after Charlie established the telephone line to the resistance, the team found the mass execution plan, which helped Giulietta devise a strategy guaranteeing that Lawson would be arrested and the political prisoners would be freed bloodlessly.

On the mass execution day, the team went to prepare for their plan at the town square, only to find Jaubert guillotined, thus delaying the execution and ruining the plan. Despite Maddie (with Highmore's assistance) giving birth to George Dupont mid-investigation, the team soon uncovered the killer as Giulietta, who accidentally killed Jaubert while (alongside Enzo) preparing to execute the plan. Charlie then suddenly came and informed them that the Corps had raided the airship and arrested the Squad, including his baby, and that they managed to escape. After telling Giulietta and Enzo to run away, the duo assumed that Viola was knocked out while raided. They also heard that the Squad was to be held in the dungeons before their execution at dawn the next day. After examining the dungeon model and devising medical supplies for the team, Charlie, Dick, Isaac, and the player infiltrated the dungeon after successfully convincing prison guard George Blanton that Lawson was relocating the prisoners. They then released the team, as well as Katherine and the rest of the political prisoners.

Following the escape, Charlie said that he had to return to the airship to retrieve something important, resulting in him getting murdered, much to Maddie's sorrow. Mid-investigation, Judge Umbright came to Highmore's manor and soon left, taking George with her. After going so far to suspect Isaac, Rose, Arthur, and Diego, the team soon uncovered the killer as Diego, who admitted to working in secret with Charlie to develop a tracking device to apprehend Lawson. When the Squad was arrested, Diego had contacted Charlie to meet him alone in the airship, resulting in the two being discovered by Lawson, who then threatened Diego (as Lebold) to shoot Charlie. Diego then regretfully fired and killed Charlie, proving his worth to Lawson. After Diego explained that he had to lie mid-investigation as he had not yet planted the device on Lawson, the team then held him in custody.

Post-arrest, the team orchestrated a plan to retrieve George back. After finding George's toy rattle, which Rose rigged to emit an electric charge, the team confronted her, where they refused to surrender until she returned George. After she did so, Rose asked for Umbright's permission to give George the rattle, resulting in Umbright getting shocked unconscious. Later on, with Diego (under Evie's supervision) fixing the broken tracker, the Squad tracked and proceeded to arrest Lawson. During the standoff, Lawson shot Isaac in the heart, which left him unharmed as the team was wearing bulletproof vests. Isaac then fatally shot Lawson in the heart in retaliation, killing him and ending his reign of terror once and for all. After Lawson's backups surrendered, the team then successfully offered Lady Highmore the position of interim mayor.

A few days later, Highmore had dismantled the Justice Corps, ordered new trials for everyone imprisoned under Lawson's regime (including Giulietta, Enzo, and Adelia Baldwin), and reinstated the freedom of the press. A few days after attending Charlie's funeral and having Maddie and Diego reconciled, Chief Wright decided to give a vacation.

Notable arrests



Promotional images


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Arrested on more than one occasion.
  2. Diego is detained but is released on account of good behavior after forging a ticket for the Squad.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Temporary custody.
  4. Wentworth manages to resist arrest by committing suicide.
  5. Stanley manages to escape arrest by taking Leopold Rochester hostage.
  6. Fiona manages to escape custody during her transit to the courtroom for her trial.
  7. Justin is shot dead by Isaac during the arrest.

