Criminal Case Wiki
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Maddie O'Malley: <Name>, we thought it was bad enough when the gangs escalated their war by attacking the police, but now there's open violence in the streets!
Maddie: Clearly, this is why the Irish and Italian gangs have been stockpiling guns...
Maddie: Franca and Seamus want their gang members to hunt each other down!
Maddie: The police stations are overwhelmed and Rose and Bontemps are out there trying to organize law enforcement efforts.
Constable Ramirez: <Name>, come quickly! A body has been found on the bridge between the two banks!
Maddie: Another body! How long can this go on?
Constable Ramirez: The fire brigade came across it when they were putting out the flames!
Maddie: There's not a second to lose, <Name>! Let's get to the bridge at once!

Chapter 1

Investigate Crimson Bridge.
Maddie O'Malley: Oh my word! When Constable Ramirez said they found a body on the bridge, I thought... well, I thought there would still be a head attached!
Maddie: What sort of monster would do such a thing?! Do you think it's to do with the gangs who've set the bridge on fire?
Maddie: You're right, a name is on the victim's leather satchel... "Bridget B." Oh no! I believe you're right, <Name>. This is Bridget Baker!
Maddie: She was the plumber girl you met during a previous investigation!
Maddie: And that rag's got blood on it... No doubt it's the victim's.
Maddie: But you're right! There's also a partial footprint, but it's smudged. Maybe the dirt could tell us more, if you collect a sample!
Maddie: Now, if only a witness had-
Maddie: Did you hear that? Someone's sneaking around! Hey, you! Get over here!
Timmy: I'm not sneaking! I'm just a newspaper boy on my way to sell papers! Name's Timmy Tanner!
Maddie: Please step aside with us, Timmy. <Rank> <Name> needs to ask you some questions.
Maddie: You're right, <Name>, gang war or not, we're getting to the bottom of who committed this gruesome murder!

Ask Timmy Tanner if he saw what happened to the victim.
Timmy: <Rank> <Name>, I don't know how I can help you! I just saw that grisly body and I wanted off the bridge right away!
Maddie: I understand that must have been shocking. Did you know anything about the victim, Bridget Baker?
Timmy: Oh no! That's Bridget?
Timmy (queasy and sweating): I'm going to be sick... Bridget was my friend, a street kid like me... To see her like that...
Maddie: Had you seen her recently?
Timmy: I saw Bridget at the hospital when I was getting patched up after I was mugged. But I never really saw her after that.
Maddie: The hospital, you say? Then <Rank> <Name> and I will go there at once to investigate her stay! And meanwhile, please stay safe, Timmy!

Investigate Hospital Dormitory.
Maddie: My, but Saint Sulpicius Hospital is a dreary place, isn't it? Not sure how anyone could get well here...
Maddie: Be that as it may, if the victim was staying here, this could be her suitcase! Please open it quickly! There could be a clue!
Maddie: And what could that torn paper be, <Name>? If you piece it together, we may find vital information about the victim!

Examine Torn Paper.
Maddie: Why, this paper is a hospital admission form for Bridget Baker! So she really was staying here!
Maddie: And it appears Nurse Hatchett admitted her! We've met her before!
Maddie: She was working with Dr Wilson in Sinner's End! I must say, I'm surprised that such an ungenerous person would end up working in a hospital!
Maddie: You're right, <Name>! We must speak with Nurse Hatchett immediately to learn more about Bridget's stay in the hospital!

Question Nurse Hatchett about the victim's hospital stay.
Maddie: Nurse Hatchett, we found a document stating that you admitted a Bridget Baker to Saint Sulpicius Hospital for dehydration and fever.
Jemima: Yes. We took care of her and then she up and left before we could finish her treatment. What of it?
Maddie: Miss Baker has been murdered. We were hoping that you could provide us with more information about her.
Jemima: Murdered? I see... Well, I can't tell you anything. I neither know nor care where she went after she left.
Maddie: You don't seem very concerned about your patients or their well-being, Nurse Hatchett!
Jemima: Do you have any idea how many people have been in and out of this hospital since the gang wars began? Of course, you don't! Neither do I!
Jemima: I came to Crimson Banks from Sinner's End hoping for a calmer environment, but just look at the mess these gangs have made!
Jemima: I cannot keep up with the whereabouts of every single patient! They are free to go. Especially when they can't pay! And that girl was no different!
Maddie: Well, Nurse Hatchett, we may need to speak with you again in the near future, so please at least keep track of yourself.

Examine Locked Suitcase.
Maddie: You've opened the suitcase! Let's rummage through the contents to see if it belonged to the victim!

Examine Open Suitcase.
Maddie: Given all the men's underwear in the suitcase, it clearly didn't belong to the victim...
Maddie: But I recognize the leprechaun that you found in the suitcase, <Name>!
Maddie: That leprechaun is from Paddy Whack's! That was Dermot McMurphy's pub! He couldn't bear to be parted from this leprechaun! It's probably all he has left of the place...
Maddie: The last time we saw Dermot, he was mixed up in another one of our murder investigations...
Maddie: You're right, <Name>! We should definitely ask Dermot what brought him to the hospital and if he saw Bridget here!

Ask Dermot McMurphy if he saw the victim at the hospital.
Dermot: Maddie, you sweet thing. How kind of you to visit your old Dermot in the hospital. I'm touched. I really am!
Maddie: Dermot, <Rank> <Name> and I are not here to bring you chocolates and sympathy. We need information.
Dermot: Well, if you want to know why I'm here, you might've noticed there's a gang war on! And I'm collateral damage! These gangs'll harm anyone standing in their way!
Maddie: You're in better shape than Bridget Baker. She was murdered right on the bridge in a most awful way!
Dermot: Little Bridget? The odd jobs girl? That's terrible!
Dermot: There but for the grace of God go I meself... I saw Bridget here in the hospital the other day, but I wasn't well enough to speak with her...
Dermot: But, tell you what, if anything more about Little Miss Bridget springs to mind, I'll give you a holler!

Examine Bloody Rag.
Maddie: Perfection, <Name>! You collected the dirt from the killer's footprint on this cloth! Let's hurry it over to Viola, shall we?

Analyze Dirt.
Viola: Oh, <Name>! As a girl, I was fascinated by tales of headless horsemen and such, but now heedlessness is too close for comfort!
Maddie: It is quite a shock, I agree. But what about the sample <Name> collected from the killer's footprint?
Viola: The bulk of the sample was a type of dirt used exclusively at greyhound racing tracks...
Viola: The killer must have been at the dog races to have tracked this dirt onto the cloth!
Maddie: So the killer likes to watch hounds race in circles to chase a bunny. Charming... Well, I'll place a bet that you'll find the killer in record time, <Name>!

Autopsy Victim's Body.
Dick: <Name>, you really must stop sending me bodies in parts...
Maddie: A young girl has died, Dick. I am not in the mood for jokes. Can you tell us anything about how she was killed?
Dick: Well, I can tell you the cut wasn't very clean, but it was clearly made with a sharp blade, so be on the lookout for that.
Dick: And you'll want to keep an eye out for any suspect that enjoys Stucco Wafers!
Dick: I found traces of the powder that covers those candies on the body.
Dick: There weren't any wafers in the victim's stomach, so the candy powder came from the killer.
Maddie: Excellent! We know the killer has a sweet tooth for Stucco Wafers! It's a start, <Name>!

Later, on the airship...
Maddie: <Name>, I simply cannot imagine who would have wanted to brutally decapitate Bridget Baker.
Maddie: Could she have been a victim of gang violence? The Italians and Irish are waging a full-scale street war, after all!
Maddie: So far, Nurse Hatchett is a suspect, and she's hardly the paragon of compassion...
Maddie: And there's Dermot... he's a troublemaker, but I just can't imagine him killing a young defenseless girl!
Maddie: To top it all off, we still haven't found the rest of the victim! We have the body, but not the head!
Constable Ramirez: Um, <Name>? I think I may be able to help with that...
Constable Ramirez: I... I'm fairly sure I found the victim's head!

Chapter 2

Maddie O'Malley: <Name>, I simply cannot imagine who would have wanted to decapitate Bridget Baker.
Maddie: Even if her murder is to do with the gang war, why would they behead her?
Maddie: And we still haven't found Bridget's head!
Constable Ramirez: <Name>, I was just patrolling at the nearby playground and I... I'm fairly sure I found the victim's head!
Maddie: Great job! So where is it? Did you take it to Dick at the morgue?
Constable Ramirez (sweating): Um... Not exactly... I'm really sorry, <Name>... I got nervous... and... I dropped it! But it's still on the playground! Somewhere...
Maddie: Then <Name> and I know exactly where we need to be! To the playground with us! We must find the victim's head!

Investigate Playground.
Maddie: So, <Name>... you found the rest of our victim. I knew what we came here to find, but this is gruesome!
Maddie: The killer clearly brought Bridget's head to the playground to hide it! There's bound to be evidence still on it! Let's get it to Dick!
Maddie: You also found a set of brass knuckles. You're right, something appears to be engraved on them, but I can't make out what. Can you dust them?
Maddie: And if you piece that torn photo back together, we may have a new lead!

Examine Torn Photo.
Maddie: You pieced the photo back together, <Name>! It appears to be a young woman holding a baby.
Maddie: Why would we find this family keepsake photograph ripped to shreds on a playground?
Maddie: You're right. The key to that photo must be in the identity of the young woman. Perhaps you can run a comparison of her features in the archives!

Examine Restored Photo.
Maddie: The young woman in that photo is a certain Sadie Smith... And, according to our records, she had a daughter named Bridget Smith...
Maddie: Bridget Smith was then adopted by a family called Baker... So the infant in the photo must be Bridget! She was Sadie's daughter!
Maddie: You're right, <Name>. We must speak with Miss Smith to deliver the sad news about Bridget...

Inform Sadie Smith about her daughter's murder.
Maddie: Miss Smith, I'm afraid that we have some bad news for you...
Sadie (sweating): Bad news? I haven't done anything wrong! Why do you police people need to speak with me?
Maddie: Your daughter, Bridget Baker, she was murdered earlier on the bridge between the river banks.
Sadie: Bridget?! Murdered?! No! It can't be!
Sadie: Oh, my baby girl... I was only her age when she was born. I had to give her up for adoption due to a... medical condition I have.
Sadie: But I never forgot her! I even got a tattoo to always remember her by.
Maddie: And did you ever see her again after she was placed with the Baker family?
Sadie: Yes! I'd found her! She was living here on this very playground!
Sadie: We had reunited and we were going to be a family again! Just Bridget and me! But now...
Maddie: <Rank> <Name> and I are very sorry for your loss, Miss Smith.

Examine Brass Knuckles.
Maddie: <Name>, these brass knuckles you found belong to Tony "The Scorpion...
Maddie: That's Antonio "The Scorpion" Dante, the Italian gangster! We last saw him when we were investigating that slaughterhouse murder!
Maddie: He spends a lot of time beating up Irish people... he must be up to his elbows in this gang war...
Maddie: And you found Dante's brass knuckles on the same playground as the victim's head! He'd better explain this!

Question Antonio Dante about his presence at the playground.
Maddie: Mr Dante, can you explain why <Rank> <Name> found your brass knuckles on the playground? Who were you beating up?
Antonio: No one! And if anyone's causing trouble, it's the Irish!
Antonio: Because of this gang war, the Italians are dying all over the place! It wears on a man to lose so much famiglia!
Antonio: I go to that playground to think, eat some Stucco Wafers like I used to when I was a kid...
Antonio: It beats going to some noisy dog race! It's peaceful there...
Maddie: A likely story... So I suppose, in all this quiet, you didn't notice that the head of Bridget Baker was practically at your feet?
Antonio: Bridget who? That ain't no Italian name. You better ask the Irish.
Maddie: You can't blame the Irish for everything. If you're lying about Bridget, <Rank> <Name> will find you out!

Autopsy Victim's Head.
Dick: <Name>! I must say that I am quite pleased that you found the head of the victim! Now, at least, I have a complete body to analyze!
Maddie: Were you able to find any further information from it?
Dick: Indeed! There were traces of powder on either side of the victim's head, between the jaw and the cheekbones... and they revealed themselves to be flea powder!
Dick: However, Bridget Baker showed no sign of fleas either on her body or her head. The killer definitely left the powder on her when they picked up her head to hide it!
Maddie: So the killer has fleas! <Name>, they'd better not start an infestation in prison!
Dick: Another thing... I received a bulletin warning that the Saint Sulpicius Hospital has had a horrible flea problem of late!
Maddie: Oh, really? Since the killer has fleas, they may have picked them up at the hospital. You're right, <Name>! We should head back over there straight away!

Investigate Hospital Bed.
Maddie: <Name>, I am not sure why you think finding a medicine box in a hospital is so suspect...
Maddie: Oh, I see! Yes, it appears that someone has tried to open the box in a rather brusque manner! You can manage opening it with more finesse and we'll see what attracted so much attention!
Maddie: And it appears that someone left a message in code for the victim on this newspaper...
Maddie: If you decipher the code, we'll be that much closer to knowing who left that message for Bridget!

Examine Medicine Box.
Maddie: The only thing in that medicine chest was a note!
Maddie: The note says: "Bridget - Stay away from the medicine!"
Maddie: And it was signed by Nurse Hatchett!
Maddie: Nurse Hatchett never mentioned any conflict with the victim! We must demand clarification!

Interrogate Nurse Hatchett about her note to the victim.
Maddie: Nurse Hatchett, <Rank> <Name> found a note you wrote to Bridget Baker. You didn't mention any conflict with the victim before...
Jemima: That ragamuffin was a thorn in my side! She was more annoying than counting the fleas on my head!
Jemima: She was trying to steal medicine from MY hospital! Miss Baker faked her illness in order to gain access to morphine that real patients need!
Jemima: I tried extra locks on the chest and she insisted on busting through them... So I moved all the medicine to a more secure location. And I left her a note.
Jemima: She was caught red-handed trying to steal again and we threw her out of the hospital!
Maddie: And has she stolen anything, Nurse Hatchett?
Jemima: I am still running an inventory. But I assure you, if I find out that she did, I'll-
Maddie: You'll what? The worst has already been done! And it better not have been done by you!

Examine Folded Newspaper.
Maddie: You deciphered the code from the newspaper, <Name>! Those numbers were the message to the victim! Let's see what Evie can make of them!

Analyze Set of Numbers.
Evie: <Name>, this was a fascinating number puzzle you sent me!
Maddie: Puzzle? What do you mean?
Evie: The numbers you deciphered correspond to select answers from the crossword puzzle clues in this issue of the Concordian Gazette! They formed a message for the victim!
Evie: The answers were: "Choose," "Your," "Side," "Signed," "Bar," "Tender."
Maddie: Well, "Choose your side" is fairly clear, the message could be about the gang war... but "Bar" and "Tender"...
Maddie: The bartender! <Name>, you're right! That has to be Dermot! He sent this message to the victim!
Maddie: So he lied... He said he'd never spoken to the victim, but he clearly sent a coded message to Bridget! And about the gang war, of all things!
Maddie: Dermot had better explain this message to us at once!

Question Dermot about his message to the victim.
Maddie: Dermot McMurphy! How dare you lie to me and <Rank> <Name>! You sent a coded message for Bridget Baker telling her to "choose a side!"
Maddie: Were you trying to make her take part in the gang war? Tell us the truth! Have you joined the Irish gang?
Dermot (sweating): Ach, this feels worse than my fleas! Alright, here goes... yes, I joined the Irish gang.
Maddie: WHAT?! How could you?
Dermot: I had no choice! You don't know what it's like! I had to fight for my own, Maddie!
Dermot: I'd like to just sit around eating Stucco Wafers, but the Italians are killing all the Irish! You gotta stand up for yerself or die!
Dermot: I told Bridget, this isn't a day at the dog races. This is life or death! Either you're with us or against us!
Maddie: And so you killed Bridget when she refused to make a choice?!
Dermot: No, Maddie, never! How could you think that of me?

In the Chief's office...
Chief Wright: <Name>, Crimson Banks remains a war zone, with these Irish and Italian gangs! Now a young girl has been decapitated! What is happening here?
Maddie (sweating): We're making some progress, Chief! We still don't know who killed Bridget or why, but we've found her missing head, and we have suspects!
Maddie: Nurse Hatchett forcibly removed Bridget from the hospital after she was caught trying to steal medicine...
Maddie: And Dermot McMurphy joined the Irish gang and tried to pressure Bridget to join up, too!
Maddie: And Antonio Dante turned up again like a bad penny, lurking around the playground where we found the victim's head!
Constable Ramirez: <Name>! <Name>! You've got to stop him!
Maddie: What are you on about, Constable Ramirez? Stop whom?
Constable Ramirez: "The Scorpion"! Antonio Dante is pouring kerosene all over the playground!

Chapter 3

In the Chief's office...
Chief Arthur Wright: <Name>, we're having a terrible press day with the gang war destroying Crimson Banks. Tell me you've got news on your murder investigation at least!
Maddie: We're making some progress, Chief! We still don't know who decapitated Bridger or-
Constable Ramirez (queasy and sweating): <Name>! You've got to stop him!
Maddie: What are you on about, Constable Ramirez? Stop whom?
Constable Ramirez: "The Scorpion"! Antonio Dante is pouring kerosene all over the playground where you found the victim's head!
Maddie: What?! We must stop him at once!
Rose (holding a rifle): This could be dangerous, I'll come with you. Stay on alert, <Name>!

At the playground...
Antonio (holding a lit match): Not a step closer, <Rank> <Name>, or I'll toss this match and this place will go up in flames!
Rose (aiming her rifle): I don't think so!
Rose: ......
(The match is extinguished.)
Antonio (sweating): ......
Antonio: Alright, <Rank> <Name>. I'll come quietly.
Maddie: Yes, you will. Antonio Dante, you're under arrest for attempted arson!

Confront Tony "The Scorpion" about his attempted arson.
Maddie: Mr Dante, why on earth would you want to set fire to the playground?
Maddie: We know that Bridget Baker was living there. And that's also where we found her head. Were you trying to destroy evidence?
Antonio: I was trying to send a message to the Irish gang!
Antonio: I knew that the Baker girl was spying on us Italians for them!
Maddie: So you knew her! And you say she was spying on you? I find that far-fetched, Mr Dante. She was just a street urchin who did odd jobs!
Antonio: Says youse! I say that the only odd thing about that Baker girl's jobs was that somehow, after her work was done, the Irish always seemed able to kill more of us Italians!
Maddie: So you decided to send a message to them... was killing Bridget part of the message?
Antonio: I didn't kill that girl! The only creepy critters I've killed recently are my fleas.
Maddie: You'd better hope that the evidence doesn't prove you killed her, or you'll be staying in this prison for a long, long time...

Shortly afterwards...
Maddie: <Name>, Mr Dante claims that Bridget was spying for the Irish, but Dermot said that the victim refused to get involved with the gang war...
Maddie: So what's the truth? I agree. Since Bridget lived at the playground, we should have another look there before Mr Dante's kerosene destroys any clues!

Investigate Merry-Go-Round.
Maddie: Ugh, <Name>! This playground still reeks of kerosene!
Maddie: But never mind that! There's a message on this wooden plank. Someone wrote, "Bridget is a liar!"
Maddie: And that someone also seems to have left a substance on the plank. If you collect some of the substance, we may have another lead!
Maddie: And that empty bottle has "Morphine" written on the label... Why on earth would anyone leave a morphine bottle at a children's playground?
Maddie: You're right, <Name>! Your dusting kit could show us more information about what this bottle is doing here! Let's get to it!

Examine Wooden Plank.
Maddie: <Name>, you have a sample of the substance from that angry message about the victim! A quick view under the microscope will help determine what it is!

Examine Black Powder.
Maddie: The substance on the sign defaming the victim was pigment for newspaper ink!
Maddie: Spot on, <Name>! One of the suspects would have newspaper ink all over his hands every day: Timmy Tanner, the newsie!
Maddie: Timmy told us he and Bridget were friends... so we'd better ask him why he was angry at her!

Ask Timmy why he called the victim a liar.
Maddie: Timmy, <Rank> <name> found the sign you made at the playground. Why did you call Bridget Baker a liar?
Timmy: Because she WAS a liar! A stinkin' liar!
Timmy: Bridget promised to protect me and she didn't!
Maddie: Protect you from what?
Timmy: The gangs! We were going to survive together! She was all I had after my parents died!
Timmy: I was barely scraping by, eatin' stolen Stucco Wafers for dinner! But she found me outside the dog race track, said we'd always stick together!
Timmy: She even took me to the hospital after I was mugged! I caught every flea in the place!
Timmy: But when the gang fighting turned into a war, Bridget forgot me! I was yesterday's news!
Timmy (crying): I was angry, but I never wanted her to die, <Rank> <Name>! Maybe if we'd stuck together, she'd still be alive!

Examine Morphine Bottle.
Maddie: <Name>, the rest of the label on that bottle says, "Property of Saint Sulpicius Hospital!"
Maddie: You're right, we heard that Bridget had tried to steal medicine... could this be some of it?
Maddie: The fingerprints will tell us, but there are so many on this bottle, we'll need Evie's help sorting them out!

Analyze Fingerprints.
Evie: <Name>! The fingerprints on the bottle you sent for analysis told a surprising story!
Evie: Firstly, some of the fingerprints did belong to Bridget Baker...
Maddie: So she DID steal from the hospital's supplies! Why?
Evie: The other set of fingerprints may hold the answer, <Name>... they belong to Sadie Smith!
Maddie: The victim's mother?! We must speak to Miss Smith at once and get to the bottom of this morphine mystery!

Question Miss Smith about the morphine bottle.
Maddie: Miss Smith, we found a morphine bottle at the playground and-
Sadie: ... You found it? I've been looking all over for it... is there any left inside?!
Maddie: Not a drop! We take it that you have a fondness for morphine... did Bridget steal it for you?
Sadie: Yes, she stole it... I told her I needed it for pain, her poor mother...
Sadie: But when Bridget found out I was addicted to it, do you know what she did? She dumped all the morphine on the ground! On the ground!
Sadie (sweating): I have to eat Stucco Wafers all day to cure myself of the jitters and creeps... Can you believe it? She tortured me, she's still torturing me!
Maddie: Miss Smith, you must get some help. And I hope you didn't kill your own daughter over morphine, or you'll be getting that help in the prison hospital...

Later, on the airship...
Maddie: <Name>, there's no rest between the gang war tearing up Crimson Banks and Dante nearly setting the playground on fire!
Maddie: He certainly held a grudge against Bridget, as did her morphine-addict mother... Could Sadie Smith have killed Bridget for pouring out her drugs?
Maddie: You're right, <Name>, if we ever hope to solve this case, we must return to the crime scene!

Investigate Bridge Wreckage.
Maddie: <Name>, look at all the blood on that machete!
Maddie: Do you think this could be the knife that cut off Bridget's head?
Maddie: You're right, something seems to be mixed in with the blood on the handle. We'd better collect a sample of that stain!
Maddie: And I agree, searching through that rubble is a capital idea! There could be a clue hidden there! We're on the right track, I can feel it!

Examine Pile of Rubble.
Maddie: <Name>, those look like the goggles that Bridget Baker used to wear! And they were under all that rubble!
Maddie: The goggles must have fallen off during the murder! We must get them to Viola at once!

Analyze Goggles.
Maddie: So Viola, did you find anything the killer left on the victim's goggles?
Viola: I certainly found something... a strange crisscrossing pattern made in dried blood!
Viola: The blood wasn't exploitable, but I compared the pattern it left to a variety of cloths... and found that it was left by a gauze bandage.
Viola: The victim was clearly not wearing a bandage, so it must've been the killer accidentally leaving this pattern on the victim's goggles!
Maddie: So the killer wears a bandage for a wound of some kind... That's a hard identifier to hide! We're onto them, <Name>!

Examine Bloody Machete.
Maddie: <Name>! Let's get this sample from the machete's handle to Viola and hope it'll lead us to the killer!

Analyze Green Substance.
Viola: <Name>, the sample you collected from that machete told an interesting but gruesome story...
Viola: First of all, as you guessed, the blood in the sample was the victim's, so the machete is definitely your murder weapon.
Viola: The killer must've lunged at the victim with the machete and slashed ruthlessly at her neck, extinguishing her young life-
Maddie: We get the picture. And what about the green substance in the sample?
Viola: We've seen it before, back in Sinner's End! It's the green tea tincture that people have been using to heal tattoos!
Viola: That means that the killer has been using the tincture on a recent tattoo of their own!
Maddie: So the killer has some ink, do they? That narrows down the list of suspects!

After completing all the tasks...
Maddie: <Name>, we have all we need to arrest Bridget Baker's killer and put them behind bars! Let's do this!

Take care of the killer now!
Maddie: Timmy Tanner, you're under arrest for the murder of Bridget Baker!
Timmy: What?! I could never kill Bridget! She was my friend!
Maddie: If she was your friend, how come you left your Stucco Wafer crumbs on her dead body?
Timmy: I don't know what you're talking about! That was somebody else, it had to be!
Maddie: What about her head? Was that supposed to be a souvenir? You took it to the playground!
Timmy (sweating): No, I wouldn't do something like that! Do you think I'm some kind of monster?
Maddie: It's useless to lie! We know you cut her head off with a machete. You left the tincture for your new tattoo on it!
Timmy (sweating): ......
Timmy (crying): It was an accident! I didn't mean to kill her!
Timmy: After I was mugged by some gang members last time, I stole a big knife and always had it with me! I swore they wouldn't get me so easily again!
Timmy: And today, there was gang fighting everywhere! I knew I was in danger! So I tried to hide behind the crates just as I heard someone walking by...
Timmy (sweating): Someone grabbed me. I turned around, but I couldn't recognize who it was. I could only see their silhouette against the burning skies!
Timmy: I was sure they were about to attack me! So I screamed and swung at their neck with everything I had!
Timmy (queasy and sweating): I cut their head right off! But when I saw it on the ground, I realized it was Bridget! I'd killed my only friend!
Maddie: And why did you carry her head away to the playground?
Timmy (crying): I panicked! I didn't know what to do! I didn't mean to kill her, I swear!
Maddie: Whether you meant to or not, Timmy, I'm afraid we must place you under arrest.

Judge Lawson: Timothy Tanner, you are before this Court in the matter of the murder of Bridget Baker by... decapitation...
Timmy: I never meant to, Your Honor! I was terrified! I thought I was defending myself!
Timmy: You don't know what it's like with this gang war! You're always afraid, never knowing when you'll catch a stray bullet or who'll come after you!
Judge Lawson: It is truly sad to see one so young going behind bars for a crime that never would have happened but for this gang war!
Judge Lawson: This Court recognizes that society failed you, Timmy. But the law demands that you be sent to a correctional facility for youths, with mandatory counseling sessions.
Timmy (crying): Oh, Bridget... What have I done?

Later, on the airship...
Judge Lawson: <Rank> <Name>, today was a hard day to be a judge... I never thought I'd have to sentence one traumatized child for the murder of another...
Maddie: Yes, it's awful to see how this gang war is tearing at the moral fabric of Crimson Banks!
Maddie: Both the Irish and Italian gangs are on their last legs. Hardly anyone's left to fight, but they'll clearly go on until the bitter end.
Maddie: <Name>, we must find out what they're planning and stop them before more innocents are swept up into this gang war!

A Plague on Both Your Houses (5/6)

Judge Justin Lawson: <Rank> <Name>, I am saddened to see how much this gang war is affecting the unfortunate youths of Crimson Banks...
Maddie: I agree, Judge Lawson! Childhood friends are killing each other out of pure terror. We must do something!
Judge Lawson: If only there were a safe space established for these poor street children! But where?
Judge Lawson: Excellent point, <Name>! The gang war fighting hasn't reached the hospital! Perhaps we can help create a safe space for them there!
Maddie: Capital idea! You should talk to Nurse Hatchett, and-
Constable Ramirez: <Name>! <Name>! I... I saw him!
Maddie: Catch your breath, Constable Ramirez! Who did you see?
Constable Ramirez: Seamus, the new Irish gang leader! He was at the playground! But he looked different somehow... maybe it was the giant beard...
Maddie: Seamus?! Well, beard or not, <Name>, we must go to the playground and investigate! This is our opportunity to strike at the gangs!
Judge Lawson: You must get to the playground, <Name>, I understand! After that, we can meet at the hospital to speak with Nurse Hatchett!

Talk to Nurse Hatchett about helping street urchins.
Judge Lawson: Nurse Hatchett, my name is Justin Lawson and I'm a judge here in Concordia. We're here to-
Jemima: If you're here to complain, keep walking. This hospital is too busy to have a complaints department!
Judge Lawson: Indeed, ma'am! We've actually come to you for help. You see, the street children of Crimson Banks are in dire need of a safe space during this gang war.
Judge Lawson: Do you think that the hospital could spare a wing to house them temporarily?
Jemima: Have you lost your mind? This hospital is already a zoo! And besides, we treat patients here. We only have room for people who are ill or gravely injured!
Judge Lawson: But so many street children are being gravely injured - even dying! Wouldn't you like to help prevent this?
Judge Lawson: These street children are innocent! Don't you remember what it was like to be a child?
Jemima: I lost all memory of my childhood the day I lose my favorite doll in the Crimson Bridge. Now, shoo! Remove yourselves! I have work to do!
Judge Lawson: Well, that conversation did not go as I had hoped...
(Jemima leaves.)
Judge Lawson: Bud did you hear what she said, <Rank> <Name>? She lost her doll on the bridge. I know it's a long shot, but if you were to find it, perhaps it would warm Nurse Hatchett's heart to our concerns! Let's go!

Investigate Crimson Bridge.
Judge Lawson: <Rank> <Name>, it may be too optimistic to hope those decrepit pieces could be Nurse Hatchett's doll, after all these years... but let's try to put it back together and see!

Examine Torn Rag Doll.
Judge Lawson: <Rank> <Name>, it's impossible to tell at a glance whether this rag doll belonged to Nurse Hatchett...
Judge Lawson: But your Miss Pemberton can surely tell us! And if we're on the right track, this doll could change everything for the children of Crimson Banks!

Analyze Rag Doll.
Viola: <Name>, I'm sorry, I'll be right with you, but my mother -
Beatrice: Viola, for the last time, your real father is the man who raised you!
Viola: That's not what the science says, mother!
Beatrice: I will not discuss this matter further. I only hope that you come to your senses on this matter! Good day!
(Beatrice leaves.)
Viola: ......
Judge Lawson: Miss Pemberton, I don't mean to pry, but that seemed a rather serious discussion...
Viola: It was. You see, the DNA machine confirmed that the man who helped raise me... is not my biological father. My mother admitted it was true, but she refuses to say anything more!
Judge Lawson: Oh my... That is serious... Perhaps you should let the matter rest...
Viola: Judge Lawson, I am a scientist. My mission in life is to get to the truth. Be it in solving a murder or finding the identity of my biological father!
Judge Lawson: I see... And I suppose the matter of the rag doll we brought you seems insignificant at the moment, but-
Viola: Never fear, I have not forgotten my duties! I was able to extract a hair from the doll.
Viola: I analyzed the hair in the DNA machine, then compared the DNA from the hair to Jemima Hatchett! It was a match! This is her doll!
Judge Lawson: Excellent! <Rank> <Name>, perhaps the sight of her favorite doll will help get Nurse Hatchett on our side to help the street urchins of Crimson Banks!

Reunite Nurse Hatchett with her childhood doll.
Judge Lawson (holding a rag doll): Nurse Hatchett, <Rank> <Name> put considerable care into making this reunion possible...
Jemima: Oh my! It can't be true! That... that's Miss Sunshine, my old doll!
Jemima: I'll never forget how vulnerable I felt when I lost her. None of the adults even cared!
Judge Lawson: There. You see? And none of the adults in Crimson Banks seem to care about these street children caught in the heart of a gang war! But you could change that forever, Nurse Hatchett!
Jemima: You're right, maybe building a safe space for these children is the thing to do.
Jemima: But first, I must make the hospital a wholesome place for them! And I didn't want to tell you before, but we're having some trouble with illegal gambling rings here!
Jemima: I've tried rooting the rings out, but it's no use! I just know Dermot McMurphy must be behind them somehow!
Judge Lawson: Dermot McMurphy! He's a known member of the Irish gang now! It doesn't surprise me that he'd set up an illegal gambling ring in a hospital!
Judge Lawson: We will have to search the premises for proof of his illegal activity! And I hope you won't mind if we grab a bite to eat beforehand!

Investigate Hospital Dormitory.
Judge Lawson: Now why on earth would an anatomical mannequin be locked?
Judge Lawson: You're right, <Name>! This would be a perfect hiding place! You must open that mannequin and find out at once!

Examine Anatomical Dummy.
Judge Lawson: Holy smokes! That is quite a lot of cash stashed in that anatomical mannequin!
Judge Lawson: And what's this? A coaster from an establishment called "Paddy Whack's"? Didn't that McMurphy fellow own that pub?
Judge Lawson: This is the proof we needed to show that McMurphy was running an illegal gambling ring here at the hospital! We must confront him immediately!

Confront Dermot about his gambling ring.
Dermot: Oh, <Rank> <Name>, it's you again... and Maddie's not with you this time? Is she still spitting feathers about me being in the gang?
Judge Lawson: She is. As are we all! But we're here about your more localized illegal activities.
Dermot: I'm not quite sure what ye mean by "localized illegal activities."
Judge Lawson: Sure you do! <Rank> <Name> found your stash of winnings! You've set up quite the gambling ring right here in the hospital.
Dermot: Right. THAT localized illegal activity, sure...
Judge Lawson: Not so long ago, you were detained for running an underground fight club under your pub, and now it's a gambling ring! You certainly don't change!
Judge Lawson: Dermot McMurphy, you're under arrest, and this time you won't be let off so easily! And <Rank> <Name> will confiscate your illegal winnings!
Judge Lawson: Come along, <Rank> <Name>! Let's go give Nurse Hatchett the good news! The hospital is cleared of illicit activities and ready to receive children!

Shortly afterwards...
Judge Lawson: Nurse Hatchett, you'll be happy to know that the hospital gambling ring has been closed down and McMurphy is under arrest!
Jemima: Wonderful! Now I can create a safe space for the street urchins here at the hospital! I'm already making preparations!
Jemima: <Rank> <Name>, I know I've come across as a tad cold at times, but you see enough darkness, and it gets to you! But you reminded me that there's good in this world!
Jemima: So thank you, <Rank> <Name> and Judge Lawson, for everything you've done!

Investigate Playground.
Maddie: You found a false beard! Could this be what Constable Ramirez believed Seamus was wearing?
Maddie: And look! There's some sort of substance on the fake hair! If you collect a sample of it, we'll be able to get to the bottom of this!

Examine False Beard.
Maddie: You've got the sample of the substance from the false beard! Excellent! Now to send it to Viola post-haste!

Analyze Red Substance.
Viola: <Name>, you'll be interested to know that the sample you got off that false beard was lipstick!
Maddie: Lipstick on a false beard? What on earth?
Viola: But wait! There's more! The color of the lipstick perfectly matches the shade Giulietta Capecchi wears!
Maddie: Giulietta Capecchi?! Why would she be wearing a false beard?
Maddie: You're right, <Name>! That doesn't make sense... but she might have been kissing the person who WAS wearing it!
Maddie: And if that person was Seamus, Giulietta had better come clean! <Name>, we must speak to her straight away!

Ask Giulietta if she has been seeing Seamus.
(Seamus and Giulietta kiss.)
Giulietta: ......
Maddie: Well, I'll be!
Maddie: Seamus O'Neill! We've got you now!
Seamus (sweating): <Rank> <Name>! No!
Maddie (presenting her badge): Seamus O'Neill, you're under arrest for-
Giulietta: No! Seamus, run! I love you!
(Seamus leaves.)
Giulietta (crying): ......
Maddie: Dash it all! I'll go after him, <Name>! You can stay with Giulietta!

A few moments later...
Maddie (sweating): Dash it all, <Name>! Seamus got away! These heels were not made for running!
Giulietta: Thank goodness for that!
Maddie: <Rank> <Name> won't let him stay lost for long! Now, you owe us some answers, Giulietta!

Confront Giulietta about Seamus.
Maddie: Miss Capecchi! You told us that you hated Seamus, but you've been covering for him all this time!
Giulietta (crying): I had to protect him, <Rank> <Name>! We love each other!
Giulietta: After he killed my father, I thought I'd never forgive him... but I've realized that it's the gang war's fault, not Seamus'. He never wanted this. And I can't live without him.
Giulietta: Seamus and I wanted to leave this gang nightmare behind forever!
Maddie: Yet, we know that Seamus is leading the Irish gang! That is hardly leaving the gang war behind!
Giulietta: Seamus only took over the Irish gang to make sure that no harm came to me! Being the leader, he could sabotage the gang from the inside!
Maddie: If that's the case, why are so many people dying? Why is the gang war still going?
Giulietta: Well, it's not that easy... but we DO want this war to end so that we can be together!
Maddie: By decimating both gangs? You and Seamus should've come to us! And you should've given us information about your mother's gang war plans, too!
Giulietta: I swear to you, in the future I will! If I hear of my mother planning anything, you'll know at once! Please take this to prove that I am sincere!

Later, on the airship...
Judge Lawson: <Rank> <Name>, I am quite pleased that we were able to establish a safe space for the street children at the hospital!
Maddie: Yes, indeed! It sets a shining example for all of Concordia to follow!
Maddie: But, I'll admit, I'm still reeling from the discovery that Giulietta and Seamus have been seeing each other all this time!
Maddie: We were so close to catching Seamus, but he got away. And Giulietta claims that they both simply want the gang war to be over.
Maddie: Apparently, they were feeding each other information about the gangs' activities, which has done nothing to reduce the casualties!
Maddie: At this time, we've rounded up many members of both gangs, most recently Antonio Dante and Dermot McMurphy...
Maddie: Yet, there's no sight of Franca Capecchi!
Evie: <Name>, Giulietta sent you a note! It's about her mother!
Evie: Franca Capecchi is planning to detonate a bomb at the train station!
