Criminal Case Wiki
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Chief Diane Parker: <Name>, I'd like to thank you for all your hard work these past few weeks.
Chief Parker: You've helped devise a daring plan to infiltrate the dome and figure out what DreamLife is doing with that meteorite!
Gloria: Yeah, I still can't believe Rupert's going to pose as Mortimer Pickering, the geology expert DreamLife has flown in from England!
Chief Parker: I have complete faith in Rupert's abilities. And things are looking even better now that <Name>'s found a way to round up the Demon Fish which were terrorizing the residents of Maple Heights!
Gloria: It's lucky we found that old Xerdan song to lure all the fish to the same spot so we could catch them! Now they're safely locked up at Maple Heights' animal control facility!
Gloria: We still don't know who released the fish from the Xerdan ruins in the first place, though... Or why they did it! All we know is that it was no accident!
Chief Parker: Yes, the Mayor is counting on us to figure it out. That being said, she's throwing a picnic today for the resident of Maple Heights to celebrate! It's an invitation-only affair!
Chief Parker: She's even planning to take the guests to see the Demon Fish after the picnic!
Jones: I'm afraid the Mayor will be doing no such thing, Chief! She... she's been found dead at the animal control facility!
Chief Parker: What?! The Mayor's dead?! What happened?
Jones (sweating): I don't know! Benjamin Fetcher, that animal control officer who helped round up the fish, called it in!
Chief Parker: <Name>, the Mayor's death could propel the city back into chaos! You need to get to that animal control facility at once!

Chapter 1

Investigate Animal Control Tanks.
David Jones (sweating): Dear God! <Name>, the Mayor's been half-eaten by Demon Fish!
Benjamin: <Rank> <Name>, thank goodness you're here!
Benjamin: I called you as soon as I found the body! I... I don't know what happened! I don't understand how the Mayor could've fallen in!
Jones: Yes, that seems unlikely... Unless she was pushed!
Jones: You're right, <Name>! That badge was clearly ripped off the Mayor's clothing! There's been a struggle!
Jones: This means the Mayor was definitely pushed into that tank! We have another murder on our hands!
Benjamin (sweating): <Rank> <Name>, I have nothing to do with this! You have to believe me!
Jones: Calm down, Mr Fetcher. Take a seat and we'll be with you in a moment.
(Benjamin leaves.)
Jones: <Name>, let's get the body to Martine before we collect some of the substance on that badge. We need to figure out who murdered the city's top politician!

Examine Mayor's Badge.
Jones: Let's get that substance you collected from the Mayor's badge to the lab, <Name>!

Analyze White Substance.
Amir: Hey there, <Name>! Rupert's still busy swotting up on meteorites, so I took a look at that substance you collected from the Mayor's badge!
Amir: I'll give you a clue: it's something you should use every day, if you want your skin to stay looking young!
Jones: Amir, now isn't the time for riddles! The Mayor's dead and we need to find the culprit!
Amir: Sorry, <Name>. The substance was a chemical compound which absorbs ultraviolet light. Or, as it's more commonly known - sunscreen!
Amir: I consulted Martine, and she said there was no trace of sunscreen on the Mayor's body, so it must've been left by your killer as they wrestled with her!
Jones: So, our killer wears sunscreen! They won't need it where they're going, <Name>!

Talk to Benjamin Fetcher about the murder.
Jones: Mr Fetcher, you need to tell us everything you know, and quick!
Benjamin (sweating): Well, the Mayor was all in a hurry when I saw her. Said she'd left the picnic preparations to make sure everything was ready there.
Benjamin: To tell you the truth, I thought the tour was a waste of time - this place is open to the public anyway! But the Mayor wanted to show people that the Demon Fish was no longer a threat!
Benjamin: I left her to look around while I went to check the rest of the facility. When I came back... she was in the tank, dead! If only the flood hadn't knocked out our security cameras!
Jones: Thank you for your help, Mr Fetcher. <Name>, I think it's time we went to that picnic the Mayor organized!

Investigate Picnic Area.
Jones: Seems like the guests are all off watching the band play, <Name>. The last thing we want is for people to panic, so let's keep the Mayor's death on a need-to-know basis.
Jones: Anyway, why did you pick that hat up?
Jones: Oh, good catch! According to the tag on the inside, this hat belongs to the Mayor! She must've dropped it when she came by earlier.
Jones: Vacuuming up some of the powder on that hat might prove useful, I agree!
Jones: And that bouquet of flowers has a note attached. It reads, "Mayor, It was a pleasure to receive your invitation." But the sender's name's been torn off...
Jones: Do you think you can recover the name on the note, <Name>? We need all the suspects we can get!

Examine Straw Hat.
Jones: Let's put that powder you collected from the Mayor's hat under the microscope, <Name>! Hopefully it'll tell us who saw the Mayor this morning!

Examine Beige Powder.
Jones: <Name>, that powder on the Mayor's hat is a solid perfume called "Diva by Bucci." Hmm, why does that name sound familiar...
Jones: Oh, I know! That's Lola Vallez's signature perfume! She was so upset when it got discontinued a few years back that she bought all of the brand's remaining stock!
Jones: What? Like you never read gossip magazines, <Name>!
Jones: Anyway if Ms Vallez's perfume is on the Mayor's hat, it means they saw each other today! Let's talk to Lola!

Ask Lola Vallez about her last encounter with the victim.
Lola: <Rank> <Name>, how wonderful to see you! Do you have another crisis that you need me to fix for you?
Jones: Not quite, Ms Vallez-
Lola: Well, whatever it is, it'll have to wait! Nothing gets in between me and a tray of canapes!
Jones: Ms Vallez, we're here because Mayor Price has been murdered!
Lola: Mayor Price is dead?! How awful!
Lola: Does this mean they're going to stop serving champagne? Please excuse me, <Rank> <Name>, I need to get a refill!
(Lola leaves.)
Jones: Ms Vallez! We had questions for you!
Jones: Gosh darn it, <Name>! Clearly Ms Vallez doesn't take this seriously. We'll have to look for leads elsewhere!

Examine Bouquet Tag.
Jones: <Name>, the person who gave those flowers to the Mayor was Ray Parker!
Jones: I had no idea the Chief's husband had been invited to the picnic, or that he knew the Mayor well enough to send her flowers!
Jones: I guess it's time for another talk with our Xerdan expert, <Name>!

Ask Ray Parker about his ties to the Mayor.
Ray (holding a glass of whiskey): <Rank> <Nam>, what a pleasant surprise. Shall we raise a toast to the end of the Demon Fish's reign of terror?
Jones: We don't have time for toasts, Mr Parker. I'm afraid we're investigating the Mayor's murder!
Ray: Mayor Price is dead?! Goodness gracious, how terrible! What will Grimsborough do without her?
Jones: Please keep your voice down, we're trying to avoid a panic! Now, we found the bouquet you sent the Mayor. Did you know her well?
Ray: Not at all. But it appears I've made somewhat a name of myself, thanks to my work on Xerda.
Ray: City Hall had been most appreciative of my research. I imagine that's why I was invited!
Ray: Please, if you think of any way I can help your investigation, <Rank> <Name>, don't hesitate. Mayor Price's death is a blow to us all!

Autopsy Victim's Body.
Martine: I see you've brought me another victim from City Hall, <Name>, and this time it's the Mayor herself! Clearly working for the government is hazardous to one's health!
Jones: Not having a Mayor is hazardous for the city too, Martine. What did you find on the body?
Martine: Well, ascertaining the cause of death was easy enough. Your victim suffered multiple bite wounds from the Demon Fish - their neurotoxin caused all of her organs to shut down!
Martine: I also found further proof of a struggle - several small cross-shaped puncture marks on her body! Your killer attacked her with some kind of metal implement before pushing her into that tank!
Jones: We'll keep an eye out for it! Can you give us any leads on our killer?
Martine: Given the time the body spent in the water, it was a struggle to find any foreign substances...
Martine: ... But I finally identified traces of Olea europaea on her jacket!
Jones: Olea what now, Martine?
Martine: Olea europaea! Or, in other words, olives! But as there were none in your victim's stomach, those traces must've been left by your killer!
Jones: So our killer eats olives, do they? They'll have a knot in the pit of their stomach now you're closing in on them, <Name>!

Later, at the station...
Jones: <Name>, I thought we were done with those Demon Fish after you managed to corral them all into tanks!
Jones: I never expected them to claim one final victim... Not least the Mayor!
Jones: And to think Martha Price had organized a picnic to celebrate the fact that the Demon Fish were no longer a threat...
Jones: Instead, we found her half-eaten by those very fish! We need to figure out who pushed her into that tank, <Name>!
Jones: Benjamin Fetcher, who works at the facility where she was killed, called in her murder. But he claims he didn't see anything!
Jones: We also encountered the Chief's husband, who was distraught by the news, and Lola Vallez, who couldn't have cared less.
Mia: <Rank> <Name>, we have a situation!
Jones: What, worse than the Mayor being dead?
Mia: Yes! Word has gotten out about the murder and rumors are running wild!
Jones: Oh God, <Name>, that's not good! Once journalists get wind of the Mayor's death, they'll spin it into a major drama!
Chief Parker: Indeed. That's why you're giving a press conference outside City Hall in 10 minutes' time, Jones!
Jones (sweating): You want ME to give a press conference? But I... I'm afraid of public speaking!
Chief Parker: There's no time for excuses, Jones. You've got 10 minutes. You'd better prepare your speech!

Chapter 2

David Jones: <Name>, I thought we were done with those Demon Fish after you managed to catch them all!
Jones: I never expected them to claim Mayor Price as their final victim!
Jones: And to think the Mayor had organized a picnic to celebrate the Demon Fish no longer posing a threat to the people of Maple Heights...
Jones: Instead, we found her half-eaten by those very fish! We need to figure out who pushed her, <Name>!
Mia: <Rank> <Name>, we have a situation!
Jones: Oh God, <Name>, that's not good! Once journalists get wind of the Mayor's death, they'll spin it into a major drama!
Chief Parker: Indeed. That's why you're giving a press conference outside City Hall in 10 minutes' time!
Jones: You want ME to give a press conference? But I... I'm afraid of public speaking!
Chief Parker: There's no time for excuses, Jones. You've got 10 minutes. You'd better prepare your speech!

Ten minutes later, on the steps of City Hall...
Jones (sweating): ... Ahem...
Jones: It is with great sadness that the Grimsborough PD confirms that Mayor Martha Price was found dead this morning.
Jones: Although the circumstances surrounding the Mayor's death are thought to be suspicious, we would like to reassure the public that there is no cause for alarm.
Journalists: Can you tell us if anyone has been taken into custody?
Jones: Not yet, but the Grimsborough PD is pursuing a number of leads and we're confident that the culprit will be apprehended in due course.
Journalists: So what you're saying is that there's a killer roaming free in Grimsborough?
Jones (sweating): Uh, we've run out of time! No more questions, thank you!

Back at the station...
Jones (sweating): That was awful, <Name>! I haven't been that nervous since I played a donkey in the school nativity play!
Jones: There's no way I'm doing that again, We need to solve this murder, and quickly!
Jones: We know the Mayor went to oversee the picnic reservations earlier, so we should pay a visit to the food tent, you're right!

Investigate Food Tent.
Jones: It doesn't seem like news of the Mayor's death has killed the party, <Name>. The buffet's been demolished!
Jones: But how the heck did that bloody screwdriver end up here?
Jones: Martine said she'd found cross-shaped puncture wounds on the Mayor's body... Could this screwdriver be what the killer used to attack her?
Jones: That would mean our killer is among our picnic-goers, <Name>! Collecting a sample of that blood on the screwdriver might lead us straight to them!
Jones: And you never know what secrets are hiding in a woman's handbag, especially one belonging to the Mayor! Let's have a quick rummage through!
Jones: As for those pieces of cardboard, putting them back together will be child's play for you, <Name>! Let's get to work!

Examine Cardboard Pieces.
Jones: <Name>, this is some kind of political recruitment board. It reads, "Build a brighter tomorrow with Mayor Price."
Jones: And look, that's Patricia P. Harris, the author of "Thirty Tones of Blue"! We saw her the other day, when we were investigating Joshua Gibson's murder!
Jones: Clearly Mrs Harris was part of the Mayor's party - we need a word with her, <Name>!

Talk to Patricia P. Harris about her involvement in the Mayor's party.
Jones: Mrs Harris, what can you tell us about your involvement in the Mayor's political party?
Patricia: I was one of Mayor Price's biggest supporters, <Rank> <Name>. Her death is a huge loss for the city!
Patricia: All that time I spent canvassing new members, and organizing rallies... There'll be no need for any of that now she's gone.
Patricia: The worst part is that people didn't even appreciate the Mayor when she was alive. Take those Demon Fish, for example! Ms Vallez is going around stuffing her face with olives, claiming she got rid of them...
Patricia: But we all know who to really thank - Mayor Price! It's my duty to ensure that her contribution to this city is remembered, <Rank> <Name>!
Patricia: In fact, I've always wanted to write a steamy City Hall romance. Perhaps I could name a character after her in my next book!

Examine Mayor's Bag.
Jones: Look at this photo you found in the Mayor's bag. I'm guessing that's her as a young girl!
Jones: But who's that boy with her? D'you reckon you can find a match in the database, <Name>?

Examine Unknown Boy.
Jones: What the heck, <Name>? The boy with Martha Price in that photo is Ernest Emerson, that scientist who helped us find a cure to the Demon Fish's neurotoxin and save Martine!
Jones: I had no idea he and the Mayor knew each other as kids!
Jones: Let's find out if Dr Emerson was still in touch with her, <Name>!

Ask Ernest Emerson about his relationship with the victim.
Ernest: I suppose you're here about Martha, <Rank> <Name>. It was quite a shock to learn my cousin is dead. I've barely touched the olives the waiters offered me!
Jones: So you and Mayor Price were cousins! We found this photo of you together as children. Did you remain close?
Ernest: We were thick as thieves when we were kids. But our lives took different paths as we grew up and drifted apart.
Ernest: Martha had her sights set on conquering City Hall, while I was busy exploring South America with little more than a map and a bottle of sunscreen to my name!
Ernest: But when I came back to study the Demon Fish, Martha and I reconnected. It was almost like old times, us catching fish together!
Ernest: I only wish we'd done it earlier! Now I'll never get back the time we lost, <Rank> <Name>!

Examine Bloody Screwdriver.
Jones: <Name>, let's get that blood from the screwdriver to the lab, quick sharp!

Analyze Blood.
Rupert: Well, <Name>, the blood you sent me belonged to your victim, which means...
Jones: ... That it was definitely the killer who left that screwdriver at the picnic!
Rupert: ...Exactly! But you also picked up something else in that sample from the handle of the screwdriver...
Rupert: ... Traces of an extra-strong antiperspirant! Your killer must've had it on their hands when they touched the screwdriver!
Jones: So, our killer sweats a lot, do they?
Jones: I've no doubt they'll be sweating bullets once you haul them up in front of a judge, <Name>!
Jones: And you're right. Now that we know for certain that our killer passed through the picnic, we need to take another look around!

Investigate Picnic Blankets.
Jones: <Name>, look at the message on that newspaper article! "Martha, her blood is on your hands!"
Jones: This seems to be about the front page, but the article itself is completely faded! We need to retrieve it, and fast!
Jones: And we know our killer came to the picnic; if we're lucky, that video camera might've caught them on tape!

Examine Faded Newspaper.
Jones: This newspaper article is about Penny Farrell, the Mayor's assistant whose murder you investigated a few weeks back!
Jones: Whoever wrote, "Martha, her blood is on your hands!" clearly blamed the Mayor for Penny's death!
Jones: Right, <Name>! Benjamin Fetcher, the animal control officer who called in the Mayor's murder - he was Penny's ex-boyfriend!
Jones: If there's anyone who might've blamed the Mayor for her death, it's him! We'd better speak to Mr Fetcher again, <Name>!

Question Benjamin Fetcher about blaming the victim for his ex-girlfriend's death.
Jones: Mr Fetcher, can you explain why you wrote this message blaming the Mayor for your ex-girlfriend's murder?
Benjamin (sweating): ... Oh, you found that...
Benjamin: Well, the Mayor WAS responsible for Penny's murder! If she hadn't filled Penny's head with ideas of civic duty, she never would've investigated that dognapping scheme and gotten herself killed!
Benjamin (crying): Nothing's the same now Penny's gone. There's nobody to nag me to put my sunscreen on... or to eat my olives, because they're full of healthy fats!
Benjamin (crying): Life is hardly worth living anymore, <Rank> <Name>!
Jones: We understand your grief, Mr Fetcher. We just hope for your sake that you didn't take it out on Mayor Price!

Examine Locked Camera.
Jones: Great, you got that video camera unlocked, <Name>! There's quite a few files on there, so let's send the whole thing to Cathy!

Analyze Video Camera.
Cathy: <Name>, it seems that video camera you found at the picnic was set up to record the Mayor's speech...
Cathy: Obviously, the speech never happened... But the camera still captured something interesting!
Jones: That sounds promising! Let's see it, Cathy!
Cathy: Brace yourself, <Name>. You're about to see a different side to someone you know!

Start of footage...
Ray (holding the flowers): Mayor Price, I wanted to thank you in person for the invitation. I hope you'll accept these flowers as a token of my appreciation.
Martha: You know I despise lilies, Ray! They reek of death!
Ray: Quite, just like your breath. And their vibrant orange color reminds me of the burning fires of hell, where you're headed for serving your guests prosecco instead of champagne!
Martha: How long did it take you to think up that insult, Ray? You're sweating with exertion!
Martha: Besides, your name would've never made it onto the guest list if I still had an assistant!
Ray: Well, I see you're still as salty as those olives they're serving. Now please excuse me, I've spotted someone far more interesting to talk to.

End of footage...
Jones: What was that, <Name>? Did Mr Parker literally tell the Mayor to go to hell? I had no idea he had it in him!
Jones: And the Mayor gave as good as she got. They seemed to have quite the grudge against each other!
Jones: So much for him telling us he barely knew her! Let's ask Mr Parker why he lied, <Name>!

Confront Ray Parker about his feud with the Mayor.
Ray: Ah, <Rank> <Name>. I hope you remembered to apply your sunscreen, today is quite the scorcher!
Ray: The FDA recommends liberally reapplying an SPF of 15 or higher every two hours! Personally, I apply SPF 70 every hour, on the hour. Sun damage is no laughing matter!
Jones: But perhaps can you explain this footage of you cracking jokes at the Mayor's expense, Mr Parker. You told us you didn't even know her!
(Ray sweats, embarrassed.)
Ray: I'm so ashamed you saw that, <Rank> <Name>!
Ray: The truth is, I've known Mayor Price since Diane and I moved here, and I start attending City Hall meetings as a concerned citizen.
Ray: For no reason at all, the Mayor took an immediate disliking to me... As though my 30 minute commentaries on the coordination of traffic lights weren't useful!
Ray: She cut me off all the time, and belittled me in front of the others! The final straw was when she started rescheduling the City Hall meetings without telling me!
Ray: Mayor Price made my blood boil! But I'd never have gone further than exchanging harsh words with her, <Rank> <Name>!

Jones: <Name>, politicians are often divisive figures, and it seems like Mayor Price was no exception!
Jones: Patricia P. Harris spoke glowingly of the victim and her work, claiming to be one of the Mayor's biggest supporters...
Jones: While Ray Parker had no love for the victim; they had a long-standing grudge after she undermined him at the City Hall meetings!
Jones: Then there's Benjamin Fetcher, who believes Mayor Price was indirectly responsible for the death of the woman he loved!
Jones: But we're still no closer to figure out who actually pushed the Mayor into that tank of Demon Fish!
Lola: <Rank> <Name>... Whaddaya... Whaddaya doin' there? I been looking... eberyywhere...
Jones: Ms Vallez, how much have you had to drink-
Lola: I have a... a thing to tell you... about the May... Mayor!

Chapter 3

David Jones: Well, <Name>, it seems like Mayor Price was as controversial as your average politician!
Jones: Our suspects range from ardent supporters... to sworn enemies! But who actually pushed the Mayor into that tank of Demon Fish?
Lola: <Rank> <Name>... Whaddaya... Whaddaya doin' there? I been looking... eberyywhere...
Jones: Ms Vallez, you don't look so great-
Lola: I have a... a t-t-thinggg to tell you... about the May... Mayor! She was a b-bitter HAG!
Lola (coughing): BAARF!
Jones: <Name>, she threw up all over my shoes!
Jones: Ms Vallez, you're clearly too drunk to talk to us. Let's get you some water and sit you in the shade!
(Lola leaves.)
Jones: <Name>, we've got enough on our plate without dealing with drunken divas! We need to solve this murder, and quickly! Let's look around the food tent again!

Investigate Buffet Tables.
Jones: Nice work, <Name>, you found the Mayor's phone! Let's unlock it!
Jones: And look at that document! The stamp reads, "Refused by order of City Hall"! We need to retrieve the rest!
Jones: And is that a broken pinata, <Name>? You'd better put it back together!
Jones: We need to show the city that, Mayor or not, we can still keep the people safe. Now let's find that killer!

Examine Locked Phone.
Jones: <Name>, the Mayor's phone opened on her last messages...
Jones: And it looks like she was arguing with her cousin! Look at this: "Ernest, stop being a crybaby!"
Jones: And Ernest replied, "I can't believe you won't listen to me! You never listen to me!"
Jones: <Name>, I'm getting sick of people wasting our time by lying to us. Let's ask Dr Emerson why he didn't tell us about the argument!

Confront Ernest Emerson about his fight with the victim.
Ernest (sweating): Oh, <Rank> <Name>... I was just about to go in search of some shade, I'm sweating profusely in this heat!
Jones: Here's something to sweat about. We found your text message to your cousin - why didn't you tell us you'd argued with her?
(Ernest stands, speechless.)
Ernest: We had a difference of opinion, that's all. We disagreed about what was to be done with the Demon Fish!
Ernest: Martha had decided that once she'd given the public the chance to gawk at them, she'd have the Demon Fish exterminated!
Ernest: But there's still so much we don't know about them! I needed more time to study them before she wiped them off the face of the Earth!
Ernest: Martha never understood the importance of science, <Rank> <Name>! All she cared about was the public's opinion of her!
Jones: Let's just hope you didn't value science over your cousin's life, else you'll be going to prison for a long time, Dr Emerson!

Examine Faded Blueprint.
Jones: What the heck, <Name>? This is a request for planning permission for a giant statue of Lola Vallez!
Jones: According to the scale, that thing would've been enormous! No wonder it wasn't approved!
Jones: <Name>, what if that's what Lola wanted to talk to us about earlier? Her planning permission was refused by City Hall, hence by the Mayor!
Jones: Let's see if Ms Vallez has sobered up enough to talk to us... I'll be sure to stay out of vomiting range this time!

Ask Lola Vallez about the Mayor refusing her planning permission.
Jones: Are you feeling better, Ms Vallez?
Lola: Today's the WORST! I'm sweating like... like a sinner in church! AND my s-sunscreen's run out!
Lola: Nobody knows how dicci... how duffcul... how hard it is to be me...
Jones: Ms Vallez, we need you to focus! We found this blueprint of a proposed statue of you. Was it Mayor Price who rejected it?
Lola: Ugh, Mayor Price! Don't talk to me about that w-witch! She said my statue broke height rela... rega... rules! But she was just jealous of m-me!
Lola: Th-that's what I wanted to tell you earlier! Mayor Price was a b-bitter, jealous old HAG and look where it got her!
Jones: You'd better sober up, Ms Vallez, because if we discover you killed Mayor Price so you could build your statue, you'll be appearing in front of a judge before the end of the day!

Examine Broken Piñata.
Jones: What the heck, <Name>? Someone made a piñata out of the Mayor's face?!
Jones: We need to know who was behind this! Let's send the piñata to Rupert!

Analyze Piñata.
Rupert: <Name>, did you know that scientists believe most of Earth's water arrived from a type of primitive meteorite, called carbonaceous chondrites?
Jones: I don't know how you manage to remember all that stuff, Rupert! But say, did you find out who made that piñata of Mayor Price's face?
Rupert: Yes, of course. The piñata had taken quite a beating, but I managed to extract a layer of paper mache that had traces of DNA on it.
Rupert: And that DNA belonged to Patricia P. Harris! She's the one who made the piñata!
Jones: Patricia P. Harris made a piñata of the Mayor's face?! But she claimed to be one of her biggest supporters! I agree, <Name>, we need another word with her!

Question Patricia P. Harris about her making a piñata of the victim.
Jones: Mrs Harris, can you explain why you made a piñata of Mayor Price's face?
Patricia: ... How did you know that was me, <Rank> <Name>?
Patricia: Well, I don't suppose there's any point of hiding it anymore... I was furious with Martha!
Patricia: I spent years aiding that woman's career; not only did I drum up support for her party, but I donated thousands of dollars to her campaigns!
Patricia: ... And how did she repay me? By banning my books from local bookstores, on the pretext that they pervert the minds of youngsters!
Patricia: Those "perverted" books paid for her campaigns! But the second she didn't need my money anymore, she didn't care if she bankrupted me! She's lucky making that piñata is all I did to her!

Later, at the station...
Jones: <Name>, this case has been full of twists and turns! I never would've imagined that the Mayor had so many enemies!
Jones: Dr Emerson was angry with her for not giving him adequate time to study the Demon Fish...
Jones: While Lola resented the Mayor for rejecting planning permission for a huge statue of herself!
Jones: Any one of our suspects might've killed the Mayor, <Name>, but who actually did it?
Chief Parker: Jones, what's taking so long to find that killer? The only reason I don't have the Mayor's office on my back right now is because there IS no Mayor!
Jones: I promise, Chief, we're closer than ever to catching that killer! <Name>, let's return to the scene of the crime, on the double!

Investigate Fishtanks.
Jones: <Name>, if I've really gotta stick my hand in that bucket, I just pray there's not a Demon Fish lurking in there!
Jones: As for that toolbox, there's a screwdriver missing, you're right! And they look exactly like the screwdriver the killer struck the Mayor with!
Jones: This must be where the killer took it from, <Name>! We need to get a sample of that substance!
Jones: We're on the homestretch now, <Name>. It won't be long before we reel in our fishy killer!

Examine Bucket.
Jones: You found some olives on a toothpick in that bucket, <Name>? How did that get in there?!
Jones: Oh, right! We know that our killer eats olives - they must've dropped the toothpick after the murder!
Jones: With any luck, that toothpick might give us a valuable lead, <Name>! Let's send it to Rupert, quick!

Analyze Olives on Toothpick.
Rupert: <Name>, I think all this studying is paying off. I'm finally starting to feel like I'm ready to take Mortimer's place under the dome!
Rupert: I even did a Q & A session on his blog earlier, and nobody guessed I wasn't the real Dr Pickering!
Jones: That's great, Rupert! But did you have time to look at that toothpick <Name> sent you?
Rupert: Yes! Examining it was a piece of cake compared to studying the fragmentaton model of meteoroid motion in the atmosphere!
Rupert: You see, I managed to find a trace amount of blood on the toothpick - you're killer must've cut their gum with it!
Rupert: And the absence of both A and B antigens in the blood tells me that your killer's blood type is O+!
Jones: Our killer's blood type is O+, is it? They'll sure feel foolish when they realize cutting themselves on a toothpick was their downfall, <Name>!

Examine Toolbox.
Jones: There's no time to lose, <Name>. We need to get that substance you collected from the killer's toolbox to the lab!

Analyze Clear Substance.
Jones: What have you got for us on that substance <Name> collected from the killer's toolbox, Amir?
Amir: Well,  I can tell you that the substance you sent me was sweat!
Jones: That's no surprise, given our killer's sweat problem. Did you manage to extract any DNA from the sample?
Amir: The substance was badly contaminated, so it was a struggle to obtain even a partial DNA profile...
Amir: ... But one thing is for sure: your killer's a man!
Jones: So, <Name>, we're looking for a male killer! I bet he's running scared now you're on his tail!

After completing all the tasks...
Jones: This is it, <Name>. You've collected all the evidence you need to arrest Mayor Price's killer! Let's do this!

Take care of the killer now!
Jones: Dr Emerson, you're under arrest for the murder of Mayor Price!
Jones: How could you push your own cousin to such a horrible death?
Ernest: Me, kill Martha? You must be mad, <Rank> <Name>. I'd never do such a thing!
Jones: Then how do you explain the fact that we found traces of the olives you were eating on Mayor Price's jacket?
Ernest: Olives? They could've come from anywhere! That's hardly proof of wrongdoing!
Jones: Yet we found your sunscreen on the badge, which you tore off the Mayor's clothes as you struggled with her!
Ernest (sweating): It's a sunny day! Everyone is wearing sunscreen!
Jones: Feeling a bit hot, Dr Emerson? You also left your sweat on the toolbox from which you took the screwdriver you attacked Mayor Price with!
(Ernest sweats, embarrassed.)
Ernest: Fine, you got me, <Rank> <Name>! I killed Martha!
Jones: I don't get it! You killed her just because she wanted to have the Demon Fish destroyed?
Ernest: No, I killed her because she tried to stop me from releasing them back into the river!
Jones: You were trying to release the Demon Fish?!
Jones: ... Wait, what do you mean "release them back into the river"?! So YOU'RE the one who blew a hole in that cavern wall to release the fish in the first place!
Ernest: Yes, it was me. <Rank> <Name>, you have to understand. I've dedicated my whole life proving that so-called "extinct" species still exist...
Ernest: ... So when I heard that an ancient city had been unearthed in my hometown, I knew straight away this might be my chance!
Ernest: And sure enough, while I was diving in the old Xerdan tunnels, I found a cavern filled with ancient fish!
Jones: So you found an ancient species that you knew nothing about, and you thought it'd be a good idea to release them into the city's water supply?!
Ernest: It was for science! But then you had to get involved and capture them, <Rank> <Name>!
Jones: Yes, because they were killing people!
Ernest: And is that reason enough to kill THEM?! When I heard Martha intended to have them exterminated, I knew I had to act!
Ernest: So I snuck into the facility. I knew the tanks were connected to a pipe system flowing straight back into the river, I just needed to unscrew the tank's filters and the fish would be free!
Ernest: But Martha walked in to me! She realized what I was doing, and tried to stop me!
Ernest: I grabbed that screwdriver to fend her off! But she wouldn't let go!
Jones: So you pushed her! You let her be eaten by the Demon Fish!
Ernest: It was a fitting end for her! Killed by the very creatures she wanted to murder!
Ernest: Unfortunately, I heard someone coming before I could release the fish, and I had to run away!
Jones: That's one small blessing! Dr Emerson, you're under arrest for the murder of Mayor Price! <Name>, let's wrap this up!

Judge Powell: Dr Emerson, you stand accused of the murder of the city's Mayor...
Judge Powell: ... And of releasing a dangerous species into the wild, resulting in the deaths of dozens of people!
Ernest: I was trying to preserve an entire species from extinction, that's all!
Judge Powell: A species which would've continued to exist peacefully among the Xerdan ruins if you hadn't released them!
Judge Powell: You willfully endangered the lives of Grimsborough's citizens! And if that wasn't bad enough, you then killed the person who tried to prevent you from making the same mistake again!
Judge Powell: Dr Emerson, for the murder of Mayor Price and involuntary homicide of multiple victims, this Court hereby sentences you to life in prison!
Ernest: Do what you want with me, just don't let them kill my Demon Fish!

Jones: <Name>, Dr Emerson always struck me as eccentric, but I never thought he'd be capable of killing someone!
Jones: And not only that, we've discovered he was the one who blew a hole in the underwater cavern and released the Demon Fish in the first place!
Jones: Who would've thought it? Especially after he helped us save Martine when she was bitten!
Chief Parker: We can't turn back time, <Name>, but I want to congratulate you on solving the Mayor's murder! It was a difficult case, but you stepped up to the plate!
Chief Parker: Your work in Maple Heights isn't over yet, though. Now the case is closed, an interim Mayor has been appointed, and he wants to talk to you!
Cathy: <Name>, that'll have to wait!
Cathy (holding the device): The DreamLife device is ringing!

Demons Among Us (6/6)

Chief Diane Parker: <Name>, I want to congratulate you on putting Dr Emerson behind bars for Mayor Price's murder. It was a difficult case, but you stepped up to the plate!
Chief Parker: While we await new elections, City Hall has appointed an interim Mayor, Joe Warren. I don't believe you've met him.
Chief Parker: Mr Warren's had quite the political trajectory so far, so I'm sure he'll make a fine leader. And for his first order of business, he wants to see you, <Name>!
Cathy (holding the device): <Name>, the device DreamLife gave Dr Pickering is ringing! Where's Rupert? We need him to unlock the gadget's eye-recognition system!
Rupert: I'm right here! Pass me the device!
Device: "This is an automated message for Dr Pickering. A car will be sent to pick you up from the Glitz Hotel at 6pm today. Please be ready to leave at this time."
Jones: Well, old man, your time to shine has finally arrived! Do you have everything you need to go under the dome?
Rupert: Yes, I've studied Pickering's research from top to bottom, and I know I'll be able to fool DreamLife into thinking I'm the geology expert they hired...
Rupert: ... But I'd feel much better I knew I could contact you from inside the dome, <Name>. How will you know I'm alright? And how will I transfer whatever information I can get on the meteorite to you?
Cathy: Don't worry about that, Rupert! I've been working on something - come to my office and I'll tell you about it!
Chief Parker: <Name>, DreamLife is our priority here. Go speak with Cathy, I'll stall the interim Mayor!

Ask Cathy how Rupert can communicate with us from inside the dome.
Cathy: So, Rupert! I've been thinking about how you'd be able to communicate with us once you're under the dome for a while now...
Cathy: Obviously we can't be sure that your phone won't get bugged, and wearing a wire would be too dangerous! We can't risk DreamLife realizing you're an impostor!
Rupert: So how will I contact you?!
Cathy: I've built you a communications microchip! It's the equivalent of a phone, but smaller than a stamp! I just need something inconspicuous to hide it in!
Rupert: What about the watch I wear on special occasions? Could you fit the microchip in there?
Cathy: Of course, a watch! That's a brilliant idea, Rupert! Give it here!
Rupert (sweating): Oh! I... I seem to have misplaced it!
Rupert: It must've fallen off when I went for a stroll at the park earlier! <Name>, we need to find it, quick! There's not much time before DreamLife comes to collect "Dr Pickering"!

Investigate Picnic Area.
Rupert: Gosh darn it, <Name>! I can't see my watch anywhere!
Rupert: You... you think it might've got swept up in the trash? I do hope not, but we'd better check!

Examine Trash Can.
Rupert: <Name>, you found my watch! I can't believe someone threw away a vintage Brolex thinking it was trash! Unbelievable!
Rupert: Sorry, you're right. There's no time to be outraged. We need to get my watch to Cathy so she can fit it with that communications microchip, before I infiltrate the dome!

Analyze Rupert's Watch.
Rupert: So, did you manage to fit my watch with that communications microchip, Cathy?
Cathy: I sure did! I had to make a few modifications to the watch, but I managed to keep the exterior intact! Now, let's run over how it works.
Cathy: To check in once a day and let us know you're okay, you just need to press once on the watch's crown and it'll send a signal to the office.
Cathy: But if you find yourself in an emergency, pressing on the crown twice will allow you to call us via the inbuilt microphone!
Cathy: I must stress that you should only use this function if you're sure you're in a safe place. If DreamLife catches you speaking into your watch, you'll be in trouble!
Rupert: Obviously! Now, <Name>, let's go tell the Chief that everything is in place!

Go over the plan to infiltrate the dome with Chief Parker.
Rupert: Chief, I have everything I need to go under the dome! Cathy's tinkered with my watch so that I'll be able to contact you, and I've got my disguise at the ready!
Chief Parker: Then let's go over the plan. DreamLife's sending a car to pick up who it believes to be Dr Mortimer Pickering, from the Glitz Hotel at 6pm.
Chief Parker: Cathy and <Name> will be watching from a nearby vantage point, so we can intervene if DreamLife suspects something is wrong.
Chief Parker: But if all goes well and DreamLife believes you to be the real Dr Pickering, they'll take you straight to the dome!
Chief Parker: Your goal is to find out exactly what DreamLife is doing with that meteorite. But whatever you do, don't put yourself in any unnecessary danger!
Chief Parker: Now, are you sure you want to go ahead with this, Rupert?
Rupert: I've never been surer of anything, Chief! I won't let you down! Now, <Name>, let's grab something to eat so we can keep our wits about us!

Rupert: Alright, this is it! Let's go to the Glitz Hotel so I can switch places with the real Dr Pickering!
Gloria: We have a problem, <Name>! Pickering's not at the hotel, and he's not picking up his phone! I called reception and they said he'd mentioned going to the park!
Rupert: The park?! But he was supposed to stay put! We need him back at the hotel!
Gloria: Don't worry, Rupert. <Name> and I will go find Pickering at the park. You wait at the hotel!

Investigate Picnic Blankets.
Gloria: <Name>, I can't see Pickering anywhere! What if he's gotten into some kind of trouble?
Gloria: You say that torn paper wasn't here earlier? Well, if there's any chance Pickering might've dropped it, then we need to put it back together!

Examine Torn Photo.
Gloria: What the heck, <Name>? We're running around on high alert, and Dr Pickering is out here taking selfies in the sunshine?
Mortimer: <Rank> <Name>, my sincerest apologies! I lost track of the time!
Gloria: There you are! Forget the excuses, Dr Pickering! Just follow us - Rupert's waiting for you at the hotel!

Have Mortimer Pickering swap places with Rupert.
Gloria: Dr Pickering, we've received word that DreamLife will send a car to pick you up from the hotel at 6pm today.
Gloria: As you already know, Rupert will instead assume your identity and go under the dome. To ensure his cover isn't blown, you will enter witness protection tonight.
Mortimer: Then I suppose this is cheerio for now then, Rupert. Pity we didn't have time for tea and crumpets, but we'll have plenty of time for that once you're out, eh?
Rupert: Certainly! As soon as I find out what DreamLife is doing with that meteorite, we'll all be able to go back to our normal lives!
Mortimer: Take care, Rupert! And remember - if you ever find yourself in a pickle, just mention the Shergottite Age Paradox - it'll shut everyone up! And please, take this!

A little while later...
Rupert: Well, <Name>, I think I'm all set! Just need to put on my fake beard and...
Rupert: ... there! How do I look?
Gloria: The resemblance is uncanny! Although didn't Pickering have different glasses?
Rupert: Oh! You're right!
Rupert: There! Now all that's left is for me to wait for DreamLife to come and pick "Pickering" up! I won't lie, I'm a tad nervous!
Gloria: You'll be fine, Rupert! Besides, we'll be watching to make sure you're safe! But for now, let's go back to the station, <Name>!

Talk to the interim Mayor.
Joe: Ah, you must be <Rank> <Name>! Let me introduce myself - Joe Warren. I'll be stepping in as interim mayor until new elections can be held.
Jones: What can we do for you, Mayor Warren?
Joe: It's about the Demon Fish. You see, scientists and animal rights associations were outraged when Mayor Price's plan to exterminate the fish were made public.
Joe: So I've made arrangements to have them shipped off to an aquarium in San Diego instead!
Joe: The only problem is, I can't find the mayoral seal to stamp the documents! Mayor Price must've had it on her when she was killed!
Joe: Without that seal, I can't get anything done! I need you to find it!
Jones: Sounds like a simple enough task for <Rank> <Name>, Mayor Warren! We'll head to the animal control facility at once!

Investigate Animal Control Tanks.
Jones: Well, there's no sign of the mayoral seal, but this is clearly the ink pad that goes with it!
Jones: Do you think somebody might've stolen the seal, <Name>? With any luck, whoever it was might've touched that ink pad, too! Let's dust it for fingerprints!

Examine Ink Pad.
Jones: Alright, <Name>, Cathy's busy getting Rupert ready to go under the dome, so let's get those fingerprints on the ink pad to Amir! Hopefully they'll tell us who took the mayoral seal!

Analyze Fingerprints.
Amir: <Name>, I can't believe it's already time for Rupert to go under the dome! I'm so nervous for him!
Jones: Rupert's going to be just fine, Amir. Thanks to all that studying he's been doing, he knows Pickering's work inside out!
Jones: Anyway, did you manage to get an ID on those fingerprints on the ink pad?
Amir: I sure did. The person who touched that ink pad was Patricia P. Harris!
Jones: What the heck could Mrs Harris want with the mayoral seal, <Name>? We'd better ask her!

Confront Patricia P. Harris about stealing the mayoral seal.
Jones: Mrs Harris, can you explain why we found your fingerprints on this ink pad? The mayoral seal which goes with it has gone missing!
Patricia (sweating): Oh, dear. This is rather awkward...
Patricia: I was visiting the animal control facility to get an inspiration for a story I'm working on, you see. It's about a woman who falls in love with a fish!
Patricia: But then I noticed something on the floor - the mayoral seal! I thought that... that maybe I could reverse Mayor Price's decision to ban my books!
Jones: You stole the mayoral seal to forge official documents?! Do you have any idea of the number of laws you'd be breaking?!
Jones: Mrs Harris, you should have just taken this up with the new interim mayor! We're fining you for theft, and <Name>, I'll make sure that seal gets back to City Hall!

Later, at the office...
Chief Parker: <Name>, the interim mayor is delighted that you returned the mayoral seal to him so speedily!
Chief Parker: Thanks to you, the Demon Fish are on their way to an aquarium in San Diego as we speak! They're no longer a threat, once and for all!
Gloria: Which means we're finally free to focus entirely on getting under DreamLife's dome, <Name>!
Gloria: DreamLife should be picking up Pickering, or rather Rupert, from the hotel in half an hour!
Gloria: If everything goes to plan, they will then take Rupert under the dome, where he will be able to find out more about the meteorite and report back to us!
Chief Parker: Great! <Name>, you'd better head to your vantage point! We need to make sure the plan works and that Rupert's not any in danger!
Cathy: I've got binoculars and a listening device! With this, we'll be able to see and hear Rupert without anyone seeing us! Let's go, <Name>!

Make sure that DreamLife doesn't see through Rupert's cover.
At the vantage point...
Cathy: Here we are, <Name>! Thanks to this listening device, we'll be able to eavesdrop and make sure DreamLife believes Rupert to be Dr Pickering!
Cathy: Now, put on your headphones and grab your binoculars! I see a car approaching!

DreamLife Agent: Dr Pickering? I'm here to pick you up. Can I please see your credentials?
Rupert: Of course! I think you'll find everything is in order.
(The DreamLife Agent checks the files.)
DreamLife Agent: It would appear so. We're delighted to have you on board, Dr Pickering.
Rupert: Wonderful! I look forward to seeing what you're doing with that meteorite!

Back at the office...
Amir: So? How did it go, <Name>?
Cathy: The plan to send Rupert under the dome disguised as Dr Pickering went off without a hitch! DreamLife didn't suspect a thing!
Gloria: As for the real Dr Pickering, we've put him in witness protection both for his safety and for Rupert's!
Jones: I really admire Rupert. It takes guts to go undercover and pretend you're a world-famous geologist! I wouldn't be able to fool anyone!
Gloria: Good thing Rupert's been studying Pickering's work for weeks! And he won't be alone! Thanks to Cathy, he'll be able to contact us using his watch in case of an emergency!
Jones: Now that Rupert is on the inside, it's only a matter of time before we manage to make our way into that dome, <Name>!
